Thursday, February 6, 2014

The pink blossom.

Don't think that i ll continue blogging in sujataism.I have a feeling that its purpose has been served.                      i encountered two sets of young viewers / fans and one set of young critics .The Anna fans and the rightist fans and  leftists critics.since i didn't have the heart to quash their innocence and would rather that they would learn ,digest or accept the reality as it exists with their own experiences, i played along .call it even cheating or rather indulgence because i was not capitalising on their innocence .

In that awful month when extraordinary pressure was exerted upon me to give false perception on A .Kejriwal and on the Kharbode incident ,i think Vidat put his foot down and filled me with the strength to resist the vile designs and exploitation of sinister politicians to hoodwink my young viewers and show them the truth as it is ,how so ever unpalatable it may be and released me from his last wish.

 I showed the Anna fans that the person they are beguiled into thinking to be a honest activist viz A.Kejriwal is a ambitious and oppurtunistic politician like any other except that he cloaks himself very well in the attire of an activist and the rightist fans that for activism to fructify it has to take political shape and that one of their own viz Modi has successfully done it and is very proud of being a politician cum administrator and is very open about it and has received wide acceptance by the youth and others ,surprisingly in these days of widespread discontent and hatred against politicians amongst the youth!
I have also answered or rather dashed the hopes of  the leftist critics  that their great hope RGandhi by not taking the responsibilty of governanace in past 10 years and content with the image of  a political cum social worker cannot overnight don the mantle of  a doer/administrator and also expect people,overnight  to believe it..

I have created a new blog Sujataism2 for further  writings/blogging ofcourse it will definitely not have the sanctity of this blog.

The tree that i planted 12 years back on my first arrival and occupation of these flats at Tnagar , gave out a single pink flower in  first week of January 2014 .The last time it did was in December 2007 --January 2008 .Its very first and only blossom .


Blogger Zoë said...

I am sorry to hear that you will not be blogging anymore. I very much enjoyed following your blog.

March 3, 2014 at 12:34 PM  
Blogger K.C. Sujata said...

Dear zoe,
Thank you very much for following and enjoying my blog.
I have discontinued writing in this blog but haven't stopped blogging.
I am writing /blogging in another blog of mine by name Sujataism2
You are most welcome to visit ,read ,follow this new blog of mine.Your comments are also welcome.

March 8, 2014 at 9:42 PM  

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