Monday, August 21, 2017

Implant extracted?

A Dentist finally pulled out my root cannalled tooth on 17 th .The tooth which i was sure encased a chip or some such thing [even chipless ones that act on reflections and not on battery and much cheaper are also used in such implants as per Vericop company's brochure in  internet] under its ceramic cap to control my movements and to keep track of me , maybe even to send suggestions and orders .

In detail---

On 17 th evening set out of the house with the determination to visit as many Dentists as possible in the vicinity and find one who would extract that tooth .

Entered the Dental clinic in Arcot road which was under renovation  and the Dentist was expected only at 6.30 pm .It was only 5 pm .then .So set out towards the park where i vaguely remembered seeing one.A stout policeman on a motorbike either followed me or went ahead of me as and when i entered Arcot road .

Midway i decided to enquire in a health centre  A  pet dog barked from nearby.[probably implying that i was a dog on leash as i was suddenly taking this unwanted detour] Saw a smartly dressed North eastern woman  with a huge the gateIgnored and went in .The receptionist said that they were only testing lab but confirmed that a clinic was there at road end,Came out .Saw that NE I turned my right ear towards her and she shut her phone and left ,disappointed.
 Walked further down  .In the cross roads near  the park the policeman on my  duty  went ahead and looked suspiciously at the  two left side junctions and went away.

Spotted a tiny clinic  in front of the park.Went in .The woman receptionist greeted me and asked to wait as Doctor was on his way.Tiny ac room .Observed time .It was 5.30 pm.A young woman came in sat on my left and started talking about Kutcherry ,academy etc on her cell .Noticed that had left her foot wear  outside  .Asked the receptionist should i leave mine outside,She said yes .So went out and left and came back.Now my right ear was on that woman's side.I stood on .Why? No idea.Maybe obeying orders.  She left  hurriedly immediately.

Then the Doctor came breezing in .Young maybe not so young as he could be in his mid thirties like Vidat would have been now. Was called in He did what all Dentists did  -gesture towards the Dental chair a reclining one with instruments all around making it difficult to get my message across lucidly and seriously.
So i told him i ll sit on this stool  and tell you my problem .
Told him about the metallic grating sound i hear whenever i chew on that root cannalled tooth  and it was irritating and i want that tooth removed .Naturally i didn't tell about implant etc as he wouldn't have believed it  .But it is also a fact that i was hearing that irritating grating sound  since 2011 and i scarcely could use that tooth for chewing.

Lay on the chair .He took a a x ray on the spot .unlike the xray at Apollo where i had to go to another room .It was a  instant and small image. He said my tooth looked fine and strong but would remove it if it was causing me discomfort..I said yes do remove it .
He injected a local anesthesia into my gumsand started chipping of the metal .Then he asked do you hear the sound i have taken off the metal but ceramic cap is there. I chewed and found the ceramic grating..and told him so.
There was a small computer right in my front towards my left..Two Bullets passed with a few minutes interval.When  the second one went and that metal was taken off the message came --internet connection failed .Then  computer  came alive again.

I told him to remove the ceramic cap which he did and was proceeding to cap it again with his , though i couldnt see i felt that he was doing something which i didn't want . I had put my gold bangled hand under the apron as i know its reflection can cause some problems. So i asked him what are you doing  in a slurred manner as my mouth was numb.He said i have removed the cap and am filling  cement .I said No .Don't.He stopped I got up and went to the toilet.

Again back to the seat.The dentist said Madame' you look like Jayalalitha .I had worn my old blue silk saree.
I said 'Oh even my son  in his childhood used to say that '. [  my  7-8 year old son in 1990's had  found a similarity with his plump amma and the CM's posters and used to point her to me and say amma   ]

He said that my root was very strong but the tooth was three fourth gone and it was unethical for him to remove such a good teeth.He was admiring my tooth from a Dentist point of view!And said he will put a plastic cap instead of metal.He may be genuine in his but who knows as to what will be put into it without his knowledge or what if the chip or whatever that alien object is in the root?

Those two dental surgeons in 2011 gave a hour long  pain probably due to slicing off my good tooth to its roots to put it in .

He said something about tooth fracture .like the Appollo doc said.Found it funny that a tooth can get fractured during extraction and that my another tooth [which had a root canal done on it when i was in Delhi age 22] would  loosen and generally my chewing capacity will come down .He then asked do you hear agrating sound now .I chewed and didnt hear in left ear but did hear mildly in my right ear .He said maybe it is that older filled in tooth .Go for a cap .I said no.
Then he said no cap means your  tooth will catch a infection and it will  cause pain and will have to be removed .Matter of time.
I said go ahead and pull it off now itself   i am not going for a cap
The computer screen was on.
Then he said fine  i will do it as customers discomfort is more important.and started pulling it out with tongs and insisted i keep my eyes open.It was scary to see the tongs and wondered why he wanted me to keep my eyes open.
He twisted and turned my root and  laboured  a lot to pull  out one It was painful..The computer screen went blank.For the other root he had to do surgery.For that i hardly felt any pain .He took it out and showed the blood soaked tooth admiring its strength!

He said that i had a lot of bleeding Asked me if  i was dizzy.I didn't feel.He prescribed tablets asking me to take them within half an hour  so as to bear the pain which he said would be quite unbearable.Fee nominal.

Came out  .Should i walk back?Decided not to push my body too far.Took a auto. bought medicines enroute .It had become dark. When i entered the compound a flat resident [Hindu Brahmin] crossed me .He had shocked me in 2012 or 2013 by going in front of me when i was returning from morning walk and saying ju ju like one does to lead  a dog when i entered our area..The new dark watch man glared at me.The residents of the other three flats on my floor had left,by then curiously together on a temple trip.

Came up .Maybe 7.15 pm.Changed the stained saree , lit the oil lamp and rushed  to the balcony and removed clothes from line as it had started to rain..

When i went into the kitchen to get my plate my hear twisted and i  turned.and came to the dining table to have some curd rice as suggested by doc before taking in medicines.,tremors started wracking my body head to foot . They were uncontrollable.I just couldn't stop them What was happening to me?Alzeimers or Parkinson or seizure? Was some nerve affected in that surgery?I rubbed my hand and legs , walked up and down,  sat on chair , no those terrible shivers wouldn't go .Would i pass away before my husband comes from  his usual evening outing?Laughed at myself. for over reacting.Thought if i die now i will do so laughingly.and my face would have a smile.

The shivering was akin to one i felt when i had Malaria.The shivering is internal and no rug can stop it.The tremors went up and down .I had to take tablets which could arrest it Eating rice out of question as my teeth was chattering.So made oats with shaking hands added some milk and gulped a bit with trembling hands and bodyThen found the simple job of prising open the tablets Herculean .somehow managed it and popped them in and went to my bed hoping the medicines and pain killers  would start acting soon dropping the routine of cooking for the night.
Shivers didn't leave .Should i ring up the doctor?Went to kids room there it reduced . was it due to mobile and other stuffs i had kept there ?Heard that chupchup  from cosmos next flat--backing of car. Also heard a man selling salt. suggesting that i  was taken for a ride?
That it was a wasted surgery , only pain and no gain for me                                                                            Pushed those thoughts aside to be chewed upon later ,and came to fridge remembering the doc saying take something cold.Had a glass of chilled water ,It reduced the shivers.They nearly stopped

I was shaking for more than half an hour from 7.20pm to 8 pm Nothing happened in the clinic or on my way back.So it is this house which is a trap The micro waves making things worse .
Again went to bed and napped  and woke up when i always get up to have my dinner--8.30On dot.So this removal has not stopped  the link between flights and my activities.There is a flight at 8.30 pm and i have to get up.and change direction of my ears whether i actually want to do so or not.Felt a lot better.

That night was woken up twice despite tranquilisers to demonstrate how i still  press my body as per commands  with autos leaving down the  street screeching as if signalling that outer control and there fore it was futile to go in for such a painful extraction in the belief that i would overcome it !Rubbing salt on my wound.Heard dogs bark at a distance in south direction.The direction of the enemy.It was 3.30am.

Morning felt ok but not too fit .Again shivers in the morning and at noon .mild .At noon saw a muslim neigh with his grand child standing on the road The shivers left only when he moved away from that spot So were my shivers deliberately induced ?Was there a control in that tooth which would make me move in such away as to receive pain or to escape from it by changing my positions as punishment and reward and also  to keep me off from rivals poaching?

How are my movements still controlled ? Is there another chip inside that older root canalled tooth? Or is it the one having the control?Those surgeons could have done anything in 2011 .Was it a waste? One cheering thought is that the doc said the older one will get loosened on removal of this tooth sooner or later .Now a days removing parts of my body  seems to be a cheering thought not because they have detoriated but because they are being used to intrude to make me feel ashamed  and even alarmed at sudden abnormalities and to, control and exploit me systematically for years.It could do with politics.

next day had fever and pain in that cavity so lay flat .Yesterday pain persisted  whole day and i found a link between persons having mobile and standing on that spot and with that pain .Even animals stop  attacking when its enemy is down but not so with these persons.They are attacking me more when i am weak and increasing the pain  to unbearable levels.The pain suddenly left at  7.10 pm .

Did i acheive any thing at all with this removal?The freedom that i wanted? Am i free from the veil of illusion thrown over me by constantly tracking me and then casing me and then  making me write?Maybe.

I think that other residents in my floor leaving together abruptly when i visited the clinic could be to use the adjacent flats to beam micro waves liberally into my flat , in particular, into me ,maybe , again to make me write, as there is a terrific veiwership for my writings viz diary writing  wrung out of my pains. and maladies.All those persons who can attack a person as old as me when in real pain as was demonstrated yesterday  wouldn't have  hesitated to raise the scale  to extract a good story out of me .


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