Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The politics. of uid

The direct cash transfer through for LPG gas supply through  uid caught my attention.

Pay full sum to the domestic gas supplier ie 1000 rs and by using the uid get a cash transfer of subsidy that govt gives  ie 500 rs into a bank account.The aim of such a roundabout way of touching the nose is avovwedly to  enlighten the citizens about subsidies and to weed out diversion of gas to commercial purposes.
I view it as a paternalistic attitude of the govt/party  in power .The mai bhap syndrome.To show the humble subjects the extent of loss the govt was willing to write off -- [  a measly 500] in return for which they have to be  extremly grateful and suitably beholden .

The length these politicians go to show case their benevolence is amazing.

First  force all the citizens [speaking from personal experience] to spend hours in poky and airless buildings  in the height of summer to get themselves to enrolled for uid.
Then make them visit banks for this meagre dole and thus be  prodded to be constantly reminded of the munificence of those at the helm.

Thank god the Supreme court has seen sense and has shot down the mandatory enrollment though on a different ground but even more serious ground that uid would legalise all[millions] illegal migrants .

A citizen would much rather pay the full amount of 1000 in toto than have his space and scant resources usurped by illegal migrants in an already over crowded country.

uid is nothing but a political tool .Publicity + vote bank.



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