Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Karma quickened --reaction to a article

Read an article on net--DNA in which the journo exhorts all people who take pride in the honour and prestige of their country should come together to bail out a very esteemed political leader of this country viz Sonia Gandhi who has been unwittingly caught in a archaic law in the US which allows its court to try any one accused of torture etc even  beyond its soil .And that US itself frowns on this law as it spoils its relations with other countries.
When i read this and glanced at his photo ,an middle aged man ,his innocence reminded me of the innocence of school going teen aged girls whom i often bump into in my daily walks.

It is this vulnerability that any hard nosed diplomat would love to exploit to his country's benefit.Can't the us repeal this law if it finds it actually finds it to be so  embarrassing?What is preventing it to do so?

Is he so naive to think that sovereign countries like US that is focused only on  the  advancement of its interest would melt and dissolve into tears at the fate of this hapless woman's [sg] honour and readily circumvent its archaic laws without any reciprocity?

It could be anything ,for instance India's vote in UN in line with its thinking, needs and aspirations which could be harmless and beneficial at times but also very harmful many a times to Indian's interests
In the manner in which i was the golden goose to politicians here for middle class perceptions, script and speech writing  or for those in dilema to take a decison for past two years due to my impossible position Sonia.g's  has become the golden goose to US to tweak Indian foreign affairs in its favour.due to her impossible position over there.

What goes up comes down.Can anyone interfere in workings of Karma?This cycle usually takes a long time but maybe even the Deva's , gods and nityasuris , Narayana and my late son ,the silent witness to the macabre dance of demonic forces over me ,made them breach their tolerance level quite quickly and hastened the cycle.

Written on 10.4.14  7.30 am blogged on 15.4.14



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