Saturday, December 31, 2016

New years wish--2017

To sympathisers of naxals and  Amman ki asha groups and politicians.Get off my back.

I find a band running freely in the heart of India with guns ,ieds etc with intent of bringing down this democratic state indigestible and unacceptable .it is a making  a joke out of the state.

Amman ki asha's donot pull me into your group .I have no interest in the relationship of India  with Pakistan .It is the look out of the leaders and not mine.I could give a damn.
                                           I have  no interest in Muslims in india.I have no interest in their way of life .Frankly I am not in the least  bothered about them .I find no novelty in their existence as they have been around for centuries .So do not keep on provoking me to keep me obssesed with them and other minorities By needling me constantly with nasty practises you are  only sowing hatred and revulsion  against them  within me.

Politicians you have the power to kill or to make bonded slaves out of us.It is unsettling and irritating but it no longer makes me cower in fear .I have got fed up of writing reams which are of no use to me.Getting concessions to public through my writings  doesnot give  a high or atma trupthi ..I get  satisfaction and true atnma trupthi  only when i spend my money  and my own resources to help others on my own.                                                                                                                  
As a starter I hope that in this new year these three  shanni's  will get off my back .


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