Thursday, August 24, 2017

Decision on Right to privacy

When i studied Law in  late 1970's my lecturer on Constitution had said that right to privacy was part of right to liberty and it is fundamental right and had supported this view with rulings of Suprerme court .

So i find nothing so remarkable in the current judgement over this matter which has only reitrated its earlier interpretation of the Constitution. .

The fact i knew of this inalienable  fundamental right  guarenteed to a citizen was what which made me protest against the forcible invasion into my privacy by means of implant in to my body, and all those shadowy procedures that were carried out on me and is still being carried out .

Even today after the judgement was delivered and received with great fanfare by media i was subject to restrictions on this fundamental right to my privacy.

Whole morning kids were stationed with big mobiles in thier hands on a parked auto right outside my bedroom window .Maybe to transmit our conversations and thoughts in the "privacy of my house'  to some one beyond which  may very well include this media ,the champion of liberties of a select few.

As soon as i said some slokas  in the' privacy 'of my house in the 'privacy 'of my mind a garbage truck drove down as if signalling  the success of the conversion .My body was turned this way and that to nasty me. The irritating  sounds [amplified] on my ceilings didn't stop .

In actual life will  any person or authority adhere to this  9 judge ruling on  Right to privacy  and stop mining data from me/us?

Will this judgment stop the  evesdroppers from listening in to our conversations and thought like as if  it is their fudamental right  to do so ?Will it stop all those playing with my body parts  like as if they own it?

.Those determined to invade my privacy are doing it and  did it when this decision was relayed on all news channels  and will do it .

Would be naive if i too joined that celeberating bandwagon like as if  the judgment is a magic wand that will usher in the said freedom to me.


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