Sunday, December 11, 2016

Effects of three main tortures i was forcibly & shadowily subject to

1. Loud sound torture  conducted on me in 2012 for a month and a half

It started to make me emote excessively over people i don't know and wouldn't have bothered or care about before 2012 .specially over their murder or killing as reported in papers or on tv.

2, Screwing my head painfully tight in a month long shadowy operation in 2014.

Advantage---Lost that excessive emoting over strangers and bleeding over their fate.

disadvantage--Lost my sense of identity.&confidence.Who am I what am and unable to savour or recollect  the experiences i have gone through. and derive my strength Good and bad experiences that have made me what i am or was till 2012.My convictions based on a life time of experiences and thier linking to, events before and after  , briefly put my belief in 'you reap  what you sow' and that there are plenty of indications to caution one ,was shaken.

Above two in personal life as far as public life is concerned i couldnt believe or digest the following

That any body would control or torture me thus in a free country like this in such a shadowy manner .i wouldn't have minded being  arrested openly by being put in a jail for whatever reason i was being tortured or even attacked directly.
Effect of squeezing out fluids  last september .

It exhausted me physically and mentally became too pliant and obedient to commands making me do drastic changes in my routine and life .This was when my convictions regarding you reap as you sow and linking of events was given a terrific blow with constant  aid of headaches and squeezing of my brain when i wrote or thought constantly censoring it  inducing fear that made me abandon musing , thinking and synthesising and kept getting commands that complimented only  faith.

With my courage returning my earlier convictions have also returned as i am very sure that those who have pepertrated such tortures on me without my interfering in thier privacy or property or life or harming them or beliefs will get it from karma .Do i make money out of some elses misery?Or am i making money out of filching someone elses ideas, endeavours and sweat?Do i gate crash into others houses, household and family so as to secure my power and position? No . Those who are doing all this to me and my family will reap the consequences  of the bad and evil  deeds .Those consequences could be 10 fold of what i was made and am still being made to suffer .One day or the other they will be subject to  karma and it will be in this lifetime itself. Of that i am very sure. They will suffer much humiliations i am made to suffer for making me feel that my mental conversations are with my husband is actually with my neighbour of another community living right above our flat as also with any persons belonging to his community in my vicinityand for stealinga nice ,honest incorupible man of ordinary means wife right under his nose and keeping her as a slave to write and react as per will[by implant of chip ,mmc etc]and for making that upper floor neighbours [a man of another community]image flit in my forhead when i am paying my obseince before the deity in the inner sanctum of Vishnu templesand also for deliberately drawing atentuion to my private parts specially when i meditate in my house by pricking my pvt parts  deliberately in no touch manner but annoying and disgusting and even making me touch or press my pvt parts when i am lost in the grandeur of  Srinivasar in that highly guarded temple at Tirumala [all is this is since 2014 and never before]making me draw attention to my body even in such holy percinicts and spoil my much cherished spirituality by filling me with anger at such deliberate spitefully revengeful acts and making me come  out of the temple without  good , nice and satiated feelings ,

Though screwing of my brain had stopped in 2014 itself and so did that excessive discharge of fluids its effects couple with sound effects continues to keep me in a country bumpkin state  .haven't visited library, nor read articles in net nor visited temples.But full of physical vigour like a chithaal--labourer , no more intellectual trips nor do i  find awe in creators hands in nature .

What would have happened to me if all the three was extended to few more weeks on me?
Sound blasting---I would have had a nervous break down and collapsed and would have been hospitalised.I maynot  have recovered  and if alive  would have become a blabbering idiot  for life
This is the worst torture of all tortures i was and am subject to .

Screwing or shrinking---Would have  felt too acute a discomfort to live with .The extraordinary tightening of skin would have suffocated me.I still feel pain in artery of my neck on and off.a constriction akin to suffocation .

Squeezing out fluids -- would have led to acute dehydration and therefore hospitalisation .Where from is the liquid being squeezed out ? it is still being done on and off even after removal of my uterus?Inner skin or kidneys?If this + frequent engineered trips to loo it continues it will affect my bladder and kidneys .good news for those wanting to get rid of me i will not put my family in financial straits by going in for costly surgeries but will opt for ethansia if it results in  a life threatening situation 

in conclusion on one hand i am expected to write by triggering it with provocative sounds even atap on ceiling is now intolerable to me and on other i am punished or distracted from writing.Both done by combination of sounds +micro waves ,
Are these two different persons or authorities or are they one and the same?
Exploit smother and again exploit and smother --a vicious circle going on since 2012


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