Monday, September 30, 2013

Dehathi aurat.

When i read the news on net on 28.9.13 that Pak PM had derisively called our pm ,who is currently in us and rearing to have talks with his pak counterpart ,as 'Dehathi Aurat' ,it left me with a sour feeling.Somehow i didn't relish this barb and couldn't stomach the rancid humour, where as if such an observation had been made by politicians or journo's in here it i would have greeted it with indifference  and may have enjoyed it, if it was a comment on blogs or articles.

When Modi mirrored my feelings in more depth at the mega rally at Delhi yesterday , by first calling the milling youngsters restless minds to total attention to what he was about to impart  with great seriousness, like  a conscientious teacher doing his bounden duty to his pupils and then related this piece of news and accompanied it by warning Nawab not to mess with our PM , the Pm of 1.2 billions , he was clearly sending the youthful minds the message that though he was in the receiving end of several slants from PM,the agencies he heads,Cong etc [so am i though the harassment in comparison is small but unlike modi i have neither political support nor that of family and friends, a lone battle and i ought to be rubbing my hands in glee but am not]it was all within the family and that when it comes to defending our country's honour against aliens ,such internal differences how ever serious it may be should be overlooked and the offensive aggressor suitably castigated.

PS.I have blogged this to show my disapproval of Pak PM 's coarse remarks on our elderlyPM overlooking my year long harrassment expecting nothing in return and with the knowledge that it is not going to stop soon enough.Why? India first?

written on 30.9.13 --9.30am

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Experiments with my emotions and the compulsive obssesion with its results.

I suffered indignities in the hands of a tailor whilst taking my measurements ,who is long known to me [, clearly acting under orders,yet ]which   made me fly into a rage on 25.9.13 and then wrote about it in my personal diary on 26.9.13 in the morning which is available for immediate  public viewing by all the bigwigs  so i am not going into the details.To be a successful politician or roaring journo or highly circulated newspaper one should not have  that normal feeling known as shame or feel even the tiniest prick of conscience and follow the policy 'all of yours is mine but mine is only for myself.
And then analysed its political angle and concluded that --'the presumption forming the basis of a long analysis is that shop has affiliations dmkand since that party is well known in here for anti Brahmini'sm and harassing Brahmin women as well  and that it couldn't have Cong affiliations since that party is known for its decency and moral standards in public life wouldn't stoop so low , but oops that was the image of that party in the past which by force of habit  i had forgotten and it could and must have changed now.'

Evening read news that youngsters in Cong were against ordinance.

27.9.13  noon was reading toi .How they had started the campaign against that ordinance overturning SC 'decision on criminals in politics and about how modi had  reffered to the deaths of jawans and the indifference of our pm to attend a banquet with pak pm in us.Today is malaya paksham ,a day one offers shradha to even strangers ,but whose death touches us .Those young soldiers in their 20's death for this country touched me .When i am fanned i reach for the remote dozen time as a day to read the barking news unlike in my earlier habit and desire to see only films or discovery etc.And so i did soon after lunch and lo behold the great news was  of the' protected species' raging in the press club over his own ordinance, was breaking! I made a connection with my reading that article in the  paper.
three things arise--

1. What i say or read at the height of my emotions fanned deliberately especially after a small prayer or puja acts as a trigger to some one very high up to come to a decision.This could be a incurable obsession [well hidden from public gaze]which is being exploited by a coterie to push for change and cleansing and re inventing the old old party .If so who is this coterie.
2. I could be deliberately set up  ie hound me on one hand and also make me aware of my indirect role in the policies of Cong party, in some of them and thus make me feel wanted and important and thus make me surrender not defect since no one is taking my membership of bjp seriously, at the lily white feet.

So why am i not doing so After all  i am born and bred amongst ghandhi topees at least in my formative years?

1. My self respect.I should be invited or at least asked to do so instead of being coerced.i suspect even bjp tried doing it but i joined it for different reasons mentioned in earlier blogs.The more i am hounded and treated as a sub human the more i am hardening.

2.Definitely if i fall on the feet i'll be kicked around even more furiously  for ideas by those who should be naturally possessed of  to lead  this country but seem to be lacking and by that very logic are unfit to rule. It is natural for any woman to  plump any day to be protected by a strong person with sound and good convictions than be burdened with the thankless and insipid job of protecting a highly protected persons

3. Since both Cong and bjp are hands and gloves in this indecent , illegal intrusion into my life it is meaningless to do so.Like i said the harassment and disrespect will not stop it will only be private and i wont even have the luxury to lighten my woes through this blog..

I suppose the gimmick of rubbishing the ordinance is a knee jerk reaction to the rally of clean Mr modi at Delhi [on 29 th]--the focal point of civil society movements that frightened the unclean political classes en mass 2  year back and also made them land at my flat. '

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Modi's reaction time to calamities is very quick whilst the govt's isn't.

eg.The instant tweet on the attack of Kenyan mall.

My very first reaction to his tweet,that i read on tv was, has he no other work but to react to calamitous happening , that to ,far beyond our shores.?

But as the magnitude of the  tragedy unfolded since then ,it showed how modi is quick to grasp human tragedy and react instantly whilst the govt twiddles its fingers ,boggled by vote bank politics---such as
1.It is a mall run by Israelis So Indian casualties must be overlooked if not it  may hurt Arab sentiments.

Thankfully modi has no such reservations and tends to see India first.

Poor Cong ,modi [ or his pro  agency as is being claimed by his opponents] is too smart and way ahead in grasping things, and is quick to respond.

written on 24.9.13  9 am


The politics. of uid

The direct cash transfer through for LPG gas supply through  uid caught my attention.

Pay full sum to the domestic gas supplier ie 1000 rs and by using the uid get a cash transfer of subsidy that govt gives  ie 500 rs into a bank account.The aim of such a roundabout way of touching the nose is avovwedly to  enlighten the citizens about subsidies and to weed out diversion of gas to commercial purposes.
I view it as a paternalistic attitude of the govt/party  in power .The mai bhap syndrome.To show the humble subjects the extent of loss the govt was willing to write off -- [  a measly 500] in return for which they have to be  extremly grateful and suitably beholden .

The length these politicians go to show case their benevolence is amazing.

First  force all the citizens [speaking from personal experience] to spend hours in poky and airless buildings  in the height of summer to get themselves to enrolled for uid.
Then make them visit banks for this meagre dole and thus be  prodded to be constantly reminded of the munificence of those at the helm.

Thank god the Supreme court has seen sense and has shot down the mandatory enrollment though on a different ground but even more serious ground that uid would legalise all[millions] illegal migrants .

A citizen would much rather pay the full amount of 1000 in toto than have his space and scant resources usurped by illegal migrants in an already over crowded country.

uid is nothing but a political tool .Publicity + vote bank.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Reinstatment and cut throat politics..

Revocation of suspension of Durga restores in its wake the dreams of young and idealistic i.a.s. officers rearing to serve the country and cleanse it off the dirt accumulated over the years .The grease and grime has become such a way of life that older generations have resigned to it but thankfully it is a eyesore and pricks many a younger one's .
Those who have pulled the strings from the sultanate[as  a oracle i know ] have done so rightly.---24.9.13 9am published

 The lines below written and published after realising  the cut throat politics being practised  by cong and henchmen on me ---24.9.13  7pm

Read news that the top of bjp is  not welcoming bsy in readily as it should if it is get  electoral beifits in shankara daily at 7 pm

Was i once again tricked ,programmed etc to write this so that bsy will not be taken in by bjp --and create more confusion at the top by  the' impeccable' ad ji and not so impeccable- co and  stall the chances of  bjp in karnataka?Have to hand out to the crooked brain that devised this ,come to think of it there must be a system in place hence  it must have been all in a day's work having honed such tricks to perfection for the last 50years whilst i sweated it out and spent sleepless nights.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Indo pak relations and Indian muslims.

Was watching an old interview of Modi on ndtv wherein shekar gupta asked a question that is still stuck in my mind.The q is' isn't good relations between  India and pak a necessity for Indian Muslims'?

The very first thought that came up in my mind was that the journo was unabashedly doubting the patriotism and insulting Muslims living in various parts of India by posing such a q.

On a ruminating over the controversial q i reasoned that since generally journo's and politicians have a finger on things ,maybe he had guaged the innermost and secret desire of every Muslim in India that they would feel more secure in muslim majority Pak than in Hindu India.Which means that he assumes that if indo pak realtions become good it would make it easy for any muslim wanting to migrate to Pak.As per his divination  there should be torrent of such migrations. Fine ,then will pak be willing to allow such a flow to swamp it?

What he is indirectly implying is that Muslims are not secure or comfortable in India and if given a chance they will all gladly leave this for the neighbouring one.Then why only to pak why not to e.pak--Bangladesh--another neighbouring muslim  majority country?.

Then why is the largest migration --illegal-- in the world as per toi is from Muslim bangaladesh to Hindu India.Why aren't they all moving to pak instead? Instead of from one safe muslim country to another they are all moving into 'insecure' India  .Will Pak allow all these millions of bangladeshis into their country if  a passage and gateway is arranged for all of them, if incredibly our politicians reform over a period of time ?

Now back to the bizarre q.May be the generation during and immediately  after the partition were enamoured of pak.But now in all probability mus, specially from south would rather migrate to Dubai or earn a living there than in pak just as Hindu would also prefer to earn in Dubhe or migrate to u.s rather to a very much Hindu neighbouring Nepal.
I don't think that indian muslims destiny is in any way connected with the relations between india and pak.It is in here. It is in impartial enforcement of law and in economic development just like it is for any other citizen of india.

written on



Certain parts of certain articles of certain journalists tend to provoke me .Why?Is it because they are not honest in their assessment of and in labelling certain entities or individuals or leaders?
The one in Hindu 21.9.13  regarding RSS by Vidya ,broadly tarnishing that organisation as conservative did that.
My understanding of rss was that it was an orgns promoting Hindu cause and wouldn't hesitate to retaliate in kind if provoked .Apart from that an fanatic and extremist image was  fed by papers that made me wary of them .

But  when on the eve of Ayodya verdict the much feared supposedly communal tension fuelling orgn's head came on TV requesting all to treat the impending decision ,which ever way it goes with equanimity was in total anti thesis of the image of a fanatic violent insti and leadership conjured up consistently by journo's and political leaders which i had accepted as gospel/vedic truth and it was unbelievable when the leader showed that he wasn't for stoking fires but for calming fears.Sri Mohan bhagwat went up greatly in my estimation.then and there .
Second isn't pledging one's body for medical purposes contrary to conservative Hindu or for that matter any religious belief?M. Bhagwat has done that precisely and has asked other members and followers to do so.I read it in Again this came as a shocker to me .I wouldn't do it neither would any conservative or even ordinary Hindu would . so this is another hole in the broad sweeping of people and orgns's as conservative by those  without actually interviewing them with a open mind and refusing to let go of views of opinion makers of distant past.

written on 21.9.13. 1.30 pm


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Rajni ji.

There was a news item that efforts are on to bring Rajni to the same stage as that of Modi in Trichi in this month end by Ponnar ji.[Nice and amusing that 'Ji 'is being affixed to Tamil politicins names as well]

A good move .Rajni is known for his deep spirituality [frequent retreats to Himalayas for meditation] as well as his conscientiousness[ returning money to distributors when  his film failed] His backing of  a known atheistic political party dmk in earlier polls is quite contrary to his real spiritual nature.

If Rajni ji joins hands with Modi ji ,it will definitely be a boost for BJP in Tamilnadu. 

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Were the clouds summoned?

The early morning sun sent dazzling silver beams that plated the saw dust coloured twigs in glowing gold and dropped shining pools of pearls of sun rays on  emerald like jewel of leaves of the sacred fig tree ,fluttering bashfully in the gentle strokes of the unseen wind.

From each string of these pearl encrusted leaves of emerald swung birds, chattering excitedly in a whirl of white and brown,as they flitted from one delicately dangling string of leaves to another,pecking furiously and gorging at great haste  ,at the tiny red fruits that seemed to have sprung up and ripened magically over night!

The mynas were stuffing themselves in a ravenous appetite and at   break neck speed that a indicated an deadline to be met, which was mystifying  .Definitely these seasonal figs were not the myna's only meal and the tree is not going to runaway that night.carrying away all its fruits.This excited feasting lasted but for  few hours and on the day next the revellers did not appear.A lone woodpecker and few timid squirrels scampered over the tree nibbling at the after overs of the partying
of,the day before.

That night dark storm clouds gathered and the next morn poured rain with such a  fury that the vigorous sheet of slants  dug up the sun hardened soil like a plough loosening the soil in preparation for sowing,.Then onwards the rain settled to  a gentle spray forming  rivulets and small ponds in spaces not covered by tar or cement.In few days the the dark clouds having emptying all its liquid contents turned white and fluffy.

The Arasamaram--fig tree, looked fetchingly fresh and breath taking as it absorbed the shower of golden rays of the early morning sun that was no longer eclipsed by rain bearing dark clouds.The enchanting  picture it presented ,the pearl encrusted emerald leaves strung in golden thread  bespoke of creativity.The thrill of creation , the absorption of which ,in those few golden moments moistened my eyes.

That flock of ravenous mynas were definitely a part of the cycle of regeneration and propagation of that fig tree.They had a brief period viz one and half days to feed , digest and then eject the indigestible seeds,before the rains came  cleaving the grounds or collecting in sand filled crevices of buildings ,enabling the seeds to germinate and carry forward the tree's  life cycle  .

Was the haste shown by the birds was because they knew instinctively that the rain was in the offing and the fruits so delicious to their palate had to be devoured before they were wahed away in the impending torrent of rain?Or was it that the tree was ready to propagate itself and had attracted the flock with its fruits and let  a day pass and then used its inherent holy power to summon the rains?

This question kept taxing me for a quite  awhile to be resolved today .The thrill of creation that each leaf individually as well as the tree as  a whole  that  emanated settled the issue.It is the tree--the sacred fig tree which is considered to be holy by Bhartwasis and worshipped as such since aeon's ,which has beckoned the rain bearing clouds to do its job and help carry forward its unending life cycle.

It is no wonder that the Bhagwad Gita whilst enumerating all divine glories of the supreme one say in the following sloka

'Aswatthah sarva vrikshanam'

meaning--Among all trees i am the holy fig tree.

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Fear of evil doing --an couplet from Thirukural.

Illan yedru theeyavai seiyarkku seiyyin
illanagum matrum peiyarthu...............205..Arathupaal.


Poverty is no excuse for improper and evil acts.If done the person concerned will remain poor unto seven births.

This is a suitable advise and warning to Maoists delivered by Valluvar the farseeing one,nearly 2000yers back!

An couplet from Thirukural.

Overcoming foes.

Kadhala khadalaariyamai uuikirpin
yedhila yedhilaar nool............................440--Porutpaal.  Politics.


Enjoy in private the things desired and got, if foes become aware of your desire  before ,they will block its fulfillment.

Application to my state of affairs.---This i precisely what is happening to me .Valluvar wrote his centuries back when there were no bugs, miniature cameras, salts and jaw momets [that is reading thoughts that unconsciously move the jaws] reading gadgets.Oh ! What wouldn't i give up for that age of innocence! The lack of science and development or rather putting into evil use such technological developments.
Amazing how human nature , that of very base nature the kind of which is exhibited in all its splendour in most of those in the business of ruling and managing people has not kept pace or match the strides of scientific development but has remained same  at the time Valluvar made this piece of observation maybe gone a notch or two lower , but sheathed in subtlety and ominous silence ,the thin veneer of sophistication barely concealing the base or rather basic instinct of 'self' first in the guise of public good!  

Thursday, September 12, 2013

A couplet from Thirukurral.

Not dishonouring person's of worth.

"Attruvarantraal ighazhamai potruvar
potralul yellam thalai."

            The best way for a person desirous of protecting himself is to accept without ignoring the skill of another , the ability to complete successfully ,any task undertaken.

Thirukurral is a ancient treatise in Tamil recommending the ethics that need to be followed by one and all in every day life.These  couplets in 100's were written by Thiruvalluvar nearly 2000 years back.Though small they are full of deep meanings and have stood the test of time.Due to the universality of the truths stated in each and every one of the couplets they are as capable of   guiding human affairs  even now as they were when first written,centuries ago !.

Reference for meanings is from' Thirukkural 'by Sri Ramadesikan.

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Thursday, September 5, 2013

33 crore deities.

Who are the mind boggling and humanely incalculable gods and deities that Hindu's are said to worship?
These gods/deities/devas are actually only 33 in number ,but are at the head of 1 crore devas.
This means that the following devas who are 33 in number have a following of 1 crore each.

The 33 devas are classified under 4 heads .They are as follows--

1.Adityas:They are 12 in number--Indra, Dhatha, Parjanyan, Dwashta, Pusa, Ariyama, Bhagan, Vivasvaan, Vishnu, Amsuman, Varuna and Mitra.

2. Uttaras: They are 11 in all --Mriguyathar, Niruthi, Sarpar, Anajagbhath, Naharaputhinya,Pinaki, Dhana, Ishwar, Kapali,  Stahnu and Bhagar.

3.Vasus:They are 8 in all .They are---Analan, Anilan, Abhachaivan, Soman, Tharan, Dhurupan,.Prathyusan and Prabhasa.

4. Aswins:They are twins .

The total is 33.

It stands to reason that worshipping and praying to seek blessings from any one of these devas or all of them would mean that one would be paying obeisance to all those crores of good atmas or devas over whom the 33 devas --the good and pure one's  preside and therefore the benefit accruing to one from such reverence is equally manifold and incalculable .

Reference is from 'nallayira divyaprabhandam 'by kamala kannan.

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