Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Examining causes behind my conversion attempts.

Why was i suddenly pounced upon  in September 2014 to change my religion and when i refused to do so pressure  is exerted ever since to change my sect?

1.Was it because i called two very powerful leaders at centre and state names in my diary ,my personal diary , fed up with constant restraints on my freedom since 2012 ,though i didn't blog that diary page which had those names and bring it on actual public domain ,my blog site?
I have been calling my faceless harasser's names  like pervert on my blogs itself from much before ,so how did this sting ? So this is dicey.

2.Was it to remove any aura around me ,specially in the eyes of rightists viewers, the temple builders?That a person sharing experiences of Hinduism has been converted by mere pshycological warfare and tactics ?
They are actual performers ,so why would my writings without any corresponding activism raise my respect in their eyes? .Nobody  from that side came forward to hold my hand in sympathy or protest the open conversion attempts. which would have been done had i been so popular and respected.amongst them .
so this also dicey.

3.There is a implant in my teeth .deep within .So fixed horribly for life.I have a feeling all this constant attempts to convert me or make me change my sect is actually to do with this fixture in my denture.
Maybe the password  to this animal control are the names of the deities occurring in my daily prayer and in my japa.and in the  practise of writing columns of Rama's name  daily .
And this took place in 2011 September..Whenever i used think of  this  password or software which could be  written in  the control of my implant i used to get furious at the scant regard shown to my religious beliefs that to being a Hindu in a country,the only country  where it is has risen and is being   practised .continuously from time immemorial.and the fact that whilst my ancestors kept their religious belief intact despite  so many invasions i am being so shamelessly,brutally being treated like a animal in these modern democratic times.

4.This implant was done before GE .Maybe to control me by both the state as well as central govts.and maybe after the unexpected  tsunami at centre , maybe seculars closed ranks  and decided that my services [maybe international journo's read my blogs]should not be used by new master at the centre and therefore enacted this conversion /sect change and my jibes against the leader in here would have added ammunition to the process of liberalising me  started way back in 2011 so as  to culminate in its proper end viz change over to other humane ,rational ,compassionate religions.
That is if i stop my daily recitation of Hindu deities as would be the case in conversion with either Allah or parampita taking its place then my password  or software cannot be activated.and thus prevent thier rivals at centre from taking control over me and my writings specially for foreign audiences in the manner in which i was used pretty often by last regime .Let me note here that my writings were also used by all parties ,for speeches,ideas  etc .so no one is holier than the other.
i also decided not to write after GE as i got fed up of this  constant vomiting  on pages upon pages without writing something really good and substantial ,the way i am again doing now after my prayer .

Why sect change? same reason .i will not repeat my deities name but other sects deities and thus not trigger the software.

5.Another view.What if my software etc has been cloned and i am also being used by enemies of the state?Then i become a security issue and easiest way out would be to convert me or aid or turn blind to those waiting to convert me.In this even centre could be involved.Would any one believe this?Riding on Hindu wave and then aid conversion to another religion, as the easiest way out. ?
OK if that is the case no authority came forward to tell me that  i had become a security issue.So dicey
Or is it that they were confident in tackling me after jamming my head, and then scare me out of this public platform  by squeezing liquids out of me and still doing it.                                                                              , Going by people cooker com my case fits exactly into what he has listed as the techniques employed to stop targeted people.
Conclusion --Since my directions are known to so many people deployed to stalk me even when i have no mobile or purse on me makes me feel sure that GPS or some such thing is in my tooth and have been fixed horribly ,inhumanly for life by my own dear compatriots .
By filing defamation cases against me and keeping me busy in courts or even  filing a fir and throwing me into jail  or blocking my blogs on net with 404  would have been the right and sufficient  .                                    Trying to stop me by sly and sick in human  methods in the first instance has clearly boomeranged. As  i could be a security issue . Every one had a finger in the pie ,speeches,ideas etc as no one raised their voice against this  .                                  
Irony is that apart from this inhuman intrusion i am constantly punished for expressing my views on public affairs and for attempting to unravel the sly networks around me.

The question may arise on viewers reading  my analysis as to why i didnt aproach a dentist to remove the casing and thus remove the offending fixture within .
First i didnt know that a gps could have been implanted in my teeth till 2014 , i apealed on this site to tell me as to was being done to me .one morning i went to the beach  to see the immense sea  and chase away the blues and also to  have a along walk in the sands,unhindred by traffic on way back took an auto .He looked left and right quite pointedly. though he had no occasion to do so,Again in another outing the auto driver did the same .He was looking at girls and women and  dirt and garbage on the other.He too was a looking from left to right  but his focus on these two diverted my .focus. it was much later somehow all of  a sudden i realised that may be a device to show directions was with me. and even much later that such a device could be within myself that is in my body .And then i surfaced the net and got the info 'about animal/ human implant and then  i realised that even without cameras my position could be pinpointed,and i cast   my mind on the surgeries i underwent in past and the only one was that rootcanal surgery in 2011.

As next step went to a dentist who refused to remove the cap on my tooth saying mischievously that if he did it would harm both the small and big teeth within thus putting fear very easily into my mind weakened and still weak by constant uv attacks and i dropped the idea of removing the cap thinking that the implant is embedded too deep probably on a nerve, so deep that its removal would either be life threatening or  immobilise/paralyse  me.

Don't know the truth  and if i approach a court with what evidence will i ask for a court supervised medical advise?How and why should they believe my petition .Won't it appear fantastic and too farfetched?

Have i been diverted from this very basic demand and request of mine to restore my freedom of movment  by  diverting my attention away from it and make me focus solely on this charade of conversion , and bogey of sectarianism ?

Why should i be held like a dog on leash? If this is doing of politicians don't they have the confidence in me  or the confidence  to deal with what ever is the outcome of my writings? Isn't my writing the crux of the matter?
How can they call themselves leaders when they have millions votes/trust in their finger tips but fear the writings or blogs of a solitary non entity like me? In fact the more i am treated in this animal like fashion more would i be gathering sympathy and even fame.An fame  that could be exploited by those who maynot be in the least bothered about me or the leaders involved in this to detriment to one or both,

So why can't the authorities reading this or knowing about all this very well, remove this  inhuman implant in my teeth  and free me?
Should i teach the cookers the ways to get me admitted in a hospital ?All that they need to do is use the uv's cause pain and make me visit a Dentist or some other doctor and remove this.Since it is not being done it shows lack of concern  and will.

Osho's lines come to my mind all of a sudden.We fear  politicians because they have the power to kill.

In all my life i have felt  very free to move around .No prohibition to speaking my mind in my house or amongst friends  on any matter  , so had full freedom  of expression  i never ever had the occasion to question the privacy  my house, or rooms in hotels and always felt that  my thoughts are for myself  and never questioned this either.All this changed in  2012 when each of my rights ,i didn't even think of them as rights just a part and parcel of  my life like all those people around me do,was demolished and the statusquo remains 'It is nearly 4 years ,hence ..                                                                                                                         I am being made to crib like those leftisits who are forever finding shackles to freedom [though none of them would have a gps in thier skin] and  faults in the system .Why is it being allowed?

After celeberating Pongal by cooking sweet pongal  today viz15.1.16 saw a video of  a presentation on Sanskrit and science in which it mention sthe relation between reciting sanskrit slokas or silent japa as is done in meditation to creativity .It says such japa ehhances coherence io the right side of the barain which is the seat for creativity whilst writing triggers the left which deals with rationaland logical thinking.

To me in  June 2014 it was shown that my japa will bring death in my family-ailing b.i.l and  later bub whose death took place exactly at the time of my meditation  and my writing of ramanama is also not welcome but degree of punishment for the latter  is lesser.
so this also means that those fearing my creative thoughts and  writings  which they may have been linked to my  meditation in form of japa which i was continuing to so  even  after closing of all other avenues of meditation   available to me like watching stars or sunrise and sun set and long morning walks in cool and peaceful sorroundings  by constantly distracting me by vigorous activities of neigh and strangers since 2012 ,decided to stop this as 2014.

I have written quite a few  pieces  in this long gap away from net and ordinary and  normal life .Will blog them later.


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