Sunday, June 4, 2017

Slokas on Narayana by celestials from Mahabharata.

Malayappa swamy --processional deity of Srinivasar at Tirumala
Slokas on Narayana  --The unvanquished god of Vaikunta and slayer of Madhu.

                     Sage Lomasa  imparted the story of sage Agastya to Yudhishtra in the latters exile in forest.Lomasa said that Asuras -the tribes known as Danavas and Kalakeyas became invincible in Krita yuga.

Unable to face  their onslaught Indra took refuge in Vishnu ,who blessed him with  stupendous powers,and Brahma directed Indra to make Vajra ayudhum out of the bones of a ascetic by name Dhadhicha ,who readily obliged to the request of Indra and shed his mortal coils .With the weapon Vajra made from the bones of the ascetic , Kalakeyas were easily defeated by Indra .Kalakeyas then went and hid in the ocean bed and arrived at a dreadful resolution  .
They decided to destroy all the three worlds and in pursuit of this resolution the first step was to destroy all persons possesed of knowledge  of Brahman , ascetic virtues and conversant with duties and ways of morality since the universe which is supported by ascetism of such persons would also perish with  destruction of such persons.
They came out from the depths of the ocean at night and killed ascetics and again went and hid in the deep waters ,hence they could not be tracked by kings and devas . Religious rites and  sacrifices[yagnas] stopped and gods in great anxiety sought Narayanas protection by chanting slokas in his praise .
Heeding to their prayer Vishnu then appeared before them  and told them about Klakeyas hiding in the ocean and directed them to seek help of sage Agastya who would drain the sea by drinking the water and thus reveal the hiding place of the Asura s. The celestials followed  Nrayana/Vishnu's  advise and slayed all the asuras after Agastya drank all the waters.

The Sloka on Narayana by celestials.

Narayanam puruskrtya  vaikuntum aparajitam
tato deva sameta  te tadour Madhusudhanam.

"Tvam nah sarastha cha patha cha bhartha cha jagath Prabho,
Twaya shrishtim indhe sarvam yach chegam cha nengdathim,

Twaya bhoomina  pura nashta samudrath purukare kshana,
Varaham roopam aasthyay jagath arthe samudhruth ,

Aadhi daityo mahaviryo  Hiranya kashipus,
Twaya Naraasingh vapoohe kritva sodhithah Purushothama!

Avdhyaha sarvabhoothanam balisha chaapi mahasura,
Vamanam vapur aakshrikhya trilokyadh bharamshithas Twaya,

Asurah cha Maheshvaso jambh ithiya abhivishruthaha
Yangya kshobhakarha karooras Twayaw vinipathi thaha

Yevmadheeni  karmani yesham sankya  na vidyate,
Asmank bhaya bheethanam twam gatir Madhusoodhan,
Tasmath twam devdevesha lokartham janapayamahe,                                                                                Raksha  lokansh cha devansh cha shakram cha mahato bhayath,

Itaha pardanaath varanthe prajah sarvarsha chaturvirdhaha,
Tha bhavitha havyair divokasha,
Loka haya evam varthyaninth anyoniyam samupaashrithaha,
Twath prasadan nirudviganaas twayav parikshithah,
Idam cha samnuprapathum lokanam bhayam uthamam,

Na cha janeem keneme rathrau vadhyanthi Brahmanah,
Kashinoshu cha Brahmanoshu  prithvi kashyam yeshyaathi,
Tathah prithviyam kashinaayam tharidivam kashyam yeshyaathi,
Twatprasadan Mahabaho lokah sarve jagatha pathe,

Vinasham naadigatchejusa tvaya vai parirakshithaha |


Prayer to Narayana , the un vanquished god of Vaikunta and slayer of Madhu,

'O' Lord , thou art the Creator, the Protector, and the Slayer of our selves  as well as of the universe .
It is thou who has created this universe with its mobile and immobile creatures,
O thou of eyes like lotus petals  , it was thou who days of yore had for the benifit of all creatures ,raised from sea, the sunken earth , assuming the form of boar,
And 'O' Best of Male beings, assuming also the form of half man and half lion  ,thou had slain in days of yore
the ancient Daitya  of mighty prowess known by name of Hiranyakasipu,
And that other Asura also, Bali by name , who was incapable of being slain by any one by.
assuming the form of a dwarf thou exiled him from the three worlds  ,
'O'Lord it was by thee ,that wicked asura Jambha by name who was a mighty bowman and who always obstructed sacrifices was slain,
Achievments like these which cannot be counted are thine,
'O' Slayer of  Madhu we have been afflicted with fear , have thee for refuge,
It is for this 'O'god of gods , that we inform thee of our present troubles ,
Protect the worlds , the gods and Sakra[Indra], also from terrible fear  ,
Through thy favour ,it is that , all born beings of four kinds increase,
And they being created propitiate the dwellers of heaven by offerings made to gods in names of departed fore fathers,
Thus it is that the people protected by thee, free from trouble , live on ,depending on one another and so increase,
Now this peril has befallen the people,
We donot know by whom Brahmanas are being killed at night,
If Brahmanas are destroyed the earth itself will meet with destruction  .
And if earth comes to an end heaven will also cease to exist,
'O' Mighty armed One ! 'O'Lord of universe ! We beseech thee so that all worlds protected by thee maynot come to an end!


From Vana parva of Mahabharat Theerth yatra--                                                                                         Section CII ,Book 3 . of K.Ganguly




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