Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Age and sex no bar?

I ve been doing the rounds to banks  so as to start cashing in on my senior citizen status and increase few points of interest rate in  my FDS despite terrific obstacles to my activity through mobiles and pain in my teeth, jaws and throat that it suddenly struck me, the utterly inhuman and sadistic nature of my continuing torture .

Even in a  proper jail a woman in her middle years would not have been subject to such tortures the way i am being subject in past 5 years The sound of  high decibel electric saw in stereofonic sound, i was made to hear within my forehead in 2012 for one whole month would have made the most hardened extremist [young male] a bundle of nerves.Heard such tortures were done on such people but never heard it being done on a woman that to aged 55 !
Has any one heard of a 55 year old woman being implanted with animal control  chip any where in the world? Our country and this state  has this sadistic distinction.The cases of  implants including forcible implants, i read on net were of much much younger persons that to only men.

Why was it so pertinent to control me thus and continue to do so? What is there to fear of a 60 year old woman and is this the way to control her?

If there is no implant then some other technique is used to turn my head this way and that way . Is this how a senior citizen which our govt gives so many concessions recognising  the disabilities associated with that age ,be given pain in limbs , teeth , jaws every now and then, for her very thoughts? Even a woman in jail will not be tortured the way i am being.
It is utterly despicable that youths with light skin who look like  Nepalese or from North east  and younger than my son and all sorts of men young --middle aged ones with red kumkum  on their foreheads have to leer and revel in in causing physical discomforts in my private parts .Where is their decency ?where is Indians basic decency gone to?.Does politics  and lure of money scotch away such basic courtesies we learn in our family?

Next has any one heard of a 57 old  year woman having her head twined painfully and forcibly  for a whole month in a shadowy manner  in the pretext that  it was in interest of this state and nation  and its people to do so? it was done to me .without my family's consent or my consent Has anyone also heard of a 57 year old woman made to flush out liquids , squeezed out from inner organs , a procedure that is slowly eating her insides and blanking out her mind and is also  subject  on daily basis to stinging pricks in delicate parts on the pretext of galvanising/provoking her ,a woman of 60 year to action?It is being done to me!This  is .'no touch torture  ' which is totally against nature  .What is  planned for me next?Make me conceive?Make me have sextuplets?

In which state of India or  country  of the world would such unthinkable tortures be done on a woman of 60? That to  over a long period of time?5 years from 2012 till now--2017  and may be will continue for some more years?
Is any woman's thoughts read  and  activities inside her ,even the private ones  in her  house seen and then broadcast from nearby public place viz the temple nearby so as to shame her ?It is being done to me.Terrorists, corruption offenders ,rapists  and criminals  are allowed to cover their faces in front of camera.Their shame and self respect  is more important than mine --a 60 year old  home maker ..!                                                                                                                             I am still being constantly provoked by noises which became too irritating to bear after 2012 sound blasting of my head and am constantly ribbed , that all this done because i hardly speak.I am supposed to be a dumb little girl? The dumb badge and bodily pains are   given to me for not speaking  up for minorities.Why should i ? When i am in receiving end of intolerence and was in terrific grip of fear of muslims from 2014 --2016 ?The terrible years when i felt totally isolated from my [hindu] community and felt that i was in Taliban Afghanistan or in a conservative Arab country  though living amidst Tamilians, and Hindus in Chennai?

                             When  I myself  desparately  want some one to speak up for me and give me support,all those who are  forcing me  to speak up and bleed  for other communities are out of their mind . After such a bad experience of making me feel that i was no longer indian, hindu but living in a separate realm  populated only by intimidating  muslims whose  practises are  totally opposite to mine but forced upon me, how can any one expect it of me?Is it humanely possible for any one who has escaped  tormentors to speak up for them?
Who ever did this to me in 2014 has  made me  allergic to  the very presence of Muslims around me.

                                                                                  Now the fear has waned but my memory that i was made a laughing stock by such communities  and thier secular hindu backers from 2012 onwards , is still fresh.

                                                                                                                               .As far as intolerence  goes, i am a old hand, a vetren victim  who has been in the  receiving end of  .Intolerance...Intolerence to my freedom of expression , intolerence to pursue my religion [Hinduism] freely, . intolerance to my property  and privacy rights  and intolerance to my very self  started way back in 2012 itself.when the 'secular's   held sway. .The only difference was that intolerance towards me  which i was already experiencing escalated  double, triple fold after 2014 with change of rule at centre.
                                                       My case in reality is converse.,Despite being  a  member of the majority Hindu community i started experiencing fear  of minorities and seculars ,and was burdened with excessive shackles to  my ordinary freedoms  in Chennai  since 2012..I have been living for decades in Chennai but never experienced such fear or obstacles to my freedom  in the manner in which i was  forced to feel  from  2012. onwards. Did any one come and speak up for me? Did any one offer thier support?Same silence.So who is dumb ?is it me or is it those who are selectively silent?

 . When i was speaking freely on the net on public issues  from 2007 -2011, i was  given various pains  and then sound blasting  and ,public ragging/sort of lynching, to stop me from being frank  and express  my truthful  observations on the net in my blogs .and was literraly forced out of
                                                                                                           To top it all was the one month long  in 2014 September conversion attempts on me through the same secretive methods .Neither did the brigade that was so agitated by Ghar wapasi and rights of individuals nor did  the so called defenders of Hindu faith and culture  come to my aid.To the seculars my rights hardly count .To them i am a animal . May be they felt and still feel that  conversion would do me good.It would make a person out of  the animal i am  in their eyes. 
                                                                                                                                   May be i am also a animal  to the Hindu culture defenders -Hindu hypocrites ,who defend and protect selectively So why should they waste thier time by protesting  loudly or try to stop it   if a donkey or ass is being converted to other religions ,right under thier nose?And where are the temple builders?Not one comes to my aid when i visit temples and help prevent any denigration right in front of the sanctum .nor help me pursue  our religion peacefully in my house.

                                                    But now suddenly i am expected to speak up  and blog or even write in my diary on news that channels are repeatedly telecasting. When nobody is bothered about my plight why should i be bothered about someone else's issues  shown on tv??Got  bored of all of this and for refusing to be a masochist i am given all these shots like how shots are given to cows and buffaloes to extract milk when it goes dry;

Is anywhere in the world a woman of 60 who is not in politics or public life wanting to lead a peaceful life at home  disallowed to do so  by external shadowy forces?

It is also being hinted that all this is for my mental well being, another ailment  of mine requiring  intervention .If i went crazy at age 55  due to my grief and if  the persons were truly interested in my mental well being as is being hinted why wasn't my family taken into confidence?What is so hush hush about this that only i have to know all this?  Why should not these bleeding hearts who are so very  bothered about my 'health'  not talk to me straight away face to face  and tell me as to what the problem is instead of sending me micro wave  messages , indecipherable hints through suggestions and   ,antics of birds animals and children around me?

                                                                                                            The very secretive nature of  this process of 'setting me right ' makes me suspicious that it was and is intended only to use me.In fact my mental well being has gone for at toss after 2012 due to cruel methods done to me .I started going on see saw of emotions only after  breaking me with loud sounds.Like i said even a young terrorist would have  nerves frayed completely under such sounds .Probably the ruling dispensation saw me as a dangerous saffron extremist [ hence treated like a terrorist would be, that to at 55 years of age!] on one hand and a dangerous anti corruption activist operating from her computer!
                                                                                 Nothing much has changed  for me even after a change of rulers .Still in this invisible  torture  prison in which  my age  is  of no consequence.though all my identification cards say i am 60 .In a jail its inmates would receive some payments for work done .Nothing of that sort for me in my prison .where it is only slave labour..

All those who know how i can get out of this or defend myself by explaining few thing are keeping mum.All those keeping mum live right next door It is either fear of authority or fear of losing their  hen [me] that lays plenty of golden eggs.

Very simple day to day activities like some  quiet moments in a small puja  in my house ,since 2014 and visiting temples  since, 2011 has been turned into Herculean tasks for me.To cap it all such disruptions are accompanied by all round  gloating .
Will any body believe that this would happen to a Hindu in a state and country having hindus in majority?If i cannot be a Hindu in my country with day to disruptions by athiests, jaundised eyed sick seculars  and coveteous converters and corrupt exploiters, may be i have to migrate to another country may be western democracies  and sit in a foreign soil free from such disrupters just to do my small puja every day!And visit temples there peacefully hoping  that i have shaken off this determined band of  aggressive atheists , sick seculars and  shameless converters off my back .

On the eve of Independance day i am sounding seditious and even anti national.But this is the truth .The govt  and hindus around me have  failed to protect me though i keep on blogging and writing about this. More worrying to me than the govts  failure to protect me   is the suspicion  that may be the govts themselves have a role in all this .The mind to mind conversion ,mind to mind conversations ,importantly the fact that our lives [activities and pains] are conditioned by flights which are also used in conversion, bespeaks of role of agencies that must be connected to the Govt.

I hope  that none of those in other communities and their  sick secular backers equate themselves with me in the converse  and that none of the  Hindu hypocrites equate my current plight to centuries old past resentments  and  thus ridicule me further  and make a mockery out of my geniune hardships by doing so.and thus weaken my case .


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