Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The mysterious role of the opposition in the Andaman triangle.

I have this very strong feeling that the bjp delayed the release of its manifesto till 7 th of April so as to give pf/charlie/ KGB /cbi/ib/raw/nia/doc etc ,who is probably a govt servant to put the pshycological pressure upon me to cough out my views on the conservativeness of Indian society or publish the my middle class  preception on Sonia .G's mysterious illness , before the elections commenced to bail Sg out.

Then it would mean that the message doing the rounds in the net that the Delhi coterie of politicians are very thick with one another is correct. If not  they could have easily telephoned me or even called me in and brief me when i pass by their office nearly daily ,since i am a member of bjp.to warn me not to write anything in my international diary or blog any give away piece for one week viz 31.3.14.-7.1.14 ,if they really had the nations interest at heart , since by  that week Russia had already committed to accept the new clause in the nuclear reactors treaty and was waiting ,only for it to be inked.They kept quiet, allowing the pf and co to build the pressures in me.
What is more indigestible is that of Modi being a party to this decision .It would be even more shocking if it turned out that he may have also initiated this.Doesn't he often speak with conviction to all those young , innocent , trusting and aspiring youth thronging his election rallies that he would always put the nation first?
That week he had a chance to put in practise his statesman like dictum .All he needed to do was to ring me up [ through his pa etc] and caution me not to write.But neither he nor bjp did that.

If only those aspiring youths with stars in their eyes who have reposed so much trust in him and also the party he leads ever come to know of this ,i shudder at the thought of its effect on them .A vast band will lose its innocence and become cynics  overnight .
Further assuming that modi initiated and co operated , was he bought by the US  with a promise of visa for himself?Assuming even further ,Did he take a oath which reflected my actual  resolve in those days of intense pressure written in my international diary so as  to assuage his own guilty conscience or salvage his pride ?

In all probability the deal to secure visa for the supremo of the ruling party and possibly for  the prime ministerial candidate of the main opposition party was cemented in last September itself when summons were served on Sonia.g whilst she was  convalescing in a hospital in new york.Modi as well as his party colleagues are  after all  politicians who wouldn't want such a opportunity to slip by.If not why was such a furore created over an insignificant diplomat Devyani .k 's arrest [after putting such a big show in her defence now cbi is put on her!] by both Cong and bjp like churlishly boycotting US  delegation first by Meira kumar  the speaker of loksabha and then by modi in Nov-dec13.? And i was caught like a piece of rag between 2 dogs mouth and was  shaken violently.Thanks to that article in tuglaq .If not i would still be blundering around blindly .
Good thing that both didn't get the visa .

Poetic justice or my late son's gift to the politicians for trifling horrendously with his mother? -- written on

14.1 .14 7.30 pm.

contd on 15.4.14--6 am ---Did a section of bjp frown upon this delay [not due to any love for me . if they do like me , then fine] and a deal was struck within, that if i crumbled mid way Modi + libs will have their way of producing a manifesto that has only development and omitting controversies like Ram temple and 370 not the airline but the article in our constitution on jk?And if i didn't the conservatives will extract their price for  putting a nation's  interest and its party 's image on hold for the sake of honour of single woman and maybe a man also ?Which they did?

All this is pieced by following---
1.news on TV papers and my own experience of the pressure exerted on me deliberately by the doc/cop. or who ever he is,which made me extraordinarily alert and sensitive.

2.The way in which all of a sudden on 31.3.14 i suddenly decided that as i was a conservative Hindu woman i wouldn't respond to tapping's on my bathroom by strange men  etc to make me write or blog.Was this choice given to me sub consciously corresponding to deal within bjp ? And i decided on conservativeness not because of ideology but  as a important motivational factor to keep me angry and stay firm on my resolve  not to crumble to the extraordinary commands  nudging me to write and give a escape route to sg.

3. The crest fallen look on modi in the manifesto release day unlike his usual confident self and the dumb downing of his booming and clear voice and the absence of his politically close friend A.jaitely and beaming M. Joshi caught my attention                                                                                                                                                  have i by observing this established the liberal and secular credentials of modi?There is really some connection between me and modi and my international audiences.Some how i tend to raise his name and reputation without intending to do so.His luck .And he owes me a lot for this.
                                                                                   In fact i was filled with bitterness and anger when i realised /assumed that modi and co could be also be behind all this shady control and in keeping me at bay from  actual party participation but slobbering  slyily over my personal diary and making use of it to give themselves a modern and secular look!The limit! Obstructing me from writing my observations on hinduism when i find absolutely nothing wrong in expressing my views of the religion i am born into.Nor do i find it wrong in observing the basic 's underlying politics in here., And am i a 'secular politician' as is understood in here shaped by nehruvian influence out on a vote shopping spree , that i should not wear theistic beliefs on my sleeves  ?What i write about hinduism is not with any political motive or to gain some thing politically it is part of my nature to share willingly my mystical experiences.[but not my personal diary --for exploiting me non stop for 2 years i demand10 crores from cong and 8 crores from bjp , 2 crores each from admk and dmk, there are no free lunches that to all these who belong to billionares club]
If some one wants to gain political mileage out of it that is neither my responsibility nor do i have the authority to stop it all i can do and did  is  file useless complaints in police, ec and party hq's and it is for the affected parties concerned , to rein in thier politically active members or activists.If parties cannot rein in their members who are deriving huge benifits from the party 's coffer etc how can they hope to rein me in who is no way indebted to them?Hence,when fear and, shame as a tool of control is used i am naturally rebelling against it.Remember i am no ordinary house wife .i have a past .when the current worthies were toddlers my grand father m.a.iyengar and then my uncle and then my aunt have all faced state coercion for agitating for freedom and rights and that memory gives me the strength to carry on .plus what i am doing in my house is well within my rights it is those who are excersing control who are in the wrong side of law and morality and ethics.

Hence i often bounce back .I am a hindu and i have no guilty conscience about it.Nor am i politician that i have to hug and kiss every muslim, sc ,st ,christian ,slum dwellers and the dirt poor that i come across in my daily life.In fact it is seen to that i am kept away from politicians so that i should come across to international viewers as a  honest blogger so as to push their dishonest agendas.My dear international viewers very frankly speaking i wouldn't mind receiving a fat cheque from all these politicians who have used me under the garb of public servise, and buy a bigger flat in a better neighbourhood .

Did the conservative section of bjp really feel a tug at their hearts at the shabby treatment towards me --an Hindu Brahmin' woman who was and is cleverly isolated even from most immediate family and constantly harassed?If so i am  truly glad of their moral support --a silver lining .If not was i  mere pawn in the internal politics of that party?I hope  it is the former.

If all that i have stated above is true then Narayana has really blessed me with extraordinary intelligence and resilience to unravel the mystery specially of the Andaman triangle on my own  and stand my ground.
If placing me under the constant surveillance of a Muslim family --yesser Arafati[she has since changed her scarf ,probably fearing a exposure after my blogging it.If her tool of control is fear by making use of political support my tool of control is blogging   ] and co was an attempt made by Sonia.g at bizarre  communal integration like that weird rte,it has clearly boomeranged and this could affect the electorate 's security she so vehemently champions.

A house wife  with typical patronising views of a European commoner on a wild spending spree has drained the nations of its resources and now at the fag end has with her weird ideas , this crazy communal forcible integertaion  may have sown the seeds for upsetting the communal fabric of this country. Cut to the basics if this weird arrangement was s.g's brain child No self respecting Hindu would tolerate the ignominy of one of their woman suffer in the manner i am made to in their own country , for whatever reasons --political or communal.An situation like mine up north would surely have  caused riots  How costly she is to the party  as well as this nation! 

S.g addressed the nation yesterday speaking of dark forces of communal taking over.Her eyes puffed and face haggard and lacking the usual lustre . Was it an reaction  to my writing my diary about bjps delayed manifesto yesterday evening?Was it her guilty conscience that made her do so?Her role in the delay and its after effects?the adding of cultural nationalism?Her parting gift to the nation?As a citizen i have no problems with the cultural bits added to manifesto but she has or pretends to have for the sake of her minorities electorate but has facillitated it !
By trying to put me into a guilt trap over that Malaysian airliners watery grave these two towering netas , one a 'has been 'and the other 'a would be' have clearly got themselves into a guilt trap !

My transgience and selfishness will affect no one but theirs would , the fortunes of their party   and more importantly  that of this nation.

BJP could have also co operated in forcing a confession out of me owing to fear of China.Their spokepersons display deep anxiety whenever china's creeping expansion in and around india is brought to notice by the media.I was aware of this factor also in those crucial days of asymetric warfare of obama but when i came to know that  the nuclear deal was there for asking my resolve strenghened further since i felt an oppurtinity lke this was quite rare to come by and when bjp forms the govt next , scarcely a month and half away ,it can always strike deals[no .not through me] open handedly with US to contain china.

If chaiwallah takes up the reins of this country will he deliver a watery tasteless tea served in railway stations or a creamy and tasty tea served in  a decent hotel?Have to wait and watch.

Note:I am 100% sure that the release of election manifesto of bjp was delayed because  some one or even all in bjp wanted to bail out Sonia out of her entanglement in US  courts and allowed pf either a priavte practitioner or  belonging tosecret services to put the pessure upon me till the last minute .

My assumptions about deals within bjp are conjectures so is the one on  visa deal of modi..



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