Thursday, December 29, 2016

Take off -- my diary --of 22 and 23rd DecembersShani's reign 0ver me


At 10.4o am  saw to my surprise saw take offs in the hazy cloudy eastern sky from my bedroom window.To confirm went up.No landings only take offs from 11--12 am -the time i was there
Evening attended a music concert .couldn't enjoy it as mind blocked constantly.
Night lay flat in my usual sleeping posture determined to resist the urge i have been having these days to turn left or right side to find out the effect.and woke up at 3.20am .wondered why?There must be a flight. So lay flat ears in same plane 10 minutes later heard plane's sound clearly, as no other sound in the street, from the bathroom which is on my right.Then  my left leg started to feel the cleaving pain similar to delivery  pain or tooth ache viz not  pain in the real sense but a unbearable discomfort .
 .Terrible! It persisted even after the plane went out of ear shot .Immediately a police van materialised with its siren in street below and heard street dogs barking in the southern side of the street.
Day before yesterday i realised that i was being turned turned to my side at night and then instantly i felt the need to visit the loo urgently, so wanting to overcome this frequent trips decided to stick to my flat position and found the result today.

what has been done to me?

1. either micro wave rfs etc used at the time of plane's flight noise or
2.Conditioned .
For first all the beaming need only to be stopped--will needed
iF it is second then tough .Then those who did it may know the technique to overcome it --again will needed.
observed that hub also dashes to loo on or before take offs in mornings after his puja For me it is night in here.But in Bangalore it was in mornings as well.

Went up in morning to terrace from 8am stayed till 8.40am.In this period there were only take offsin the east, overhead and on west.No landing! strange i have seen only landings in from eastern  sky gliding southwards since when i started to observe planes after linking them to my activities and physical discomfort.
Gas cylinders were being banged two flats away in right side.They were being offloaded to mini trucks just before take offs .Caught myself analysing.So this metallic sound was being used to provoke my thoughts .The gas godown right in middle of so many residents is a threat to all .Many petitioned earlier but it was not shifted .Now its location in here  is a must  for those wanting me to write hence i doubt whether it will be shifted although it must be against rules to have such huge shed of gas cylinders amidst more than a 1000 residents living in close proximity.
As i watched the street down below, hub come from his walk.A huge gas truck backed making him to stand a while when a huge van with metal covering all over came and stood before the petty shop blocking it till hub passed it .As It left saw upstairs Burkha clad neighbour purchasing in that shop manned by a christian woman.
Felt cheated and quite angry.So she + that woman seller was being protected from my hub in this casing case or from my looking down though i had taken off my gold bangles , and metals from my person ,but maybe the precaution was becuase of  metal dish antenea that are plenty in the terrace, just before or on a take off [saw a take off then] but i am left bare to thier hubs and sons and creeps on the road

I guess in take offs i am easily controlled as it is only in landings that planes use gps etc , so in take offs no clash with its frequencies , so free to control my movments with help of rfid implant etc 
Ok why is so important to control me
if my observations that flight paths have been changed for me?
For my analysis, preceptions etc?Laughable ,there are 100's of journo's doing a better job of it
That means what i guessed before jamming of my mind could be true.I was made to write forcibily for foreign affairs or blaming society to distract ire against politicians.Latter spoilt my image .
But no one will change planes flight path for auditory masking so that i write about society.So it must be the former
That means Kudunkulam is real I was part of Obama's crazy foreign policy deal for swapping a honest person's view in us courts for sg's release from a harsh law .The next deal of the new govt would have to crush or silence me.
Whenever i blog --neighbours it gets underlined in red[my spell check is not allowed to work by censors]though spelling is correct.ok neighbours means
If there is a mystery to 370 flight and is connected to making me write in that swapping deal then it is china which should be after me
Before 2014 i was sure that sympathisers of terrorists and naxals had a free acces to my writings, house and my activities within.Why were they given acces? Could be politics or political tie ups.

How were they given?Through hidden cameras and implants or both?I didnt conceive any of these crazy ideas but used as a instrument ,all that needed was to give suggestions through micro waves, and provoke to write Is it still given?If so why?

[Again why me?Have to blame shani for sitting on my shoulders and this is sitting on it since 2010 

 when i started to blog actively and upper floor owner made his entry to his house and forced himself  into our life from 2012 onwards]Those who can disable  my rfid can do it.But they are not willing to let go off me .If done i will become as inconsequential as that black cat which did super human feats before 2014 like bolting doors from outside .It is now a mangy unattractive animal , its presence scarcely noticeable.

A little good effect of declaring on blog of having quit BJP or of having no contacts with any political party [also in real life]is that my harrassment in streets and shops  has come down a bit.

Am i being used by tn govt to write and get concessions from centre?are also political parties using my writings for politics and speeches?
Earlier I did have the satisfaction of getting things for people i n here .But no longer do.after realising that i have deliberately provoked to write and it is not of own accord
Secondly instead of being valued for public service , more and more humiliations , provocations are being heaped upon me.Free service is not appreciated .There is no value for it .Am not a politician to reap power  as a compensation for abuses hurled or insults subject to .
I think i was expected to write about my walk in woods --about Vardah .
I curbed my urge to write about my stroll and what i saw.Why should i?The papers who make alot of money have enough descriptions , by well paid journo's..

Since i can find no logical   reason for going to the extreme of micro waving me since 2010and then implanting animal like control within me except that it was the insecurity of the corrupts and secular fundamentalists.As i am unable to  get rid of it  I am blaming shani's reign over me .
Shani reigns for 7 and a half years causing a lot of misery to the person .This shani's reign is linked to my blogging .

Since it started in 2010 it should end by 2017 september .


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