Sunday, December 27, 2015

Log of my freedom 25.12.15--Friday

6.37 am .heard flight saw it fly .Didnt come near mobile tower which is opposite to me window.
Analysis--Freedom at that time ? dicey.maybe it should be nearer
As i noted this Instantly Om Shakthi song was played loudly from nearby amman temple  like as if celeberating my shackles .Like as if i am their enemy .Sadistists .Hope they and their family suffer in the manner i have been made to.

7.02 am--Heard and saw fl over  one block of flats away on opposite eastern side flying southwards.
observation--felt free to think for few moments. sound of fli in Eastern direction.
Feeling --Again felt free a bit and buyount as i paid my salutations to early morning sun  and felt ,which human being can match its splendour or ever get the power Bhagwaan who created it?
Weaklings showing power on lesser weaklings.
obs--As i wrote this immediately temple music off and an full black crow started to crow if to say yes yes.
7.50-heard in east.
feeling--clearing of mind a bit but only analysis of politics of news which i glanced at news paper eralier.Why?
obs--A squirrel screeching hysterically.
My mind has been abused in a very extra ordinary manner.----today  27.12.15 read about non lethal weapons of  military on net .i was definetly and am still a target for such brutal methods of control.Amnesia, making a menopause woman pass fluids,pains ,attacking heart, etc  too brutal even to read .and it has been done on us.consistently since 2011.
 8.01.--Heard in en side
Feeling---anger.when i herad the voice of boisterous couple who have returned.
obs--Saw a lot of white dhothi clad beraded mus walk out from our flat  complex and leave.

8.18 --heard in e.
8.27 herad in east.
obs-Boisterous middle aged couple ,the earlier one and long time neigh  arguing.Feeling--anger at being abused by them openly and freely before general elections.Probably it was a diversion from a moment of freedom for myself.
8.41 heard in east.
feeling --indescisivness .
obs--Hand pump sound from opposite side.
conclusion --So actually a lot of freedom [am feeling grateful even for scraps being thrown,have been reduced to this level] as so many flightsbut at such times or just before their arrival near or overhead sounds which are all normal in day to day activities and i had accorded them just that regard and never bothered about such noises are now being delibetrately used to distarct me.They still could be normal ,only the deliberate switching off or blocking my hearing constantly and letting go for a purpose for the past 3 yeras  is irritating , provoking me.and also distracting me and making me lose focus on my normal life.What bitterness some one harbours at me.!
Thought what if software in my implant is cloned?So am i being constantly jammed ,to be always at a farcical ,shallow geity  ?Never to  delve into my true emotions,likes ,interests and beliefs? my thoughts ,etc are all now only forehead /scalp deep.
Abused before ge and also after.Former didn't have a sense of nationhood as well as respect to basic human ity and latter hasn't the courage to face the challenge by freeing me.I am caught inbetween

to be contd
viewers please go to and read it .it says intels and military use electronic gadjets  radio waves  and group stalking methods to torture lone activists,and others and that if the target  -victim  gets to know of this sick inhuman evidenceless punishments the micro wave attacks will be intensified .as has been done in my case
He calls them psychopaths  warming my mind   as i have been calling my gadget weilding group stalkers  for past 4 years as perverts and cold blooded killers.

contd blogging my 25 diary ,log today--30.12.15 in E.
Feeling---To get up and do chores although i had earlier determined to sit for sometime to note the flights .Controled that urge and waited.
obs--Gas cylinders being loaded  in the open space at front of temple.Hub started puja so nastying his wife -me by making me walk up and down and pull the switch timing it to a mororbike driven down from b  block mostly by mus men   and make me want to urinate and let it slip precisely at the time he lights the oil lamp .He doesn't know of all this and wouldn't believe it either but i have come to know by lfr announcing this incontinence by ringing the puja bell  I 'll eloborate on this in  a later blog.

Time--9.11am-Herad in E
Feeling --Thinking of delhi politics wondering whether ufr to me is like jung to ak. Heard in E
Said Om namo Narayana and Rama Rama Rajaram --happily as mind clears then and i guess i am free of eaves droppers or controllers.S o a moment precious ones all for myself.
obs--heard mental retarded youth blabber .An harmless fellow..Tall and fleshy.

Time --9.20am==Heard far away in E
obs--Mental retarded was blabbering.Hub opened the box housing Saligram as i heard the ribibg of the pujs bell as he did so.I was sitting in bedroom with back to wall yet felt the space below base of spine give out a scratching sensation making me want to scratch.i have tweeted about this nastying me and through me my hub,So the waves micro or infra red or whatever was being directed at me from floor below me,That is the only logical way possible to make me get that sensation as lights ,fans away from me in the front and side .Guessing as i don't know exactly how these gadgets can be used

 time--9.36-915 am Head in E ,9.42 herad in E.
obs --So many flights .If the implant in me is radio frequency then switching it off would be too cumbersome and  aslip can be dangerous for communications so logical thing to do is switch it off.But  mobiles and other electronic gadgets are used around me in 100' s so  what could the connection with flights be?

i guessed a day back that it could be used along with motorbikes ,auto;s driving loudly [to my controlled ears]up and down like it is said in people cooker com to get certain reactions my case i guess leaks.

  to be contd


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