Monday, April 7, 2014

Diary 31.3.14 Diplomacy be damned.

Stayed at home and was tempted to list my activities as i usually do but fear held me back .If wrote the mundane household activities in my very public intnl diary my value as middle class preception would skyrocket

.What a misery.        It is my diary yet every one reads it .Just where will i go to unburden myself?However decided to strictly stay off writing and net till elections start since i do not want to unwittingly give a chance to our shamless opportunistic politicians to cut deals and put our country's needs at peril.
Watched Modi'd speech in Arunachal pradesh.Ah! he was in full steam.It seems that he has derived inspiration from my crazy blog in sujataism2 in which i branded every ruler /politician in India as killers, crooks, cheats and traitors.
Late ight swa news that nancy powell --us ambassdor to india has quit over her mishandling of Dev.k incident etc.So this old woman was roasting me non stop for past 3 months to get my emotional evidence and pure middle classprecption.Good riddance.She and her crazy senile ideas.Hope the new one doesnt pincer me in dk/sg case.

yesterday morning  i wrote a piece where i let of obama and putin but hold our dirty politicians responsible for stalling benifits to milions for the sake of prestige and honour of a single woman- an politicl leader.
True i even gave my much prized midle class preception of the mysterious health problem of sonia .g.That is what my view would be if it was either pshychiatric or cevicial  cancer .so that the US court uses it and allow her in and thus not let her  ,hold the entire country to ransom again and again till that issue is solved .But didnt blog it. [as i add this para  today viz 9 th after  skipping it when i blogged this on 7th i am not going to give the highly prized preception as i am still wary of the political class and their infinite capacity to close ranks. i want that inked before i part with my preception  ]

Why ?The irritating tapping a signal for me to pour out my emotions and write it . Since i have developed an active distrust to such nudgings i decided to hold back  .May be the deal wasnt off and would be kept alive till the day elections start viz 7 th

My resolve strengthened when the tapping's  the nudging continued on the ceiling .This made me recoil.The more i am arm twisted the more it hardens me . Am i not a conservative Hindu woman and am i not projected as such and which Hindu woman would stomach strange men wantonly peeping into her house?This was  one of the good reasons to strengthen my resolve till i was absolutely sure that my writings will not be exploited to suit a priveleged few as against the needs  of vast not so priveleged masses

Taking in the coolness of the late night from my balcony saw a lot of residents of tenements , men women and even young women returning from work, walking and,trudging about .Tired to the bone after a days hard work.Longing for a good nights rest after watching TV and sleeping under a fan and be fresh to face the next day's work.Simple hard working people fulfilling their cycle of life .I am totally out of this grind and power cuts wouldn't irritate me much .Yet i have unwittingly   have made their life ahead a little bit easier and pleasanter.  The fig trees leaves rustled in the breeze .I am sure there are more people than those leaves in this part of the country and those two days i had the power to determine the power needs of  millions as against the extraordinary power of a few and their desire to circumvent the price of power and i luckily used the power  for the former and am glad that i did it.

MK..Gandhi's oft repeated quote came to my mind 'before taking a decision think how it would affect the poor '.There is no longer the poverty of his days so I'll substitute poor with ordinary people. 

PS i have blogged all this  today 7 th April  though i had earlier wanted to play it safe and blog only on 9 th when in natl timings adjust since  the TV news cnn says  that the black box that is sending pulse will die off tomorrow .And if at all  Obama 's heart should melt and pitch in the resources only his country has on reading my blog then  it should be at this very instant as i blog .Hope he does. Purely humanitarian.
PPs. My instinctive distrust of the politicians in this saga was right .Read today viz--12.4.14 in toi that the nuclear deal was inked only on  thursday viz 10.4.14.That  could mean that cong was still waiting for me to give my middleclass preception of the mysterious illhealth of sg  and have let go only when i reiterated my determination not to give it in  a para  in this very blog on 9th.

Sujata's oath  --i'll never give it .My distrust in  Cong as well as other conniving politicians has become too deep  to be overcome so easily.Simple i just donot know what is at stake ,if it was  that nuclear deal this time it could be something else next time viz lining of pockets of politicians / parties or some other dampener in the path of development .

Once bitten twice shy.



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