Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Kapisthalam Desikachariar Swami's publications.

Written by K.C.Narsimahan

1.Vyasa Siddantha  Marathandam[1925]--sanskrit

2. Siddhanta Traya Sangraha [1934]--Tamil

3.Sri Sariraka Adikarana Ratnamala [1938]--Sanskrit

4.Narayana Anuvaka Bhashyam-1938 --Sanskrit

Vyasa Siddhantha Martahndam deals with Brahmasutras.As per Sri V.V. Srinivasa Ayengar   who has written an introduction to this book .  The Brahma sutras those wonderful apophthegems of Vedanta Philosophy are admitted as paramount authority of Vedas and Upanishads .Hence it is that all the different schools of philosophy  are schools of of interpretations and not of independant speculations '

But Sri Vedavyasa the author of Brahmasutras could not be credited with ahving purposefully amibiguos or had all the contradictory doctrines in view.The first claim therefore of this work is ,even as clearly indicated in its tittle that the author of Bramahsutras could have had only one doctrine which he cherished and gave expression to .To seek to find out that doctrine is the avowed enterprise of the author in this book.                                         
The learned author by the process adopted by him of independant investigations has arrived at conclusions same as Sri Ramanuja :the Visishtadvaita or differntiated non dualism is finally pronounced to be the true doctrine propounded by Badarayana in the Bramahasutras"" He has purpoted to set about the task as a j udge following accepted rules of interpretation and principles of construction .His verdict is in favour of Visishtadavaitic doctrine he was born to and brought up in .He would prefer that he be judjed by his reasoning than pre-existing bias.This book is achallenge to similar works in Adavitic school,but such challenges are the very life of progressive philosophic speculation .

Note: The sanskrit text is available in Hyderabad  IIT as well as in Indian instituteof sciences Bangalore in digital  form in their web page.Digital Library of India  .

2.Siddhantha traya Sangraha --
                                                This Tamil book has been written in a very simple and lucid style in order to be understood and easily assimilated by all The doctrines of the three major siddhanthas Adavita, Visishtadavita and Dvaita are lucidly and briefly explained by Swami Kapisthalam Desikachariar.
It was translated in Telugu by Vangeepuram SrimanRangaswami Ayengar of Trichanur and published by Tirumala Tirupathi Devasthanam in 1957.
Its English translation was done by Sri M.R.Rajagopala Ayengar and published by VishishtadvaitPracharin sabha -Nathamuni street T. nagar in 1964

3.Sri SarikaAdhikara ratnamala--
This work is in sanskrit  .This is the fruit of more than 60 yearsof philosophcal study and his constant and deep devotion to Srinivasar
This is based on Ramanujas Sri Bhashya which interprets sutras .
He introduces every sutra with a preliminary objection , comments on it and explains how the sutra meets to objection He states the sutra and gives its meaning Then he writes his sloka in praise of Srinivasar by adding  the quality of Brahman deduced from  that  sutra.This followed by the  author's explanation of the verse The section than ends with purvapaksha and siddhantha ,each in a short paragraph.
Srinivasa Raghavan of Puddukotai who edited this book says the above .There are 156 such adikarans and one or two slokas for each sutra numbering 188 in which 156 qualities are predicted of Lord Srinivasa .

This work establishes the devotional identity of Narayana with Lord Srinivasa .

Note this book was also published recently by Srirangam Srimad Andavan Ashram on the eve of Sri Andavan's 80th birthday on 21.5.2015.

Example of sloka based on sutra from swami's book.

.Athatho bramha jingyasa

           Virichithkarma vicharaomrumu ksubhisth  phaleshu vairagyath|
Yajingyassyam purushusth dramha srinivasam  bhaje||

4.Narayana Anuvaka Bhashyam --Sanskrit. [30 pages ]

In this Swami establishes Narayana mentioned in Taitterya Upanishad as para Brahman bringing to bear his deep scholarship in grammar [vyakarna] logic,[tarka] and metaphysical enquiry[mimosa]and after placing the visishtavdvaita doctrine in unshakeable foundation equates Narayana with his ishta devatha Lord Srinivasa


Blogger Unknown said...

I really wanted to know Vishistadvita. I being a native of Tirupati i used to listen to my grand father unending praise for Sriman Kapistalam Desika charya swamy. After 40 years it so happened to lay hand on siddantha thraym, a Telugu translation of Swamy's work. I read umteen number of times ,enjoying Swamy's in depth knowledge. Every time it is an experience. Only regret why I was not born in His life time to listen to his discourses. I want Swamy's works.Srivaishava shaba warrangal brought out this Telugu translation. KadambiNarasimha Srinivasan

January 11, 2022 at 8:54 AM  

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