Saturday, January 14, 2017

Terrific Slide in my profile view inK.C.Sujata-Google+ Racing heartt

My profile view in google+ has slid from 3lakhs 75,000 views to 18,000 views within last two days!
Was it tailored to keep me happy like a child with a lolipop?
ok let me come to possible reasons for this sudden fall in my views in this google profile whilst in Sujata Venkatesan -google+it is same near about 80,000.
two days back i was observing the effect of take offs on me as i was cooking facing west ,the while of that morning.
At 1.30pm as i sat to lunch i heard my upper floro neighbors voice from down at front and immediately started feeling nauseous.It persisted for full 15 minutes making me wonder as i never feel thus .That persons voice was the trigger .That day i did puja with a tight ring on my left index finger and my back to wall in original way
.He had mimicked my hub to catch my attention in 2012 and since then he has been supplanting himself  in this shadowy control and that day with my hub away at Tirumala i was in a retching spree on hearing this fakes voice  and i wrote it down .i also wrote that it angers me more when i am made to be aware of various parts of my body specially the private ones in a temple than at home as prurient thoughts and deeds are not for temples.They can be for home.

Next day the views in google+ slid .felt curiously relieved at this slide.

Today i again felt nausea when hearing the adoloscent voice of a milk boy which is like a neigh in the landing  early in morning in kitchen Again i felt nervous when i heard the voice of lower floor neigh at noon today!
So these three's voices  are  now known to me.It always on or before take off ,Observed that take off tugs at my heart .When i bind my artery in wrist or index finger  whilst  concentrating or meditating
and later face west and hear these voices i am feeling nauseous.They are all related to one religion or sect .I hate to bring religion or even believe that religion or sectarianism has something to do with  my  predicament but it is playing  a major part  in it .

Have to discover others effects on me .Can a person be so tortured in present times that to by neighbours long time and short?would they have dared to do it if not for powerful backing?

Yet  to find out the effect of dogs barking at night and connection to my facing a particular direction.
Sound of planes take off whether near or far does affect my heart when i face a  particular direction

.So something has been done  to make it flip thus..


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