Saturday, August 12, 2017

Yayati's realisation.

Yayati a great ruler of ancient India lived for 1000 years leading life of pleasure  and dedicating every second of his long life to satiation of every desire of his.Yet the king found that his appetites were not satiated.

The king  puzzled  at this recollected the following truths contained in the Puranas ---

"Truly one's appetites are never satiatd by enjoyment.On the other hand like sacrificial butter poured into fire ,they flame up with indulgence.Even if one enjoyed the whole earth with its wealth, diamonds , gold animals and women, one may not yet be satiated.
It is only when one does not commit any sin respect of any living thing in thought, deed or speech, it is then that he attains to purity viz Brahman.

When one fears nothing and when one is not feared by anything , when one wishes for nothing , when one injures nothing , it is then that one attain to the purity of Brahman."

Realising the truth in the above observation, Yayati  who had performed severe penances so as to be eternally youthful in order to enjoy each and every pleasure on the earth and lived for 1000 years after swapping his old age with his young son,  learnt by  his experience that ones desires can never be satisfied

.He thence forward started performing severe penances and set his mind at rest by meditation  at the end of which  shed his mortal when  old age assailed him  .and then he  ascended to the heavens.

From      Adi parva -  of  Mahabharat.


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