Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Image makeover

In pursuance of my abuses at my on line activity being fettered in the hacked ad bar ,in pursuance of instantaneous transference of this string of abuses to  far far off shores  viz us,in pursuance of the abrupt demitting of a ex judge ,in pursuance of my raising the banner of revolt [after realising only after 1 and half years] against being so callously used by all and sundry and political managers as pressure point to those in dilemma in national and international issues and writing it in my very public private diary, i very warmly welcome the two moves in the ruling camp the very next day.

The rushing of real  young sister to the aid of the brother thus reliving this unreal  sister[who is quite old and actually out of touch ]   of her burden to emote on young women's issues.
second the decision to hire an agency for image makeover at 300 crores!.I need no longer hopefully ascend or descend in emotional scales so as to stoke aggression  or stir compassion
Just how much did i cost?must be dirt cheap.

Suggestions borne out of experience.

1. Deploy an army of net users to find a blueblooded Aam aurat like me and then land this experienced troupe in her vicinity--shadily of course to maintain her unsullied public perception image  and make her regrugriate her views on all matters in constant regularity , with special emphasis on foreign policy .An abusive one would do a good job in ranting against irksome foreign powers.

2.Find a history buff ,preferably a loner with a stubborn streak in maintaining a blog on Hinduism and land a similar troupe in the vicinity of this person's house [such bloggers are dime a dozen ]and get  confessional rabid communal blogs periodically that would stymie the arch rivals camps secular overtures whose followers overwhelm the net.
Note ; ppts .you all landed on my house to teach me a lesson for swimming against the tide  .Now with the result in Delhi and anointment of the untouchable tell me who was actually  swimming against the tide?
note;Further with my contamination due to constant forcible contact with you all  i too have become more or less like you all --losing the grasp of things.

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