Thursday, June 8, 2017

Evil spirits that cause insanity --From Mahabharat

Sage Markendeya on his visit to Pandavas  who are  in exile in a forest  gives the following list of evil spirits that  causes men to run mad .   [ section CCXXIX of Vanaparva of Mahabharat.]

1. The man who beholds gods while sleeping or in a wakeful state soon   turns mad and the spirit under whose influence these hallucinations  take place is called the Celestial spirit.

2.When a person beholds his dead anscestor  while he is seated  at ease or lying on his bed he soon loses his reason and the spirit that causes this illusion ofsensible preception is called Anscestral  spirit.

3.The man who shows disrespect to Siddhas and who is cursed by them  in retrurn soon runs mad and the evil influence by which this is brought about is called Siddha spirit.

4.The spirit by whose influence a man smells sweet odour and becomes cognisant of various tastes  [when there are no odoriferous or tasteful  substances about him] and soon becomes tormented is called Rakshasa spirit.

5.The spirit by whose action celestial musicians[Ghandravas]  blend their existence into the constitution  of human beings and make him mad in no time is called Ghandharva spirit.

 6.That evil spirit by whose influence men are always tormented by Pisachas is called Pisacha spirit

7.When the spirit of Yaksha enters into the system of a human being by some accident ,he loses his reason immediately and such a spirit is called Yaksha spirit.

When i read the above list i found a uncanny resemblance to the  harrassment i am subject to and explains it as as attempts to drive me mad using technology , hypnosis .

Muni Markendeya the chiranjeevi has enlightened me to as to what is being done to me

1. My late father , mother ,brother keep coming in when i do savasana -relaxing limbs when i feel tired    so hypnosis to drive me mad with confusion-- anscetral spirit
2, Gods  siva and jesus whom  i never worship  keep flitting in my mind when i do puja. so micro waved or transmitted .Celestial evil spirit at work to make me mad soon

3.Hearing sounds through tranmission to my embedded receiver in teeth or mobile or specs blending into my constitution --body to break my nerves --Ghandharva spirit.As also suggestions, orders  whispered,   and the irritating  clicking and buzzing sounds

4, When mundane things suddenly  turn rosy with  persons of other community  following me  or standing behind me --Rakshasa spirit -again suggestions through transmission messages to make see only beauty and harmony when such persons are around and also see them in temples  .

5Having shown disrespect to political leaders in my diary Siddha spirit has taken over me as i am.being cursed by them in return.

6.All these have entered me owing to a accident viz blogging  so dreadful Yaksha spirit has also  taken hold of me



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