Sunday, December 11, 2016

Further musings on Auditory masking

Today 11.12.16--Sunday didn't hear or see take off's of planes till now viz--5.20 pm but did see one or two planes landing , from my window in the morning.
As i went for a morning walk the streets empty as it is usually on sunday's pondered over using planes and vehicles in my auditory life for past nearly 4 year tho i wasn't aware of this from 2012--14 but do remember the sudden burst of twowheeler traffic in my normally traficcless street or when i was walking .i did find that unsual but couldn't place it  .when a plane passed it was a normal thing in the city where i live  so never paid attention to it.

During floods i was made to write with help of boys clapping from the open space with addition of anxious chatter of neighbours on and of, though planes and two wheelers were off for that whole period.
so what is the role of planes and vehicles in normal times why not make boys clap etc or play loudly and make me think and write on and on ?
I have observed that this spurt of vehicles do provoke me.They are used nearly every day whether i am walking or in my house .Reason to divert traffic from main road so as to take our street just before those flights is much easier than collecting crowd of boys and make them clap or shoot a film song with a lot of noise ,on a regular daily basis.
It is also easy to make vendors of  this area delivering water , milk newspapers making rounds in noisy two wheelers to take my road or cars not in use to vibrate along my road ,This explains why i constantly see only such vendors and drivers in my walks.

Today boys were playing and it jarred my ears disallowing me to take my after noon nap in my bed room and it trigerred thoughts on the latest topic' Cash crunch'.like i said no take offs today does that explain my sudden analysis of this topic and even wanting to blog it?Was i sucessfully kept off such a analysis by over head flights and constant trips to loo?

if so it is amusing.oppositions will oppose if i write or not catching hold of anything.

ok topic is about myself and not politics or public affairs and my famed grasping of the underlying currents .

These experts who can keep on chiselling of my minds sensory observations into long long blogs as long as  Hanuman's tail  know that my writings will pour out with ease when there is some tragedy personal life or in public affairs that is disturbing me  .
Who are these experts making a killing out of killings /death /calamity that disturb me?Surely they are from my flat .
Under whose orders are they constantly knocking out writings from my' noise battered brain'.This is not specific to this state alone it also happened in another state  Karnataka/Bangalore .flights and noises specially kids  playing + induced headaches.
Under whose orders planes flights are changed at will and vehicular traffic is diverted is any body's guess.


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