Thursday, April 17, 2014

My role in indo us diplomacy.

Went through the two pieces written in my diary  that US admn was betting its entire diplomacy  with india upon when nancy powell was the ambassdor to india to find out how it could have helped US and s.g
The first one was written on 20 .12.13 which i have blogged earlier and the other constitute the diary writings on 14,15,and 16 th of march.Both were to be used to provide proof of conservativeness or illiberality of indian society towards people afflicted by mental illness and unusual that the harsh and arcahic laws under which sonia .g was to be prosecuted could be struck down by jurors and thus facilitate her entry into the US for whatever illness she was getting treated for  over there.

That first piece was the culmination of series of pieces where i make constant references to hostile stares, ridicule and humiliations  an solid proof of the illiberality of indian society towards those who are mentally weak or ill.Simply put-madness..since april 2012 when pf started his explosive sound treatment along with making every person i came across to be always hostile and on guard with me around though till such time i was only a just another glum woman ,and forced me to write it diverting me succesfully from my inquiry into hinduism and observations on public and policy matters and projected me as one who had completely lost it. That piece failed because i mentioned Rahul.g .so connection to cong .that is he and his party were taking advantage of a situation created by them .manufactured evidence which is bound to be rejected by any court

Have to hand it to politicians and their minions they never say die.

First they showed me as a unreliable nut so that anna, and co and not so moderate rights got scared and were repulsed of me.

Second use the same theme to turf out their mentally stricken leader by showing how these brown louts would react if they knew of her avoved ailment  .mock and laugh by projecting me as one similarily placed . that route also failed  forgetting basic principle of jurisprudence.that one cannot make use of one's own creation of a situation and crime. .
                                                                                                                            the third route was a middle class preception of her mysterious cancer.Suddenly i was made to regain my mental balance in US  eyes and came to be projected as a sane and honest middle class blogger.In my 14,15 and 16 th diary writings i did give it .[ since it is very many pages long i am not blogging it for now]Again an illiberal view.But by listing the basis of my assumptions i exihibited my legal training which an ordinary house wife should not posses.i listed  them because i was pressurised to write something which i felt was not the actual truth of the state of illness of sg  .My doubts regarding facts led to loss of evidentry value..
Fourth route was to either make me list all illliberalities in indian society or just blog my middle class preception of her illnesss.This was to be in that last week 31.3.14--9.4.14. since i had resolved not to write or blog that route also failed.

written on 14.4.14  7.30am



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