Thursday, August 24, 2017

Decision on Right to privacy

When i studied Law in  late 1970's my lecturer on Constitution had said that right to privacy was part of right to liberty and it is fundamental right and had supported this view with rulings of Suprerme court .

So i find nothing so remarkable in the current judgement over this matter which has only reitrated its earlier interpretation of the Constitution. .

The fact i knew of this inalienable  fundamental right  guarenteed to a citizen was what which made me protest against the forcible invasion into my privacy by means of implant in to my body, and all those shadowy procedures that were carried out on me and is still being carried out .

Even today after the judgement was delivered and received with great fanfare by media i was subject to restrictions on this fundamental right to my privacy.

Whole morning kids were stationed with big mobiles in thier hands on a parked auto right outside my bedroom window .Maybe to transmit our conversations and thoughts in the "privacy of my house'  to some one beyond which  may very well include this media ,the champion of liberties of a select few.

As soon as i said some slokas  in the' privacy 'of my house in the 'privacy 'of my mind a garbage truck drove down as if signalling  the success of the conversion .My body was turned this way and that to nasty me. The irritating  sounds [amplified] on my ceilings didn't stop .

In actual life will  any person or authority adhere to this  9 judge ruling on  Right to privacy  and stop mining data from me/us?

Will this judgment stop the  evesdroppers from listening in to our conversations and thought like as if  it is their fudamental right  to do so ?Will it stop all those playing with my body parts  like as if they own it?

.Those determined to invade my privacy are doing it and  did it when this decision was relayed on all news channels  and will do it .

Would be naive if i too joined that celeberating bandwagon like as if  the judgment is a magic wand that will usher in the said freedom to me.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Implant extracted?

A Dentist finally pulled out my root cannalled tooth on 17 th .The tooth which i was sure encased a chip or some such thing [even chipless ones that act on reflections and not on battery and much cheaper are also used in such implants as per Vericop company's brochure in  internet] under its ceramic cap to control my movements and to keep track of me , maybe even to send suggestions and orders .

In detail---

On 17 th evening set out of the house with the determination to visit as many Dentists as possible in the vicinity and find one who would extract that tooth .

Entered the Dental clinic in Arcot road which was under renovation  and the Dentist was expected only at 6.30 pm .It was only 5 pm .then .So set out towards the park where i vaguely remembered seeing one.A stout policeman on a motorbike either followed me or went ahead of me as and when i entered Arcot road .

Midway i decided to enquire in a health centre  A  pet dog barked from nearby.[probably implying that i was a dog on leash as i was suddenly taking this unwanted detour] Saw a smartly dressed North eastern woman  with a huge the gateIgnored and went in .The receptionist said that they were only testing lab but confirmed that a clinic was there at road end,Came out .Saw that NE I turned my right ear towards her and she shut her phone and left ,disappointed.
 Walked further down  .In the cross roads near  the park the policeman on my  duty  went ahead and looked suspiciously at the  two left side junctions and went away.

Spotted a tiny clinic  in front of the park.Went in .The woman receptionist greeted me and asked to wait as Doctor was on his way.Tiny ac room .Observed time .It was 5.30 pm.A young woman came in sat on my left and started talking about Kutcherry ,academy etc on her cell .Noticed that had left her foot wear  outside  .Asked the receptionist should i leave mine outside,She said yes .So went out and left and came back.Now my right ear was on that woman's side.I stood on .Why? No idea.Maybe obeying orders.  She left  hurriedly immediately.

Then the Doctor came breezing in .Young maybe not so young as he could be in his mid thirties like Vidat would have been now. Was called in He did what all Dentists did  -gesture towards the Dental chair a reclining one with instruments all around making it difficult to get my message across lucidly and seriously.
So i told him i ll sit on this stool  and tell you my problem .
Told him about the metallic grating sound i hear whenever i chew on that root cannalled tooth  and it was irritating and i want that tooth removed .Naturally i didn't tell about implant etc as he wouldn't have believed it  .But it is also a fact that i was hearing that irritating grating sound  since 2011 and i scarcely could use that tooth for chewing.

Lay on the chair .He took a a x ray on the spot .unlike the xray at Apollo where i had to go to another room .It was a  instant and small image. He said my tooth looked fine and strong but would remove it if it was causing me discomfort..I said yes do remove it .
He injected a local anesthesia into my gumsand started chipping of the metal .Then he asked do you hear the sound i have taken off the metal but ceramic cap is there. I chewed and found the ceramic grating..and told him so.
There was a small computer right in my front towards my left..Two Bullets passed with a few minutes interval.When  the second one went and that metal was taken off the message came --internet connection failed .Then  computer  came alive again.

I told him to remove the ceramic cap which he did and was proceeding to cap it again with his , though i couldnt see i felt that he was doing something which i didn't want . I had put my gold bangled hand under the apron as i know its reflection can cause some problems. So i asked him what are you doing  in a slurred manner as my mouth was numb.He said i have removed the cap and am filling  cement .I said No .Don't.He stopped I got up and went to the toilet.

Again back to the seat.The dentist said Madame' you look like Jayalalitha .I had worn my old blue silk saree.
I said 'Oh even my son  in his childhood used to say that '. [  my  7-8 year old son in 1990's had  found a similarity with his plump amma and the CM's posters and used to point her to me and say amma   ]

He said that my root was very strong but the tooth was three fourth gone and it was unethical for him to remove such a good teeth.He was admiring my tooth from a Dentist point of view!And said he will put a plastic cap instead of metal.He may be genuine in his but who knows as to what will be put into it without his knowledge or what if the chip or whatever that alien object is in the root?

Those two dental surgeons in 2011 gave a hour long  pain probably due to slicing off my good tooth to its roots to put it in .

He said something about tooth fracture .like the Appollo doc said.Found it funny that a tooth can get fractured during extraction and that my another tooth [which had a root canal done on it when i was in Delhi age 22] would  loosen and generally my chewing capacity will come down .He then asked do you hear agrating sound now .I chewed and didnt hear in left ear but did hear mildly in my right ear .He said maybe it is that older filled in tooth .Go for a cap .I said no.
Then he said no cap means your  tooth will catch a infection and it will  cause pain and will have to be removed .Matter of time.
I said go ahead and pull it off now itself   i am not going for a cap
The computer screen was on.
Then he said fine  i will do it as customers discomfort is more important.and started pulling it out with tongs and insisted i keep my eyes open.It was scary to see the tongs and wondered why he wanted me to keep my eyes open.
He twisted and turned my root and  laboured  a lot to pull  out one It was painful..The computer screen went blank.For the other root he had to do surgery.For that i hardly felt any pain .He took it out and showed the blood soaked tooth admiring its strength!

He said that i had a lot of bleeding Asked me if  i was dizzy.I didn't feel.He prescribed tablets asking me to take them within half an hour  so as to bear the pain which he said would be quite unbearable.Fee nominal.

Came out  .Should i walk back?Decided not to push my body too far.Took a auto. bought medicines enroute .It had become dark. When i entered the compound a flat resident [Hindu Brahmin] crossed me .He had shocked me in 2012 or 2013 by going in front of me when i was returning from morning walk and saying ju ju like one does to lead  a dog when i entered our area..The new dark watch man glared at me.The residents of the other three flats on my floor had left,by then curiously together on a temple trip.

Came up .Maybe 7.15 pm.Changed the stained saree , lit the oil lamp and rushed  to the balcony and removed clothes from line as it had started to rain..

When i went into the kitchen to get my plate my hear twisted and i  turned.and came to the dining table to have some curd rice as suggested by doc before taking in medicines.,tremors started wracking my body head to foot . They were uncontrollable.I just couldn't stop them What was happening to me?Alzeimers or Parkinson or seizure? Was some nerve affected in that surgery?I rubbed my hand and legs , walked up and down,  sat on chair , no those terrible shivers wouldn't go .Would i pass away before my husband comes from  his usual evening outing?Laughed at myself. for over reacting.Thought if i die now i will do so laughingly.and my face would have a smile.

The shivering was akin to one i felt when i had Malaria.The shivering is internal and no rug can stop it.The tremors went up and down .I had to take tablets which could arrest it Eating rice out of question as my teeth was chattering.So made oats with shaking hands added some milk and gulped a bit with trembling hands and bodyThen found the simple job of prising open the tablets Herculean .somehow managed it and popped them in and went to my bed hoping the medicines and pain killers  would start acting soon dropping the routine of cooking for the night.
Shivers didn't leave .Should i ring up the doctor?Went to kids room there it reduced . was it due to mobile and other stuffs i had kept there ?Heard that chupchup  from cosmos next flat--backing of car. Also heard a man selling salt. suggesting that i  was taken for a ride?
That it was a wasted surgery , only pain and no gain for me                                                                            Pushed those thoughts aside to be chewed upon later ,and came to fridge remembering the doc saying take something cold.Had a glass of chilled water ,It reduced the shivers.They nearly stopped

I was shaking for more than half an hour from 7.20pm to 8 pm Nothing happened in the clinic or on my way back.So it is this house which is a trap The micro waves making things worse .
Again went to bed and napped  and woke up when i always get up to have my dinner--8.30On dot.So this removal has not stopped  the link between flights and my activities.There is a flight at 8.30 pm and i have to get up.and change direction of my ears whether i actually want to do so or not.Felt a lot better.

That night was woken up twice despite tranquilisers to demonstrate how i still  press my body as per commands  with autos leaving down the  street screeching as if signalling that outer control and there fore it was futile to go in for such a painful extraction in the belief that i would overcome it !Rubbing salt on my wound.Heard dogs bark at a distance in south direction.The direction of the enemy.It was 3.30am.

Morning felt ok but not too fit .Again shivers in the morning and at noon .mild .At noon saw a muslim neigh with his grand child standing on the road The shivers left only when he moved away from that spot So were my shivers deliberately induced ?Was there a control in that tooth which would make me move in such away as to receive pain or to escape from it by changing my positions as punishment and reward and also  to keep me off from rivals poaching?

How are my movements still controlled ? Is there another chip inside that older root canalled tooth? Or is it the one having the control?Those surgeons could have done anything in 2011 .Was it a waste? One cheering thought is that the doc said the older one will get loosened on removal of this tooth sooner or later .Now a days removing parts of my body  seems to be a cheering thought not because they have detoriated but because they are being used to intrude to make me feel ashamed  and even alarmed at sudden abnormalities and to, control and exploit me systematically for years.It could do with politics.

next day had fever and pain in that cavity so lay flat .Yesterday pain persisted  whole day and i found a link between persons having mobile and standing on that spot and with that pain .Even animals stop  attacking when its enemy is down but not so with these persons.They are attacking me more when i am weak and increasing the pain  to unbearable levels.The pain suddenly left at  7.10 pm .

Did i acheive any thing at all with this removal?The freedom that i wanted? Am i free from the veil of illusion thrown over me by constantly tracking me and then casing me and then  making me write?Maybe.

I think that other residents in my floor leaving together abruptly when i visited the clinic could be to use the adjacent flats to beam micro waves liberally into my flat , in particular, into me ,maybe , again to make me write, as there is a terrific veiwership for my writings viz diary writing  wrung out of my pains. and maladies.All those persons who can attack a person as old as me when in real pain as was demonstrated yesterday  wouldn't have  hesitated to raise the scale  to extract a good story out of me .

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Yayati's observation on Destiny..

Destiny is all powerful.Both power and exertions are fruitless.The wise whatever thier portion may be  should neither exult or grieve.After overcoming the effects of acts, all created things from insects , stones onwards will unite with supreme soul .

Happiness and misery are transient.

We can never know how we are to act in order to avoid misery .Therefore none should grieve for misery .

From  -Adi parva,Mahabharat

Reason for Yayati's fall from heaven.

Sculpture of Lord Indra
Yayati spent along time in heaven after reaching it on his death.He ascended to heaven and spent a long time there owing to the severe austerities he  had performed .like meditating on one leg for several  years and living only on air.

He wandered around in the heaven talking to devas and rishis .One day Yayati went to Indra's abode and there in course of conversation the Lord of the earth  was asked  by Indra the lord of Devas  as follows--

'You retired into woods after accomplishing all your duties ,O Yayati son of Nahusa .I would ask you  ,to whom are you are equal in ascetic merits'?.

Yayati answered, 'O Vasava i donot in the matter of ascetic austerities behold my equal among men, the celestials, the Gandharvas or  the great Rishis.'

Indra then said 'O king because you disregard those that are your superiors, your equals and even your inferiors without in fact knowing their real merits , your virtue has suffered dimunition and you must fall from heaven '

Upon this Yayati fell from region of celestials and landed on earth .

From   Adiparva  of Mahabharat

Yayati's prescription for removal of fear.

Yagna at Tiruamala
Study , taciturnity , worship before fire and sacrifises remove fear.

He warns that if one boasts as to how much he has studied or the number of yagnas he has performed then that person will lose all his merit and become even more  fearful.

From  Adi parva  of Mahabharata 

Yayati's realisation.

Yayati a great ruler of ancient India lived for 1000 years leading life of pleasure  and dedicating every second of his long life to satiation of every desire of his.Yet the king found that his appetites were not satiated.

The king  puzzled  at this recollected the following truths contained in the Puranas ---

"Truly one's appetites are never satiatd by enjoyment.On the other hand like sacrificial butter poured into fire ,they flame up with indulgence.Even if one enjoyed the whole earth with its wealth, diamonds , gold animals and women, one may not yet be satiated.
It is only when one does not commit any sin respect of any living thing in thought, deed or speech, it is then that he attains to purity viz Brahman.

When one fears nothing and when one is not feared by anything , when one wishes for nothing , when one injures nothing , it is then that one attain to the purity of Brahman."

Realising the truth in the above observation, Yayati  who had performed severe penances so as to be eternally youthful in order to enjoy each and every pleasure on the earth and lived for 1000 years after swapping his old age with his young son,  learnt by  his experience that ones desires can never be satisfied

.He thence forward started performing severe penances and set his mind at rest by meditation  at the end of which  shed his mortal when  old age assailed him  .and then he  ascended to the heavens.

From      Adi parva -  of  Mahabharat.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Age and sex no bar?

I ve been doing the rounds to banks  so as to start cashing in on my senior citizen status and increase few points of interest rate in  my FDS despite terrific obstacles to my activity through mobiles and pain in my teeth, jaws and throat that it suddenly struck me, the utterly inhuman and sadistic nature of my continuing torture .

Even in a  proper jail a woman in her middle years would not have been subject to such tortures the way i am being subject in past 5 years The sound of  high decibel electric saw in stereofonic sound, i was made to hear within my forehead in 2012 for one whole month would have made the most hardened extremist [young male] a bundle of nerves.Heard such tortures were done on such people but never heard it being done on a woman that to aged 55 !
Has any one heard of a 55 year old woman being implanted with animal control  chip any where in the world? Our country and this state  has this sadistic distinction.The cases of  implants including forcible implants, i read on net were of much much younger persons that to only men.

Why was it so pertinent to control me thus and continue to do so? What is there to fear of a 60 year old woman and is this the way to control her?

If there is no implant then some other technique is used to turn my head this way and that way . Is this how a senior citizen which our govt gives so many concessions recognising  the disabilities associated with that age ,be given pain in limbs , teeth , jaws every now and then, for her very thoughts? Even a woman in jail will not be tortured the way i am being.
It is utterly despicable that youths with light skin who look like  Nepalese or from North east  and younger than my son and all sorts of men young --middle aged ones with red kumkum  on their foreheads have to leer and revel in in causing physical discomforts in my private parts .Where is their decency ?where is Indians basic decency gone to?.Does politics  and lure of money scotch away such basic courtesies we learn in our family?

Next has any one heard of a 57 old  year woman having her head twined painfully and forcibly  for a whole month in a shadowy manner  in the pretext that  it was in interest of this state and nation  and its people to do so? it was done to me .without my family's consent or my consent Has anyone also heard of a 57 year old woman made to flush out liquids , squeezed out from inner organs , a procedure that is slowly eating her insides and blanking out her mind and is also  subject  on daily basis to stinging pricks in delicate parts on the pretext of galvanising/provoking her ,a woman of 60 year to action?It is being done to me!This  is .'no touch torture  ' which is totally against nature  .What is  planned for me next?Make me conceive?Make me have sextuplets?

In which state of India or  country  of the world would such unthinkable tortures be done on a woman of 60? That to  over a long period of time?5 years from 2012 till now--2017  and may be will continue for some more years?
Is any woman's thoughts read  and  activities inside her ,even the private ones  in her  house seen and then broadcast from nearby public place viz the temple nearby so as to shame her ?It is being done to me.Terrorists, corruption offenders ,rapists  and criminals  are allowed to cover their faces in front of camera.Their shame and self respect  is more important than mine --a 60 year old  home maker ..!                                                                                                                             I am still being constantly provoked by noises which became too irritating to bear after 2012 sound blasting of my head and am constantly ribbed , that all this done because i hardly speak.I am supposed to be a dumb little girl? The dumb badge and bodily pains are   given to me for not speaking  up for minorities.Why should i ? When i am in receiving end of intolerence and was in terrific grip of fear of muslims from 2014 --2016 ?The terrible years when i felt totally isolated from my [hindu] community and felt that i was in Taliban Afghanistan or in a conservative Arab country  though living amidst Tamilians, and Hindus in Chennai?

                             When  I myself  desparately  want some one to speak up for me and give me support,all those who are  forcing me  to speak up and bleed  for other communities are out of their mind . After such a bad experience of making me feel that i was no longer indian, hindu but living in a separate realm  populated only by intimidating  muslims whose  practises are  totally opposite to mine but forced upon me, how can any one expect it of me?Is it humanely possible for any one who has escaped  tormentors to speak up for them?
Who ever did this to me in 2014 has  made me  allergic to  the very presence of Muslims around me.

                                                                                  Now the fear has waned but my memory that i was made a laughing stock by such communities  and thier secular hindu backers from 2012 onwards , is still fresh.

                                                                                                                               .As far as intolerence  goes, i am a old hand, a vetren victim  who has been in the  receiving end of  .Intolerance...Intolerence to my freedom of expression , intolerence to pursue my religion [Hinduism] freely, . intolerance to my property  and privacy rights  and intolerance to my very self  started way back in 2012 itself.when the 'secular's   held sway. .The only difference was that intolerance towards me  which i was already experiencing escalated  double, triple fold after 2014 with change of rule at centre.
                                                       My case in reality is converse.,Despite being  a  member of the majority Hindu community i started experiencing fear  of minorities and seculars ,and was burdened with excessive shackles to  my ordinary freedoms  in Chennai  since 2012..I have been living for decades in Chennai but never experienced such fear or obstacles to my freedom  in the manner in which i was  forced to feel  from  2012. onwards. Did any one come and speak up for me? Did any one offer thier support?Same silence.So who is dumb ?is it me or is it those who are selectively silent?

 . When i was speaking freely on the net on public issues  from 2007 -2011, i was  given various pains  and then sound blasting  and ,public ragging/sort of lynching, to stop me from being frank  and express  my truthful  observations on the net in my blogs .and was literraly forced out of
                                                                                                           To top it all was the one month long  in 2014 September conversion attempts on me through the same secretive methods .Neither did the brigade that was so agitated by Ghar wapasi and rights of individuals nor did  the so called defenders of Hindu faith and culture  come to my aid.To the seculars my rights hardly count .To them i am a animal . May be they felt and still feel that  conversion would do me good.It would make a person out of  the animal i am  in their eyes. 
                                                                                                                                   May be i am also a animal  to the Hindu culture defenders -Hindu hypocrites ,who defend and protect selectively So why should they waste thier time by protesting  loudly or try to stop it   if a donkey or ass is being converted to other religions ,right under thier nose?And where are the temple builders?Not one comes to my aid when i visit temples and help prevent any denigration right in front of the sanctum .nor help me pursue  our religion peacefully in my house.

                                                    But now suddenly i am expected to speak up  and blog or even write in my diary on news that channels are repeatedly telecasting. When nobody is bothered about my plight why should i be bothered about someone else's issues  shown on tv??Got  bored of all of this and for refusing to be a masochist i am given all these shots like how shots are given to cows and buffaloes to extract milk when it goes dry;

Is anywhere in the world a woman of 60 who is not in politics or public life wanting to lead a peaceful life at home  disallowed to do so  by external shadowy forces?

It is also being hinted that all this is for my mental well being, another ailment  of mine requiring  intervention .If i went crazy at age 55  due to my grief and if  the persons were truly interested in my mental well being as is being hinted why wasn't my family taken into confidence?What is so hush hush about this that only i have to know all this?  Why should not these bleeding hearts who are so very  bothered about my 'health'  not talk to me straight away face to face  and tell me as to what the problem is instead of sending me micro wave  messages , indecipherable hints through suggestions and   ,antics of birds animals and children around me?

                                                                                                            The very secretive nature of  this process of 'setting me right ' makes me suspicious that it was and is intended only to use me.In fact my mental well being has gone for at toss after 2012 due to cruel methods done to me .I started going on see saw of emotions only after  breaking me with loud sounds.Like i said even a young terrorist would have  nerves frayed completely under such sounds .Probably the ruling dispensation saw me as a dangerous saffron extremist [ hence treated like a terrorist would be, that to at 55 years of age!] on one hand and a dangerous anti corruption activist operating from her computer!
                                                                                 Nothing much has changed  for me even after a change of rulers .Still in this invisible  torture  prison in which  my age  is  of no consequence.though all my identification cards say i am 60 .In a jail its inmates would receive some payments for work done .Nothing of that sort for me in my prison .where it is only slave labour..

All those who know how i can get out of this or defend myself by explaining few thing are keeping mum.All those keeping mum live right next door It is either fear of authority or fear of losing their  hen [me] that lays plenty of golden eggs.

Very simple day to day activities like some  quiet moments in a small puja  in my house ,since 2014 and visiting temples  since, 2011 has been turned into Herculean tasks for me.To cap it all such disruptions are accompanied by all round  gloating .
Will any body believe that this would happen to a Hindu in a state and country having hindus in majority?If i cannot be a Hindu in my country with day to disruptions by athiests, jaundised eyed sick seculars  and coveteous converters and corrupt exploiters, may be i have to migrate to another country may be western democracies  and sit in a foreign soil free from such disrupters just to do my small puja every day!And visit temples there peacefully hoping  that i have shaken off this determined band of  aggressive atheists , sick seculars and  shameless converters off my back .

On the eve of Independance day i am sounding seditious and even anti national.But this is the truth .The govt  and hindus around me have  failed to protect me though i keep on blogging and writing about this. More worrying to me than the govts  failure to protect me   is the suspicion  that may be the govts themselves have a role in all this .The mind to mind conversion ,mind to mind conversations ,importantly the fact that our lives [activities and pains] are conditioned by flights which are also used in conversion, bespeaks of role of agencies that must be connected to the Govt.

I hope  that none of those in other communities and their  sick secular backers equate themselves with me in the converse  and that none of the  Hindu hypocrites equate my current plight to centuries old past resentments  and  thus ridicule me further  and make a mockery out of my geniune hardships by doing so.and thus weaken my case .

Saturday, August 5, 2017

On 10 th anniversary.

Dear son,
               My head has been stitched so tight that i cannot even mourn for you on your 10 th anniversary, so sorry sorry.

Your mother is unable to give you even this respect so sorry sorry again,

Mourning is a private affair ,your mother no longer enjoys that privacy , so sorry again,

All the money i spend in charity in your memory has become a meaningless ritual as it is no longer done  with a tear shed in your memory ,by  recollecting  our  good and bad times together.So sorry again

For the past five  years i can't even bring to my mind your face nor recollect our happy days together My memories have been wiped out by series of thunderbolts striking my head.I have been terrorised and humiliated so much that it is despicable that i am pulling along .Sorry son i donot have your guts .

Your mother remembering you with emotions and feelings a true tribute to your memory has been cut down to a mere 7 year period as you see your recollection is said to harm this state and may be this well.I can do nothing about so sorry sorry again,

Emotions, feelings and intellect which could bridge the yawning space  between us in a second  and remove my loneliness  no longer exists and i have lost your nearness really truly  for the past 3 years as nearly every memory about you and even myself have been systematically erased  .You are the only person in this entire world to give  me so much affection and respect  and the only person in this world  to retain it by leaving when it was intact.In my trying times that gratitude i had for your affection for me was a pillar of strength .For in the past 3 years in  the relentless cleansing and vaccuming that  my mind is subject to  i have lost that sense of gratitude .so sorry sorry again for denying you your due..

My son,the insults, humiliation and the pain that pushed you to the brink  is nowhere near to what is being done to you  by your own mother .She has forgotten you! I have been forced  to insult you thus.Even if it is beyond my control sorry sorry again.

That a  dead person who can no longer defend himself  could also be  in the receiving end of  hatred  by strangers  though he was not a dictator or a public figure in life  is what i got to know 3 years back.You my son  have that unfortunate distinction .Sorry that i can do nothing about it

Sorry again for not making money out of the blog as intended  by you for your mother .

Sorry for denting your pride in your mother,s vocabulary and  knowledge and your keeness in wanting the world to know about it by snuffing it all within 4 years of your departure  The mother you  knew and respected  no longer exists.She has been constantly broken down  and 'cleansed 'of all her 'unacceptable' wisdom and 'vile 'knowledge for the past 6 years to make a laughing stock and  fool of herself  much to the delight of those'  warriors' who are fighting with a dead man  . 

Friday, August 4, 2017

Importance of Mahabharata

What ever is spoken about virtue , wealth , pleasure and salvation may be seen elsewhere but what ever is not contained in this is not found anywhere .

From Section LXII of Adi Parva of Mahabharat.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Red under line

Yesterday whilst i was blogging some words were persistently underlined in red as if to indicate the role of various people in the peculiar situation i am in .How far it is true i cannot verify .i made a list and am blogging it .
1.There is a implant  in my tooth.It facilitates the controlling of my movements .Center is in charge of the control

2.A Muslim nosy parker is responsible for making me confess and forgive in my half wakefullness state and thus wipe out my past memory, specially regarding  my late son Vidat.So confession in Tirumala is not due to Christians but due to  Muslims,

3.Pressurre is often applied in  my head .body etc.

4.TV is main source of micro wave radiation and not ac or clock or specs or gadgets.

5.Some one in our flat controls koels singing plus our movements.No key regarding crow, squirrels ,pigeons , cats , etc antics

6.That back pack in temple was  a right..

7.The word Analysing was underlined--So all this hulla bulla around me is for my analysis

Earlier underlinings

Scooters sound--It is used in this dirty game of control over my body and mind

Enactments--Whilst blogging  about my visits to Dentist to cap that implant in gold the 5 year old girl came out sobbing loudly and bitterly unlike her usual sing song wails .Which could mean that if i capped it or removed it i am in for a terrific grief [ i am supposed to be that girl - a child with 5 year old mentality]Her mother[State] was consoling her and her  father[centre] [who may  have put  the pressure on her head  whilst  probably sleeping to make her cry, poor kid  suffers a lot because of me] didn't come out..

 Let me do my fabled analysing.

1, So the pressing of my body by myself or others right in front of Srinivasar in Tirumala  since 2014 in last two yearly  was due to center as it controls my movements .

Sick! Hypocrites.Lack true regard for religion though it proclaims itself to have great respect for Hindu religion and culture.If control was in centre from  2012  onwards the earlier Cong govt was better in this aspect.It never did such things to me in temples though it appears to be anti hindu and  defenders only of minorities.
This time no pressing maybe because i tore my BJP membership card and disposed it off.Thank god Thank Srinivasar.that i got away from that party.Is this how they treat their women members?Sex objects to be under strict control?

2.                                                                                                                                                                         Is Muslim nosy parker obliterating memory of Vidat because my grief makes me  see and observe and write about Hindu practises in new light around me which he may think would influence those in power to enforce Hindu practises? This NP -short form of Nosy parker has a wide net of Muslims who can be pressed into service in a  than jiffy.Who is it? Selfish brutes .Worse than the brain washing done in  North Korea or earlier communist its own intelligence  and police.on its own citizens.
This fellow for selfish gains or pre coping or preempting any influence i may have is infringing into my most private and fundamental rights and is squashing my identity and trying to impose a new one .That to when? When i am 60 years of age.

Both NP and HH --short form of Hindutva hypocrites are perverts.But Np is worse than HH

HH sort of  let go of me  when i quit their party .But this NP  pervert who had no right over me in first place as i wasn't  member of any political party in 2012 or organisation nor am i now  is claiming undue rights over my body and mind.
hh--implant controllers were provoking me to anger in my temple visits but this np is wiping out my very identity in a very sly and secretive manner when in sleep or in rest which is tough to ward off.

Do my frequent trips to loo at night denote end of each session of systematic wiping out of my memory and am i flushing out my memory and myself .Vans leave when i go to loo as if signalling the success of brain washing.Husbands trips to loo  are in the morning prayer and  naps heralded by tinkling  of puja bells  from other flats.
This pervert is obliterating our identity, self respect and regimenting us to what that pervert thinks is correct and right thinking.
in return journey  in the morning a small kid kept screaming shrilly after every hour waking up husband  it was probably heralding the  end of  his flushing session after we passed into. Tamilnadu In AP that family of 4 was quiet and dour.

Wanted to find out who that np was hence blogged ,no keys so far.

What if hh and np are complementing each other in thier quest to control us?

Another take away .

The way np is acting with impunity shows the power and influence Muslims weild in a country which is pre dominantly populated by Hindus and there are no objections to his interference in life of a  Hindu couple.Amazing!
i am warned of dire consequences by upper floor resident muslim in a indirect way  when i am  writing and a part of it  is seen by him as affecting Muslim interests  and also punished for it with bodily pains .

The bullet sound makes me write on and on it is 11 am

Ok let me do so
Every one around wants to humour Muslims and fear to interfere in their intersts or religion.I was like that , was brought up like that and remained thus till 2012But when i found them poking their nose in my affairs  , my rights viz blogging   i shed my 55 year long ambivalence and determined to fight for my rights.My attitude changed.I am not interfering in your life or religion and i expect you to reciprocate if not i will exercise my legal rights If your interests are paramount for me my rights are paramount.The right to pursue my religion ,the right to share it, right to my property and my right to voice my opinion freely.The rights for which my grand father agitated against the Britishers.
My husband was amazed at the way i persisted in blogging as  he was aware of indirect threats to it through terror tactics in 2012.
i neither have  hatred or excessive sympathy towards them to  be either be harsh or to cow down .I  have seen them as equals as i didn't carry any  historical baggage and i was only battling for my rights..

Hh shame me .Shame our country,s prestige and confidence by not trusting its citizen to think and act for herself by keeping me in such a base animal control .As shameful as its predeccsor, lacking confidence in self and in others.

Np's --By obileterating my memory of Vidat and others i will not all of a sudden lose interest in Hinduism.I ll still be a Hindu in essence and find gems from ancient Hindu texts to share on line.The more my mind is cleansed and the more it is  crowed about, the more it hardens me against Muslims and Christians.It makes me determined to never take interest in thier issues which seems to have suddenly cropped up in the media in multitudes even at the pain of bodily harm for not doing so  and even become anti minority.

Thanks to  HH  and its predecessors for making me lose my respect and pride i had in the govt of India .
Thanks to np for making me lose my faith in basic decency of our fellow country men

My first jolt was in 2007 when creator entered my life ,took and left breaking my 50 years of confidence that such  avoidable tragedies  happen to others and not to me

My 2nd jolt was in 2012 when govt and various exploiters entered my life[ and is still sticking on ] breaking my 55 years long confidence in govt, media  and people around me and the firm belief  that such things don't happen in my country ,it happens only in films .,

The 3 rd jolt came in 2014 when i was made aware that those in govt will not hesitate to exercise thier powers in the extremes to terrorise me in a clandestine manner  It was like as if i was in grip of  taliban terrorists .My head was jammed  making me skull and bone and then liquids removed and then series of threats apart from that conversion was messaged into me like --dress in dark ,bathe in dark, don't read with specs , don't see tv, don't you dare dress after 6 pm or go out ,stop blogging and delete it all,no browsing , don't wear jari or gold,, sit here ,stand there , if you dare talk to your husband  or go near him or son they will be done away with, remove all pictures, photos , don't tell your slokas , don't you dare do japa if you do some one in your family or community will die ,don't you dare use bright lights,.It was a terrifying time .It made me lose  all my  confidence in this state, country and its people.When i went out i my. head was turned to see only Mosques or church.or Vinayakar.It is still being done.Now q arises if centre was in control of my movments why would it want me to see only Mosques , churches ,  only muslim people  and none other when i went out ?Can't understand the intracacies but am sure of one thing --in that period  the lower floor resident  rep of centre was apprehensive of Muslims clandestine -viz  messaging etc, links with me

It was those constant do's and dont's  accompanied by threats in a weakened state of body and blocking of my mind and thinking power that was terrorising. me and paralysing me in fear I felt that i was deported to Taliban or some other strict Muslim country.

The worst chapter in my life was then

ok as i was blogging this 3 rd jolt words  like taliban, terrorists and dont's were underlined .If it is a key it means terrorists or thier supporters  were  the ones ordering me into purdah  and to lead a illiterate life with so very many dont's .

If it is true they scared me out of my wits

In cold hindsight the question that arise in me is this -- If all the above is true viz terrorists or thier supporters or naxals were sending me micro wave  messages why did no one come and tell me about it directly? Why this day to day enactments,  and these red lines? Every one of the actor /player are just a hand breadth away yet .Why should i try and guess it all by myself when so many around know about it and can  come home and explain it and how to guard myself  instead of  indirect hints .

Is the implant and the shame of doing it  and also using  my diary writings  without my permission  keeping them away?Did taking revenge on me backfired? All this has made me even more vulnerable to outsiders attacks.When your own people exploit you  in clandestine manner why won't  others  who are in no way bound to this country's laws do it in same manner  through similar tricks?


Whilst walking back home from bank whilst waiting for traffic to give way  i suddenly found myself adjusting my sari so as to cover my waist ,few seconds later saw  a Middle aged white cap mus on a motor bike on opposite side .Came home thinking about this automatic gesture or was it ?Why do i adjust my sari always few seconds before a mus comes in view? Isn't it a automatic body movements ? Aern't my body movements controlled by that implant.Isn't that control with Centre as per red underline?So is a mus at the centre controlling my movements?Is the center playing a double game? Does it shift my control from Hindus to Muslims at will?Was the pressure on me to write about lynching centers doing?am i kept blogger to write as per order?Was i punished by making me pass blood in stool by the centre?
Were the nastying me in sanctum of Srinivasar by mus control of centre ,the hindutva hypocrites?

Then a thought struck me , maybe this red underlining to give me some clue as to what is happening is by the state  police or its spy agencies.They may have deliberetly left out their role in this implant business.and in other things also.Foe eg when i wrote crows, squirrels , pigeons .koels etc are made to do tricks all those were not underlined but only koel and ,which means the rest that are made to do tricks , are made to do by the state govt.So may be even state govt has a say in this animal control.and that control is under a  muslim or muslims.
Whatever this jigzaw puzzle may be it is a fact that i saw  Muslims every where i went since 2012 even in places they would normally keep away .Of the two controls viz Hindu and muslim cum christian it is the muslim control over me which is dominant.Who gave  them this power to intrude into our lives and make a mess out of it?Is it the state or center ?

Once whilst visiting a temple in deep south the  priest said' Why blame other communities for interference in our lives and religion  they scarcely do it is our own people viz Ayengar drabhai's  - perverts  who do it or permit it '.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Latest experience in Tirumala on my conversion

The queue  in Tirumala temple was quick moving.Thanks to a reef of infants,the crowd was not too pushy or rough.Had a nice darshan of the splendid form of Lord Venkateshwara. .Could not get a closer view as the line was exited near the gate itself.. So had to peer into the  interiors lit only by oil lamps.However overall had a good darshan without being jostled or pushed around. though it lasted but few seconds.

Words cannot describe the sublime form of Srinivasar and the beauty of the cosmic energy he was radiating.It can only be experienced .

After theertham and chadari sat on the  narrow raised  stone floor in the prakaram ,which has a good view of Srinivasar carved in the Vimanum.Due to 3 long experience of my prayers and meditation being constantly interrupted in the temples i visit by making me hear curse words in its midst, i had determined not to tell slokas or do japa in this visit.The presence of Srinivasar so close made me feel that  to have such fears in such a mighty presence was foolish and so said few Sanskrit and Tamil slokas and meditated .Suddenly a tall dusky man of 30 or above came and sat next to me ,smiling at me.I ddin't like his over familiar companionship but couldn't shoo him away from a public place ,He had a back pack.I ignored him and continued  with my recitation.He left after sometime .

After visiting other small temples in outer prakaram  viz--Narasimhar and Haygreevar returned to my lodgings.after taking meals in a restaurant .The room allotted to us by TTD was in second floor .An allotment procedure that took more time than the time we waited to have darshan .Glitches due to  faulty and slow computerisation of records.

For past week or two i became aware of mobiles role in enhancing far away sounds and,conversations.that tend to grate  me.Earlier i had caught two sanitary workers  down below nearly 30 feet  away glued to their touch phone in straight line to our mobile  when i came near the window overlooking Varahar temple.I knew they were being used to transmit messages from elsewhere and i kept turning my head left and right a procedure which i discovered  in Chennai that it tends to cut off the transmission My husband was reading the newspaper with specs which are also transmitters .Soon the workers looked surprised at thier mobile connection going off  , shook it shook their heads and then left.

So that window was enabling transmission .

Went to bed thinking i scarcely think of Vidat or any one else these days having become too  engrossed in trying to find ways out of this trap that has removed all sense of privacy of mind and body Night was cool and i kept drifting in and out of sleep
In one such bout of short  half sleep .half wakefulness i found myself confessing to some guilt of mine regarding my rearing of Vidat.I woke up and within few seconds i forgot as to what i had confessed.I felt anger rising within me at what was a confession session and felt furious at TTD for allowing conversion in its premises.
I knew it was conversion as Confessions is part of Christianity and i have been hounded and am still being hounded by converters for too long in Chennai and any place i visit and stay,as to  not to know the signs.In Chennai i do get angry but it fizzles out soon probably due to heavy micro wave radiation.and the traps/transmitters  that abound remotes, clock, fan and any battery operated gadget which one cannot do without.This room had no tv or ac or clock.hence i felt quite free and the deep religiosity of the place made me fume at ttd and others for allowing it.

After sometime i cooled down and started analysing it impassionetly.Of what little i know of Christianity ,Confession and Forgiveness on which Christians lay so much emphasis upon are good concepts.Confession can remove the feeling of guilt and forgivness may remove anger.                                                                      But i do not believe in either forgiving those who have troubled me excessively  nor forgetting it .
A lot of pressure  has been applied since 2014 to write in favour of muslims .How can i write when instead of building bridges with me when they thought they were in power they  and their secular supporters made a laughing stock out of me?

Very good from pchycological and emotional point of view .That is all it can do,These two concepts can never wipe away my Karmas,I have to face the music for  actions done One cannot escape the result of actions once done,No one can take ones  karma,it is  i alone who has to bear its fruit .Sweet or Bitter.
Confession and forgivness will not cancel those results at the most it can wipe away the memory of an act done or not done,
My faith in workings of Karma is too deep rooted to be supplanted by such easy concepts.It is not so very easy to attain salvation or Moksham from what i have read in books on Hinduism , Sri Vaishnavism,Epics Gita  and Upanishads .One has to control all senses , lead ascetic  and pious life  and so on and this in impossible to achieve this in a life span by all and sundry.God realisation is not easy and our  ancient rishis  as acharyas and saints have written volumes  as to how  hard it is   despite following rituals, severe austerities , self control  and , devotion and i absolutely agree with them .
Ofcourse it is extremely comforting to believe thus--'I have confessed and forgiven hence i have reserved a place in heaven '.The problem is that i do not believe in that concept and how much ever tougher it is for me as a Hindu ,sect/Sri vaishnavaite vadagalai to attain Moksham .viz uniting with the creator /Brahman /Narayana ,it is that path and way i believe in and these short cuts cannot tempt me away from it.
When i examined my belief i felt like laughing at the persistent efforts to make me reach heaven from Christian methods and ways,This short cut according to me  is a illusion i cannot subscribe or get myself to subscribe to it.Felt lighter after sorting it out.

OK back to that back pack man .Who was he ?Was he a Christian ?They have  no bar  in entering temples What was there in his back pack? If it was a mobile or walkie talkie, why was he  allowed to do his conversion stuff right in the temple premises itself?

Whilst waiting for our tickets inside the queue complex , was asked to sit on a chair The desk had a walkie talkie abandoned by police man or security. The way it was abandoned on that desk made me take note  as was intended and it kept working in the back of my mind .In the station on our return journey saw a policeman in the opposite platform   glare at me for breaking and conquering the urge to talk to my husband only when a Muslim of poorer section with white topee  or without it is in my vicinity  This time i was on guard when i felt that urge rise to speak to husband sitting next to me saw a white topeed Muslim walk of lower  section on opposite platform. i immediately curbed it and started chanting Rama ;s name Was enacted to me earlier in Chennai that Muslims will scurry off  if i chant Rama's name and Christians would also leave if i Chant Venkateshwara/ Srinivasar..Some one in my flat or nearby  can make crows caw and preen make koels sing pigeons to hum ,crickets to screech  at will They can even  control our movments and also of others and thoughts etc .

This time being on guard i checked myself But why was a police man of AP or Railways glaring at me for not co operating in this nasty business of equating Muslims in my vicinity to my husband?

His glare sort of solved that puzzle regarding that abandoned walkie talkie.The special frequencies that they have must be used in this transmitting messages or receiving it.How can an ordinary mobile do such special tasks?At the most mobiles in my vicinity must be only facilitating .Is the metallic whoosh i hear  time to time those frequencies ?                                                                                                                               

Few weeks back i decided do or die and stop this intrusion which i felt for long was due to implant in my right molar in the root canal done in 2011 by covering it with gold cap  and thus deflect the micro waves and free myself from this wretched problem .visited original dentist and another who both said the ceramic covering was fine and i would be wasting money by substituting it with gold .I was determined to to do it at any cost  Has a x ray taken in Apollo clinic .it had a slight smudge The doctor insisted that the whoosh sound i hear is not due to my teeth but due to ear problem .I said remove my cap or even my tooth .
He warned that it would be very painful and , could lead to fracture of tooth , infection  and was wondering as to why i wanted to pull off such a good strong and firm implant So dropped that idea .Next visited ent who said there was imbalance in  ear presurre and the metallic grating hear is due to that tooth.An  useless 3/4 th dead tooth  that will neither fall off nor can be removed .Good news for those who view me as an animal to be shepherded
Thought it over about capping tooth  with gold. An original dentist was ready to do it .If there is implant to control me would that gold capping suffice?What if signals can be sent to the roots?i would be just wasting money.,Due to a flurry of activities i forgot about my mission to rid myself of animal control and was diverted to the other problem viz of sounds , its enhancement and its effects on me .

Back to the confession session that took place right in the heart of Tirumala in our lodgingd just 1/2 km away from the sacred ancient temple.How it was done is too technical to unravel That it could have been done with support from police wireless frequency makes my stomach churn in revulsion.

What has my country come to?Conversion with help of state?Despicable.

Setting aside the religious aspect to this confession and viewing it from pshycological view point The presence of the policeman aiding , that  equating of that muslim  with my husband which is a insult to my pious  husband  makes me wonder that may be some nosey parker  in power has decided to cleanse my mind ? what do these sessions do?They probe my sub conscious regarding my inadequecies  and guilts regarding Vidat  makes me face it and then it vanishes totally from memory So one more crease of sorrow gone and i am unholily cheerful and feel very light headed .

Is it good for me?  I donot think so First by completely wiping out my memory of past incidents painful and even  pleasant ones my ability to take similar incidents in my stride has been whittled down .It has weakened me.Without my memory i can never dip into my my past experiences and thier solutions to face or tackle problems that may arise in future Now even very small problems are being blown out of proportion for a person [me] who had confronted one of the biggest loss in life that had made so many other day to day  problems too  trivial to get so hot and bothered about ,the way i am doing now.

It has also cut into my activities.To tackle my grief i was doing a lot of social work , visited  temples ,blogged them , read extensively a lot of religious books to strengthen my inner self ..Now with memories being systematically wiped out my only activity is eat and eat more and sleep and get into silly scraps with my family over trivial matters , making them turn away in disgust ,thus weakening my support system .

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Hymns on Lord Venkateswara by Periazhwar.Verses and meanings in English.

Srinivasa perumal/Venkateswara perumal at Tirumala temple
 Sri Venkateshwaar  perumal at Tirumala temple

பெரியஆழவார் மங்களாசாசனம் திரு வேங்கடமுடையான் மீது
                                           Peria azhwar's Mangala sasanam of Sri Venkateshwara.

 திருமொழி  பாசுரம் ---                                                                   .
Thiru mozhi pasurams--56,104,180,184,207,247 and 463 .


In the following pasurams on Sri Venkateshwar/ Srinivasar of Tirumala Peria aazhwar , has assumed the role of Yashodha and narrates her motherly affection for her son Sri Krishna.


சுற்றும் ஒளி வட்டம் சூழ்ந்த ஜோதி பரந்தெங்கும்  எத்தனை செயிலும் என் முகம் நேரோவாய் ,
வித்தகன் வேங்கடவன் உன்னை விளி க்கன்றான்  கைத்தலம் நோவாமே அம்புலி !கடிதோடிவா !

        Sutrum olli vattam choozhindha jothi paranthengum yethanai seiyillum yen magan mugam nerovvai,
Vithagan Vengadavanan  unnai villikindran kaithalam novame ambhuli !Kadithodivaa!

'O' Moon  ,bright light encircles you and spreads in all directions,
Yet it can never measure upto the radiance  of my son's face ,who resides in Thiruvengadam hills.
Make haste and come quickly lest his tender hands droop in fatigue.


       Yennidhu mayam ?Yen appan arindhillan munnaya vanname kondu allavai ,
yenna mannu Namuchiyai vannil soozhatriya minnu mudiyane ! Accho !Accho!
Vengadavanane accho! Accho!

When Namuchi said 'Why this deceit'?'My father is ignorant.Measure as per your dwarfish body you had when you asked for gift'.
'O' One with lustrous locks you lifted Namusi and whirled him and threw him in space,
Embrace me ! Hug me ! One who lives in Thiruvengadam , Hug me !

explanation --When Vamana the avatar of Vishnu grew to towering heights to measure the world ,Namusi the son of Mahabali king clung to Vamana's feet asking him to measure the world in the dwarfish form that Vishnu had assumed when he asked for gift from his father .
Namusi was stubborn in his demand and was deaf to Bhagwan,s explanation that the body had the quality of growth and that it was not possible for it to retain or get back its old form .
Since Namusi didnot pay heed to Thirumal/Bhagwans explanation and refused to let go off his feet , Vishnu lifted him upto the sky and whirled him off into  space.

       Thennillangai mannan  siranthol thuni seidhu ,minnilangum poon vibeetana nambikku,
yennilangu naammathalavum arasendra minnalang karrakor kol kondu vaa,
Vengadavanar kor kol konduva.

'O'Crow ! After severing the heads and shoulders of the ruler of Lanka of South, the One with bright and auspicious form bestowed that kingdom on Vibeeshana and blessed him to rule till his [Rama/Vishnu] name endures.
'O' Crow bring the royal staff to the well decorated form [Sri Krishna]
Fetch the royal staff to One who resides in Tiruvengadam hills.

expla---Yashoda shows the crow to toddler krishna and tells the above whilst coaxing him to eat.

      Machchodu maligai yeri madhragal thammidam pukku kachodu patai kizheetrhu kambhu thugilavai ,
keeri nichchalum theemaigal  seivai ! Neel ThiruVengadathendhai !,
Pachchai dhamanakathodu  padiri poochootavarai!

You climbed buildings that are several storeys high and entered the female quarters and tore their upper garments , silk apparels and sarees.!
You do such mischeivious acts nearly  every day.
My swamy enshrined at Tiruvengadam come hither and  let me adorn you with the green fragrant leaves -dhavanam and flowers.


Podhar kandai! Inge podhar kandai ,podharen yennadhe podhar kandai,
yedhenum solli asalakathar pesa nan ketka mattein!
Godhukalmudai kuttaneyo! Kundreduthai kuda madu koottha!
Veda Perumane! Yen Vengadava! Vithagane! inge podharaye

Come here ! Come here without dilly dallying ,this very son

My son  you are  full of praiseworthy qualities !
I am unable to bear neighbours complaints against you.
One who lifted Govardhana hill! One who can juggle pots , keeping graceful steps ,
One who is inner meaning of Vedas!
My Venkatanatha! Genius! Come hither!

        Kadiyar pozhiyanni Venkatava!karrumporere!Nee ugakkum kudaiyum serrupum kuzhalum tharuvikka kollade ponai male ,
Kadiya venganidai kandrin pinponna sirru kutta sengkamala .
adiya vedhumbhi un kangal sivandhai  asaindhitai , nee Embiraan.

One who is enshrined in fragarant groves of Thiruvengadam hills ,
One who  is like a black bull! Thirumale, you  have gone grazing cattles without wearing the sandals or taking the umbrella or the flute  i bought for you
Hence my Bhagwan your lotus like feet have become blistered in the heat and your eyes have also reddened and you have become thin.


சென்னியோங்கு தண் திருவேங்கடமுடையாய்  ,உலகு தன் வாழ நின்ற நம்பி
தாமோதர ,சதிரா !என்னையும் என் உடைமையும் உன் சக்ரா பொறி ஒற்றிக்கொண்டு ,நின்னருள் புறிந்திருந்தேன் இனி என் திருகுறிப்பே?

       Senniyongu thun Thiruvengadamudaiyai ullgu thun vazha nindra nambi! Damodara ,Sadira!
       yennaiyum yen udamaiyum un chakara  pori otri kondu ninarule purindhirundhen, yini yen thirukurrippe?

One who is residing in the cool peaks of ThiruVengadam hills.
One who is full of auspicious qualities.and has taken the archa form for the sake of  bettering worlds  conditions ,
Damodara ! My atma and my property this body is emblazoned with your chakra and i am totally devoted to you and to none other ,
What blessings have you in store for me?

expla--Damodara means   One who overlooks the faults of his devotees,


                    ஆழவார் திருவடிகளே சரணம்
                          Aazhwar thiruvadigale saranam

