Friday, April 11, 2014

Submission of complaint toEC.

After listing my humilations in temples in a sudden fit of anger against my constant harrasers  and hoping to put some fear in yesserarafati and co--the burkha clad owner of upper floor who wears a spotted arabic looking  scarf like late yesser arafat,one of my tormentors ,as she has put irritation and fear  in me and taught me the efficacy of fear as a tool of control proceeded to fort to drop my complaint in tapal--post section of EC  and get my duty as a citizen  done with quickly.

A firece looking plainsclothes policewoman black as coal and reddish eyes accosted me at the gate and bombarded me with q's.why this? why that ? so on.I didn't  expect this since in my earlier visits to law section i was let in very easily .I was taken aback and my voice quivered a bit which melted her and she let me in .
Then another round of cops and yet again another round with important looking cars and orderlies parked around overawing me with their pomp and fearful trappings of i wasa made to run hither and thither to get a gate pass a woman was carried on a stretcher and loaded into a ambulance whilst  a man covered with boils all over his face passed by .Charlies signature he hasnt left . [hey what is this under linig above para another evidence for US /never give up or caricaturing me as a vvip,[ azhagu parkiradhu ] ?pitiable juvenille thrills.

My light saree swirled up in  a sudden gust of wind adding to my feeling of shame and  belittlement
Then suddenly like a douche of cold water  the memory of how i withstood the pressures of the most powerful man on earth came flooding over me and in an instant regained my composure .

Went up to ec office ,met only pa of ceo who said action will be taken ,if it so warranted in due courseof time viz15 days later.I said i have done my duty of bringing the violation of model code that of few parties specially cong and bjp having a undue advantage over other candidates owing to presence of camersa etc with immediate transference of middle class preception .The  entire opertaion is illeagal  and it could be comic for me to use that clause. well corrupt practises are always shady so how else can one tackle it?

Whilst crossing the dry moat on way back i couldnt help but marvel at the power of ruling party at centre,making every one dance to its tunes but at same time felt a dab of misplaced pity .When a fire dies out its last sparks are the brightest.
Came home to tv blaring news that sibal has filed a complaint against ec.  


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