Thursday, December 29, 2016

Why has not the ongoing conversion attempts has found no sympathy amongst locals?

I have written in length about my conversion attempts on and on  which was actually  witnessed by all in the slum tenements when it took place last in full steam last year , who may also have read it later.

But no one is  scandalised by it though removal of my mangalyam with threats etc could have caused some ripples amongst them which could explain the attempts by my Hindu neighbours to make me wear it ofcourse through micro waves .No one talks to me about all this straight away.

Why is the voting Hindu populace up yonder not bothered about this/
1.Is it because to them i donot fall into typical Tam brahmin mould of feeding crows early in morning or make a outward show of festivals i celeberate and there fore what does it matter if i am a hindu or christian?
2.I have also observed that to the general population , the voting kind, Christians are good whilst Brahmin s [specially like me] are vile and bad. So i will become a better person if converted .So why should any one protest?

is it the prevalence of schools run by christians in every nook and corner one of the reasons ,who start morning prayers with hymns etc?Catching them young?And thier subtle  but open contempt for hindu practises ?It is forward and cool  to be a christian but backward to be a hindu.

3. They are highly protective of their muslim bai's shielding them from my  'amorous' nature.Are they protective because they are really kind or do they have that fear lurking within that Muslims should not be crossed , their sensitivities harmed or else they would  have to face their anger and violence?A fear lurking within most seculars and most Hindus are tolerant/secular.

Of the tug of war of conversions of the two communities over me this populace would welcome my conversion to christianity.According to them I am  already  forward/westernised  so why should i crib from legalisng it?They bathe , early, buy banana leaf and bananas every new moon --Amavasya to give it to pitrus whilst i am reading books[even if it be Gita or 4000 prabhandhams] and dallying.

Probably that was why i was asked  to change sect--to Amman worship.As amman worshippers are gradually and easily converted .Mariamma(Mary) =shakthi or Amman.

i guess that my melting inwardly at mention of Rama is of little consequence to them .Nor would the spiritual peace i found in  several of the divya desams and in Tirumala before my harrasment be appreciated as sign of my Hinduness.

There is no revulsion at Christianising Hindus in here amongst ordinary  hindus of lower stratta.Christians are more or less like us .The women put bindi on forehead ,some men put vibhuthi on thier forhead ,in thier weddings the groom also ties the turmeric soaked thread around brides neck like hindu's do, the only difference is that the goldpendant will be a cross or Jesus and not  any Hindu symbol , they celeberate all our festivals and talk proudly of thier caste [though christianity has no caste].They have no inhibitions regarding exposure of body like hindu's.Where as muslims are distinct .Strictly No bindi no mangalyam cover themselves from head to foot whether with sari or with burkha and do not speak of caste or take pride in it .                                                                                         Only priests and educated discern it viz christians mimicking hindus ways and practises to earn the trust of masses ,which is useful for persons wanting to convert The priests, scholars  and educated persons are wary but are helpless to do anything about it.
Political parties  like dmk and aidmk  must be knowing this .Jayalalitha learnt it the hard way when she brought anti conversion bill and then retracted after a defeat.Christian father's right to convert should never be questioned .he is a very very good person isnt he next to god'?That is what ordinary populace [all hindus]is brain washed into believing.The cold reception i received to my plight in bjp office had me confused .Then observing thier wooing of christians in goa going against rss views on conversion set me thinking .Added to this was my relative's in here who is rss bjp worker extolling her friendship with a christian teacher when i went to tell about my conversion woes.In the pricking bodily parts muslim hand was detected  and was cautioned .But it was like as if i have been gifted away for conversion either to this or that religion and between the two christians are a better choice.Fool i was to go to politicians for seeking help.Bjp 's manager once said Muslims will not vote for us so they must be wooing the other minority community --christians .It seems to be thier strategy all over india ,so how will they offend this community if that community is keen on converting me and when local populace is ambivalent ?

So in the tug of war between two communities allowed to convert me both have the weight of political parties behind them  .Muslims and christians have support of political parties in here  whilst christians have support of ruling party at centre.

What a gall to indirectly nudge a person away from her religion to other religions just for political gains and to use resources of the state to do it!Where is my religious freedom?Am i scapegoat for pro hindu parties to gain the badge of secularism?Would bjp have done this to one its members from jansangh?I went trustingly to them thinking they were champions of hindus as against congress that had become anti hindu, but they have gone several steps ahead of them  and made it pucca.If not for the 1 month long jamming of my head and for the exhaustion due to , fluids being squeezed out no converting fellow could have come near me .

Can a individual battle the resources of the state and didn't it occur to them that it was unjust and unfair to do so?It seems like replay of inquisition of yore with blessings of state!

To fear a blogger is laughable.Despite being in constant receipt of insults by ordinary people and constant teasing of my bodily parts and dizzy spells i am still going out alone for walks and shopping and visiting temples.                                                                                                                                             I feel this is my country and i have every right to lead a free life like every one else and i will not be cowed down . i also feel i am clean .Not guilty of any crime or wrong doing and am living off honest earnings.So what is there to fear?It is those doing all this insidious stuff on me who should fear.

As far as muslim conversion is concerned , i thought it was past history.Wasn't it always by force?But what is being done to me is also persuasive and it has been going on since it came to my knowledge from 2012.They have changed their tactics and to a secular of leftist variety--soft on muslims and sc's without a shred of hatred  or revulsion towards them-- like me for best part of my life it was indigestible and unbelievable.
It is also unbelievable to me that sc's [guess mainly recent converts to Christianity ]the dark ones display open hostility to me.I guess just being a fair skinned brahmin is enough to make them get  into paroxym of rage without verifying my actual attitude or views on them  .

It also makes me wonder whether my inherent lack of hatred or revulsion towards muslims and sc's is not seen as a virtue but a weakness to be exploited.if  i had  stuck to the herd i would have escaped .

My observation on Muslim neighbours and strangers sent to case me from 2014.

They cannot bear to see my bare skin exposed at my waist[ all avert thier faces, how very decent , pious and goody goody !] but will bore my sensitive skin in private parts gleefully with rf's and show thier pleasure openly on thier faces  after doing it!seeing is not ok but touching is ok?I have given them an apt name in 2012 itself --perverted peeping toms.

They will not converse with me face to face but do it indirectly by banging on ceiling or make clicking sounds within  my ears [mw] or make the defrost switch of fridge pop up as if they have cornered me into talking with them when i make mental notes .

I guess that they will not see me directly but with help of reflection on glass or mirrors in my house or will see only my back.Like that Allaudhin khilji who was salivitating over another man's wife --[a rajput king's queen padmini ,famed for her beauty]and gorged in her beauty by seeing it in the reflection of a pond . ofcourse i am now where near that queen's beauty or courage , as she jumped into jowar or fire when that Turkish invader defeated and killed  her husband and was eagerly waiting to claim her .

As per my personal movments Generally my class christians of long standing are subtly contemptous of our practises but not hostile.
And muslims of long standing will never speak about our religious practises or show contempt but will dominate and bully for selfish ends  if kindness and acceptance  is shown.

Few years back i scarcely thought of  muslims the way i am made to think now.My attitude was they are there we are there from centuries together so never found the need to  think of them as some new found species.
But my nasty personal experiences with them of late has made me start nit picking all thier faults as well and comparing and contrasting with  our social norms.
Though all in my flat in my generation are to my and public knowledge only with one spouse except the second generation .how did they get into this  obscene racket of teasing another man's wife and another man's mother without any compunction?Is it because they have no, limit on how many they can marry
and secondly their women are allowed to remarry .
It makes me conclude that they have no concept of chastity whilst  a Hindu man has that concept viz male chastity pretty deeply ingrained into them .generally a married woman is out of bounds for such sensual adventures to a Hindu.
i also found out that socially muslims are more sexually  free. Though covered from head to foot a woman can remarry or divorce and remarry !So not much emphasis on women  being tied only to one man unlike us.Yes we have a code that permits divorce etc but our religious and social conditioning since ages of a woman being tied to one man after a sacred marriage ceremony is a inhibiting factor to such a free sensual enjoyment which my counterpart though in burka will not have .Her religion and society permits it .In a way she would be practically more westernised than me or any of my westernised set.


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