Monday, January 6, 2014

Women's affairs.

Politico's and journo's donot hoodwink the national and inter national community by projecting me as the conscience keeper of the nation in general and women;s affairs in particular.

Frankly i am well past the age where one is swept away by emotions sought to be whipped up by the media in  women's issue and also not sufficiently interested rather to put it quite plainly am totally indifferent to the current wave upon wave of women's affairs that is projected as sweeping across archaic Bharat. To form an opinion in what is projected as emotive issue + as gross human rights violation i first need to read all the material that is available on these matters   to arrive at a conclusion.I neither have the interest nor the patience to do so.

That is i refuse to be swept away by emotions generated either with eye on political gains or for some human rights activists to score points by the cacophonous media without first thoroughly going through the facts of the matter at hand.

And kindly hackers ,do not co relate my activity --cursing etc on the address bar in the net or that which i have only saved and not published with any emotive news that is being spread thick by the nerve wracking  media.
 And all those  who have the audacious privelege  of listening in to my verbal rants specially those of which associated with politics -an domain i wasn't much interested all my life be rest assured that it  could be definetly be tweaked to suit any faction of any political party or any set of  journos idealogies.This also applies to my son's or husband's or those relatives  wise observations as against my deliberately stirred garrulousness.

Further  all those interested in maintaining me as a instrument of presurre tactics viz an tool for emotional blackmail i will desist  forcible [shadowy/pshychological]compliance to the maximum extent possible  even if it shows me in a bad light.


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