Monday, April 7, 2014

From my diary----22.3.14 Saturday 6 pm.Felicitations

After writing long long imposition viz my analysis and trying to understand the bizzare andaman triangle into which i was fitted in decided to de clutter my brain and escape from the flat with some shopping so proceeded on to co optex shop to buy curtains,shelving the strange but persistent urge to blog my piece on pm's last laugh.
A group of school girls got off the ptc bus lugging their school bags without a care in the world .The future citizens of india!To them i would be just another middle aged woman walking down the street .
Their laughter and innocence suddeny made me giddy with the importabnce of what i had done and achieved.I had fought a valiant battle against all odds , against conniavance of politicians who shout from the roof tops about providing security and empowerment to women including those who wear patriotism on their lapels , as well as weak kneed politicians from nearby countries ,as well as the complicity of our own govt and the pm and its vast machinery ,to turf one out  from their charmed circle -- a -political leader ,the supremo of Cong who had got caught in a legal tangle in US and every politician here as well there wanted to willy nilly rescue her though it would involve the blatant intrusion of  a foreign country into our own , that is foisting its principle of juriprudence , on me in my country.How dare ?

For the pm who perpetually throws up his hands ,the ukraine crisis provided a golden oppurtunity to finish of his hearts desire before demitting office --take a neutral stand on crimean issue and  and get russis's help in making it accept the new contract which has claim for damages whilst providing nuclear reactors [ the damages clause was what all the opposition parties wanted  here as well] to which russia had shown reluctance to accept till now.and had stalled the project .

How ever dark forces intervened .With re indiction of dev.k , the mystery of the missing plane , a full moon and a emotional  blogger at hand  who could be compelled to write reams with hypnosis and other shady works,an oppurtunity arose to find a escape route to sg .And they worked pretty hard on me to get the emotional evidence to unsuspecting jurors in US  courts  or even congress men to nullify the harsh law with a humane decison.To show what a illiberal place india was   and it had to come from the horses mouth viz me --.a middle class observer.

The more i was worked upon the more i resisted .Some what similar to the attempts and my ordeal in dec last which co incidently also fell on same date viz 8th and 9 th onwards  
I did burst out showing how very conservative a society we are as well as my conservativness .For all my knowledge and reading western literature all my life the  long conditioning of generations upon generations will never allow me to go the full hog .This could have turned into sg's favou r if i had not proceeded to rant against obama [ cursing obama was very uncharacteristic of me .why should i ?he hardly figures in my life .so he was deliberately introduced or i was making a link with that similar dec 8 th episode sub consciously]     and list out  assumptions on the basisof articles in net and newpapers which i was forced to make owing to the mystery sorrounding sg's illhealth. since i felt it was unfair of me to cast aspersions on another person's character without being aware of the actual facts.

That did it the deal was off and pm by default was free to claim his laurels .His pliant complicity in this entire affair is obvious  , hence i am in no mood to praise him .In fact i had cursed him and his deputy as well in one of my imposition writings.Again out of the blue.

If i had succumbed on the crucial days--14,15,16 th march [when a decison was awaited to isolate russia ] to presures exerted for the sake of one womans' entry into US  india would have had to support US  [that must be the deal if not why was my diary writing so important and  broadcast internationally and keenly read ?]against russia and in the process suffer a set back in nuclear energy.Russia wouldn't have melted.

The bright faces of the young girls filled me with a warm glow.I have stood up against politicians, natl and internatl  so that these  young saplings the  ordinary citizens  may never see a power cut or grope in darkness in their adult life.

So i achieved something .And it is no mean achievment.

A policeman was training a jet black labrador  , which was totally out of place in the co ptex grounds and several men in gray were standing around . A lot of young policemen barely out of their teens lined the streets and the slum tenements idiot an adoloscent boy was made to run wild in the heavy traffic of the busy mount road .The felicitations from a perverse party.

Just what was i battling both the times at a sub conscious level and refused to surrender ?Cursing obama on 15 -16  shows it was the obama admns !The Americans!Maybe the fighting spirit inherited from my freedom fighter grand father spurted up and refused to submit to foreigners/westerners exercising their legal or admns system over me in my sovereign country.

All our woderful netas connived for their collegue and forgot the duty they owe to their people.

If i wouldnt have stood up this time around those girls may have to study in candle light or be denied the simple pleasure of watching tv and every affected person would chaffe at having to endure powercuts when all netas in unison claim that we are in race for super powerdom!

Those laughing faces of those innocent young girls whose hassle free future was in a way in my hands was my true felicitation

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