Thursday, December 29, 2016

Astrological reason for my predicament.

Yesterday[24.12.16] saw a lot of landings .Went to dance concert yesterday evening.Useless.More talk and less of dance.Night at bed my punishment different.Itching all over my body .It could be for my diary writing on 23,12,16 about take offs , the u-turn in this flight path  and pondering over need to come down so heavily on me after 2014 and wondering whether my role in Kudunkulam could be the reason , so it could be  true that i did play a role in us crazy fgn policy in ukraine and also made to write forcibily with micro waved suggestions  on fgn policy earlier  or blaming society to distract attention  and about partiality of monitors to protect wives of other community men wives in the neighborhood from my hub in this queer casing business whilst throwing me open to their hubs and sons and wolves and cynically concluded that it was all due to Shani's reign over me .Yes why not? There are hundreds of bloggers more 'communal' than me and hundreds of descendants from politicians , original freedom fighters  in public sphere . writing talking etc So why was i zeroed upon to do the dirty work for the politicians if not for Shani's doing ? And had written that before 2014 i was dead sure that sympathisers of terrorists .Pakistnani'sand naxals were given access to my house apart from others , may be due to political tie ups or just for appeasing a vote bank  and for checking their rivals. i am still sure that they were given free access, may be  through hidden camera.Don't know if they are still given .What is so fascinating about what i write in my diary or read or travel to ?Am i such a public preception genius or store house of novel ideas that i am stalked constantly to provoke  , micro waved often to jam my mind and also  vomit  in writing?If so Shani will not get off my shoulders in near future though i am hoping that it does.Only those who are so very fascinated with my writings/ideas  and also  obsessed with my body, thoughts can  give a reply.Switched on light and saw time --3.15am.Immediately heard a police van's horn.
Or the punishment could also be  for my earlier diary writing viz on which i mention about my realisation that my constant distraction towards Muslim. christians and conversion could be ruse to keep me off writing my view on public affairs and proceeded to write on demonetisation and the atheist like funeral of late cm J.  Jayalalitha .About demonetisation i wrote that if cash shortage continues even after dec 30th then pm has thrown a  blanket of insecurity on all of us and has  made us all  feel  the day to day insecurity  the poor do ,which even communists cannot achieve with  thier emphasis on poor and only poor.

I started  hoarding small change and quite wary of spending .what if there is no cash as the media keeps telling us/In a way the pleasure that comes out of spending money has been sort of taken away .Yes it could be for a better future of india but how long will one go on sacrifising simple pleasures of the present for it?Also wrote about childish behaviour of opposition[ which has good debators ],in parliament.and thier obssesive hatred and contempt for the pm which they show  in every session of par.                          now i am writing this bit--- why should i trouble myself to learn mobile transactions ?I am no longer youthful or exuberent or idealistic .why should i stand in bank like old old days to withdraw cash , heard that atms will be reduced .therefore will also  have to carry heavy cash whilst travelling?atms were so there enough net connectivity for this cashless dream to fructify? i like feel of lakshmi in my purse.

About late cm i wrote how she never fought shy of showing herself as a hindu by visiting temples and even took a dip in Mahamokkam - kumbha mela and her cadre and ministers  performed string of pujas and homams for her release from jail and recovery but the funeral was anti climax to her and her party image .it was like a funeral of a atheist , I was surprised when she went for dip etc as wasn't she from a atheist dravidian party and now again i was surprised that after dinning she and her party were not atheist they hurried through such  a simple and non religious  burial with explanation that cadres wanted it and it shocked me. not one mantra recited .wld she  a very religious hindu have liked this against cremation? As per media it is her party that decided to bury her  lest the marble work in mgr's memoriol be damaged [really! how did money become so suddenly short?]and i wondered how easily power passes on even as some one as powerful as J passes away .The moment a person dies it passes to next in command .Cold hard fact s of life. It is true to commoner as well as royalty.she had kept her cadres in tight grip .but seemed to be at their receiving end at her end .Could be karma for allowing conversion on me.
That talented  dancer but obviously a mouth piece  said  staring at me --'Don't you dare do this .i know what you think '.'
[Heard only take offs today ].So what  ?Am i thinking of how to make money in corrupt manner or thinking of sparking disturbances or scheming about bringing down democracy with guns, ieds and arson?
Probably i should think on those lines to be acceptable to my monitors and receive praises and relaxation of this constant rfid implanted micro waved control .

Who should be warned? me who is not encroaching into any ones body,life or property or those who are seeking blatant ownership over my body,thoughts and diary writing though they are in no way entitled to it?


I find it incongruos that we are feting our democracy at drop of  whilst bands of people  with guns in thier hands and ieds in thier backsacks are having free run for decades  in the heart of india .I mean the naxals .They may be in jungles out of sight but they are there and very much there with intent of overthrowing this young democracy.and state forces seem to  be unable to disband them or wipe out this incongruity.
if bleeding humanists who bleed only for naxals are hoping i would write in thier favour let me make it clear i donot find anything of robin hoodness in thier activities which has the intent of overthrwing this democracy .I am dead against their intent and their methods  to bring it about --violence, and having powerful sympathisers in media.
Let me make it clear lest my angst against the state sounds curiously like yours.Mine is personal and has nothing  to do with any of your ideals and your angsts. .So please keep off me.




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