Thursday, August 3, 2017

Red under line

Yesterday whilst i was blogging some words were persistently underlined in red as if to indicate the role of various people in the peculiar situation i am in .How far it is true i cannot verify .i made a list and am blogging it .
1.There is a implant  in my tooth.It facilitates the controlling of my movements .Center is in charge of the control

2.A Muslim nosy parker is responsible for making me confess and forgive in my half wakefullness state and thus wipe out my past memory, specially regarding  my late son Vidat.So confession in Tirumala is not due to Christians but due to  Muslims,

3.Pressurre is often applied in  my head .body etc.

4.TV is main source of micro wave radiation and not ac or clock or specs or gadgets.

5.Some one in our flat controls koels singing plus our movements.No key regarding crow, squirrels ,pigeons , cats , etc antics

6.That back pack in temple was  a right..

7.The word Analysing was underlined--So all this hulla bulla around me is for my analysis

Earlier underlinings

Scooters sound--It is used in this dirty game of control over my body and mind

Enactments--Whilst blogging  about my visits to Dentist to cap that implant in gold the 5 year old girl came out sobbing loudly and bitterly unlike her usual sing song wails .Which could mean that if i capped it or removed it i am in for a terrific grief [ i am supposed to be that girl - a child with 5 year old mentality]Her mother[State] was consoling her and her  father[centre] [who may  have put  the pressure on her head  whilst  probably sleeping to make her cry, poor kid  suffers a lot because of me] didn't come out..

 Let me do my fabled analysing.

1, So the pressing of my body by myself or others right in front of Srinivasar in Tirumala  since 2014 in last two yearly  was due to center as it controls my movements .

Sick! Hypocrites.Lack true regard for religion though it proclaims itself to have great respect for Hindu religion and culture.If control was in centre from  2012  onwards the earlier Cong govt was better in this aspect.It never did such things to me in temples though it appears to be anti hindu and  defenders only of minorities.
This time no pressing maybe because i tore my BJP membership card and disposed it off.Thank god Thank Srinivasar.that i got away from that party.Is this how they treat their women members?Sex objects to be under strict control?

2.                                                                                                                                                                         Is Muslim nosy parker obliterating memory of Vidat because my grief makes me  see and observe and write about Hindu practises in new light around me which he may think would influence those in power to enforce Hindu practises? This NP -short form of Nosy parker has a wide net of Muslims who can be pressed into service in a  than jiffy.Who is it? Selfish brutes .Worse than the brain washing done in  North Korea or earlier communist its own intelligence  and police.on its own citizens.
This fellow for selfish gains or pre coping or preempting any influence i may have is infringing into my most private and fundamental rights and is squashing my identity and trying to impose a new one .That to when? When i am 60 years of age.

Both NP and HH --short form of Hindutva hypocrites are perverts.But Np is worse than HH

HH sort of  let go of me  when i quit their party .But this NP  pervert who had no right over me in first place as i wasn't  member of any political party in 2012 or organisation nor am i now  is claiming undue rights over my body and mind.
hh--implant controllers were provoking me to anger in my temple visits but this np is wiping out my very identity in a very sly and secretive manner when in sleep or in rest which is tough to ward off.

Do my frequent trips to loo at night denote end of each session of systematic wiping out of my memory and am i flushing out my memory and myself .Vans leave when i go to loo as if signalling the success of brain washing.Husbands trips to loo  are in the morning prayer and  naps heralded by tinkling  of puja bells  from other flats.
This pervert is obliterating our identity, self respect and regimenting us to what that pervert thinks is correct and right thinking.
in return journey  in the morning a small kid kept screaming shrilly after every hour waking up husband  it was probably heralding the  end of  his flushing session after we passed into. Tamilnadu In AP that family of 4 was quiet and dour.

Wanted to find out who that np was hence blogged ,no keys so far.

What if hh and np are complementing each other in thier quest to control us?

Another take away .

The way np is acting with impunity shows the power and influence Muslims weild in a country which is pre dominantly populated by Hindus and there are no objections to his interference in life of a  Hindu couple.Amazing!
i am warned of dire consequences by upper floor resident muslim in a indirect way  when i am  writing and a part of it  is seen by him as affecting Muslim interests  and also punished for it with bodily pains .

The bullet sound makes me write on and on it is 11 am

Ok let me do so
Every one around wants to humour Muslims and fear to interfere in their intersts or religion.I was like that , was brought up like that and remained thus till 2012But when i found them poking their nose in my affairs  , my rights viz blogging   i shed my 55 year long ambivalence and determined to fight for my rights.My attitude changed.I am not interfering in your life or religion and i expect you to reciprocate if not i will exercise my legal rights If your interests are paramount for me my rights are paramount.The right to pursue my religion ,the right to share it, right to my property and my right to voice my opinion freely.The rights for which my grand father agitated against the Britishers.
My husband was amazed at the way i persisted in blogging as  he was aware of indirect threats to it through terror tactics in 2012.
i neither have  hatred or excessive sympathy towards them to  be either be harsh or to cow down .I  have seen them as equals as i didn't carry any  historical baggage and i was only battling for my rights..

Hh shame me .Shame our country,s prestige and confidence by not trusting its citizen to think and act for herself by keeping me in such a base animal control .As shameful as its predeccsor, lacking confidence in self and in others.

Np's --By obileterating my memory of Vidat and others i will not all of a sudden lose interest in Hinduism.I ll still be a Hindu in essence and find gems from ancient Hindu texts to share on line.The more my mind is cleansed and the more it is  crowed about, the more it hardens me against Muslims and Christians.It makes me determined to never take interest in thier issues which seems to have suddenly cropped up in the media in multitudes even at the pain of bodily harm for not doing so  and even become anti minority.

Thanks to  HH  and its predecessors for making me lose my respect and pride i had in the govt of India .
Thanks to np for making me lose my faith in basic decency of our fellow country men

My first jolt was in 2007 when creator entered my life ,took and left breaking my 50 years of confidence that such  avoidable tragedies  happen to others and not to me

My 2nd jolt was in 2012 when govt and various exploiters entered my life[ and is still sticking on ] breaking my 55 years long confidence in govt, media  and people around me and the firm belief  that such things don't happen in my country ,it happens only in films .,

The 3 rd jolt came in 2014 when i was made aware that those in govt will not hesitate to exercise thier powers in the extremes to terrorise me in a clandestine manner  It was like as if i was in grip of  taliban terrorists .My head was jammed  making me skull and bone and then liquids removed and then series of threats apart from that conversion was messaged into me like --dress in dark ,bathe in dark, don't read with specs , don't see tv, don't you dare dress after 6 pm or go out ,stop blogging and delete it all,no browsing , don't wear jari or gold,, sit here ,stand there , if you dare talk to your husband  or go near him or son they will be done away with, remove all pictures, photos , don't tell your slokas , don't you dare do japa if you do some one in your family or community will die ,don't you dare use bright lights,.It was a terrifying time .It made me lose  all my  confidence in this state, country and its people.When i went out i my. head was turned to see only Mosques or church.or Vinayakar.It is still being done.Now q arises if centre was in control of my movments why would it want me to see only Mosques , churches ,  only muslim people  and none other when i went out ?Can't understand the intracacies but am sure of one thing --in that period  the lower floor resident  rep of centre was apprehensive of Muslims clandestine -viz  messaging etc, links with me

It was those constant do's and dont's  accompanied by threats in a weakened state of body and blocking of my mind and thinking power that was terrorising. me and paralysing me in fear I felt that i was deported to Taliban or some other strict Muslim country.

The worst chapter in my life was then

ok as i was blogging this 3 rd jolt words  like taliban, terrorists and dont's were underlined .If it is a key it means terrorists or thier supporters  were  the ones ordering me into purdah  and to lead a illiterate life with so very many dont's .

If it is true they scared me out of my wits

In cold hindsight the question that arise in me is this -- If all the above is true viz terrorists or thier supporters or naxals were sending me micro wave  messages why did no one come and tell me about it directly? Why this day to day enactments,  and these red lines? Every one of the actor /player are just a hand breadth away yet .Why should i try and guess it all by myself when so many around know about it and can  come home and explain it and how to guard myself  instead of  indirect hints .

Is the implant and the shame of doing it  and also using  my diary writings  without my permission  keeping them away?Did taking revenge on me backfired? All this has made me even more vulnerable to outsiders attacks.When your own people exploit you  in clandestine manner why won't  others  who are in no way bound to this country's laws do it in same manner  through similar tricks?


Whilst walking back home from bank whilst waiting for traffic to give way  i suddenly found myself adjusting my sari so as to cover my waist ,few seconds later saw  a Middle aged white cap mus on a motor bike on opposite side .Came home thinking about this automatic gesture or was it ?Why do i adjust my sari always few seconds before a mus comes in view? Isn't it a automatic body movements ? Aern't my body movements controlled by that implant.Isn't that control with Centre as per red underline?So is a mus at the centre controlling my movements?Is the center playing a double game? Does it shift my control from Hindus to Muslims at will?Was the pressure on me to write about lynching centers doing?am i kept blogger to write as per order?Was i punished by making me pass blood in stool by the centre?
Were the nastying me in sanctum of Srinivasar by mus control of centre ,the hindutva hypocrites?

Then a thought struck me , maybe this red underlining to give me some clue as to what is happening is by the state  police or its spy agencies.They may have deliberetly left out their role in this implant business.and in other things also.Foe eg when i wrote crows, squirrels , pigeons .koels etc are made to do tricks all those were not underlined but only koel and ,which means the rest that are made to do tricks , are made to do by the state govt.So may be even state govt has a say in this animal control.and that control is under a  muslim or muslims.
Whatever this jigzaw puzzle may be it is a fact that i saw  Muslims every where i went since 2012 even in places they would normally keep away .Of the two controls viz Hindu and muslim cum christian it is the muslim control over me which is dominant.Who gave  them this power to intrude into our lives and make a mess out of it?Is it the state or center ?

Once whilst visiting a temple in deep south the  priest said' Why blame other communities for interference in our lives and religion  they scarcely do it is our own people viz Ayengar drabhai's  - perverts  who do it or permit it '.


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