Sunday, January 8, 2017

My wish on Vaikunta ekadesi--8.1.17

1. To get rid off and be free of that wretch --gps/rfid implant which is controlling my bodily movements
2. To be free off of the another wretch -messaging from micro waves.which is cluttering and distracting my mind ,having stupid conversations with persons mimicking  or supplanting my hub and son   and also suggesting andcommanding  me to write and blog.
3.To be free of the another wretch, rf's that keep annoying me every day and make me too sensitive to tv sounds plane sounds and so on and provoking me to anger making me rant .

The above three are a sadistic invasion of my sense of identity and privacy .wish and hope that those persons doing this to me and also my hub ,will never prosper and that  they are dirtied in similar or even more than we are being dirtied .
I am often suggested that shadowing by persons on the roads is also a cause of our problems and has invited the attention of defence !
Kept pondering over this.How can any one following me /us be a problem to us and to this country? 
We have lived in several states all over india moved in crowds in college, office, court,crowded buses, trains stations , temple festivals, etc with all sorts of people before us at our side and behind us , but it has not affected us till now.we are not all that pshycologically weak if it is do with fall prey to such tactics. which means shadowing + messaging with micro waves is tending to influence us.Again why should we who are  quite ordinary  be influenced unless we are influential persons?Why did we or i become so influential --reason i can find is due to this blog .

Again why should defence come in?It means those who are shadowing us are enemies.Ok who introduced this shadowing or standing behind me back to influence my writing .i cast my mind back and glean that it was due to access granted to my house to two of my neighbours in the flat with hidden cameras who could be standing right behind me to influence me or hub after breaking us down --me with sounds and weakening my hub's heart .Either some one used  in this  technique, standing behind us  ,was and is a sympathisers of terrorists and naxals and they are using it .The new govt at centre doesnot like this.

even i agree and was protesting about this even before 2014 .
But  i donot make a difference between good burglary and bad burglary .Burglary is burglary what ever the motive.Just because the burglary of my knowledge  and synthesis of information was done and is still done by neighbours whom i trust and like , for a legal cause[ or money] it doesnot become good  i squarely hold them responsible for showing the bad burglars the way to do it by teaching them  to mimick them to get best results.
These trusted long time neighbours of my flat have played such a havoc in our sedate life [maybe they work for police]squeezing me greedily for more that we are now a threat to the country!

So if implant is disabled, micro waves are not beamed and rf's not used we will come back to norma
lcy.It these 3 wretches are off loaded then effect of sound can be tackled .

Note: it is only takeoffs over head my flat these days.The take offs have a way of making us active , a bit too active .our lives are centred and tailored around take offs !Can my husbands weakened heart take it? Heart weakened deliberately in 2012?it makes me too light and make me lose balance.
I also observed that hub becomes very active, too active unlike his original self only after his morning puja .Is it to do with religion ? conversion or to use a more sophiticated word --liberalising him ? Is it easier to do that shadowing or casing or influencing when he is totally  occupied in his daily religious ritual?I am sought to be hypnotised when i am relaxing in yogic savanas posture as i keep seeing my late father then, specially my left side! I scarcely saw him thus in my mind or fore head before 2014.

Take offs has made it easy for gps control of our movments 
I observed that take off over the mobile tower in east near my bedroom causes  pain in my knees at night.It also causes spasms in my abdomen.If no gadjets are used but only the micro wave radiation of the mobile tower is used and planes sound or its flight over it , deflecting these  waves,  is causing this automatically ,the sadist who did this to me has made me a international  living case study of  first hand effects of such manipulations viz no touch torture.

I observed this before 2014 but after 2012.Pain in knees when   a plane took off at 2 am which i watched lying flat on my bed .But implant was in place then .Now it is used to turn me on my side  which deflects the pain,don't remember how it was used then , was it to keep me straight so that i can feel a lot of pain?I was literally limping around with terrible pain in knees then.


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