Sunday, February 12, 2017

Emergency calls only

I am getting this above message-viz emergency calls only in my airtel mobile since yesterday.Nobody can reach me as well.This i observed yesterday after i made a call .i made a call on 7 th and it reached .But yesterday when i tried to call i got this message and am still getting it.Didn't call on 8th and 9th.
I read that all the  MLA's  guarded in a resort , mobiles have been jammed.Was mine also jammed ?I brushed away this doubt as it rose yesterday on seeing this message on my mobile as too far fetched.I am not a MLA or MP to have my phone which was  giving the following messages like --'you are not allowed to make this call' when i tried answering missed calls or' This is conditional access' when i rang up some of my relatives and family members for years to suddenly get this ban.
But the doubt is persisting that may be it is jammed probably due to my earlier blog viz on the current political turmoil in Tamilnadu.
If so i find it ludicurous since tv and papers and mags have much more franker views than mine. If i have assumed that it is jammed  and not some mistake in airtels services then i am showing that i am attaching to much importance to my blogs power and influence, so i am ludicruos.                                                                       If what i have assumed is true then it is even more ludicruos .which means i am viewed as a threat at par with whims and fancies of elected reps  and unelected leaders pulling the rug from under each others legs in pursuit for power  !Mine  could be even worse as it comes with a 'communal' tinge.
It is a fact that conversion was attempted on me in september 2014.The process employed like micro wave messaging , commands , shows that  it can be done only with state's assistance and conniavence .so who is communal?Me or those attempting to change my religion, sect and belief's from a Hindu sri vaishnavaite to a muslim or a christian or a saivaite or to shakthi sect?
Why shouldn't i call it state sponsered conversion when i am sure even with my limited knowledge that rfid implants, micro waves commands , jamming my head[ so much that it is nearly vaccumised ]and conditioning our activities and bodily ejections, pains as per flights , changing flights path could be done only by state and not by individuals or groups .Impossible for any one apart from state to do what is being done to me /us.

Is conversion or holding it as a threat the only way to tackle critics? Maybe this  process started much earlier as early as 2004 in a subtle way which could do with my husbands political views-full fledged right, anti congress + pro modi.We are living in Muslim majority all politicians will vie to please them . Majority of my neighbours in my flats who are constantly monitering us and maybe nastying us are Muslims and not christians.Saivaites are also a sizeable lot but somehow i cannot believe that they are doing this out of fury at us but are helping muslims in assuaging thier fears or lessening thier fury.But they are also doing dirty stuff so equally culpable  .So are the shakthi sect  and Christians.They all seem to enjoy probing my private parts with radio frequency waves and feel victorious after doing this cowardly could be a christian youth of lower stratta or middle aged  shakthi devotee- man from lower stratta  or middle aged middle class saivaite or middle aged muslim from lower and thing in common is that they all seem to be enjoying touching my skin though indirectly.Lechers and shodhas.
Which was subtle become quite open and daring in 2012 itself .i would say 85 -90%.In 2014 it went public and extreme. i would say 500%  -1000%

Why 2004?I remember hearing pressure cooker whistle even when Vidat was around , which is before 2007 This is not ordinary cooker sound but goes on and on as if to warn  .i observed that after it stops a muslim neighbour will drive out of the flat either in car or bike.So i think it is to do with them .maybe they are looking into our house, at us or sending some waves.Weighing all this it makes me wonder whether there was a communal angle to Vidat's death. A revenge?
   It came in open in 2014 when it was sought to be completed coercively harshly and.quickly .

Though it is being hinted that it is only christian conversion my actual observation is not so .christians, muslims iand saivaites are trying thier hand non stop in nastying us and sublimial commands are sent to confuse and detract us from our beliefs.
I started with ban on my phone and have wandered off into past happenings after analysing the causes that could have prompted it.
So if it was banned  , how will talking lightly with relatives affect politics ? Is there a intent to keep me at all times foccussed only on conversion and the communal obssesions that some news papers and tv channels are fond off but on the converse and let it out in blogs?
Very tough to extricate oneself from politicians.

I have blogged so extensively on this  subject viz --intrusion into our lives and conversion but no one is bothered ,why? Vote bank
The more i am harrassed and make me write about it specially provoking me in temples it is better for politicians.Their secular credentials go higher and higher with every nasty detail i narrate.It makes sense that they would naturally bend backwards to please minorities and seculars and atheists since they can bring them to power and therefore status and money .what would pleasing me or relenting give them?Nothing.Few words of praise?of what use are they to practical people?
i have a feeling that my write up on OPS observing that there was reduction in my harrassment under his rule may not be liked by his campor even himself .Won't the mino's/seculars/aetheists feel that he is not thier zealous protector having heard it from the horsesmouth[me]?                                                                                                                    Probably i did a great disfavour to OPS by expressing my support for him vis a vis sasikala.
i didn't want to put it on google + as i have got fed up with its managed profile views but did ,maybe due to suggestions and proddings.from the ceiling.
Those who know as to who or which political party or faction  is using upper floor  for controlling us will know as to who did it.


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