Sunday, September 22, 2013


Certain parts of certain articles of certain journalists tend to provoke me .Why?Is it because they are not honest in their assessment of and in labelling certain entities or individuals or leaders?
The one in Hindu 21.9.13  regarding RSS by Vidya ,broadly tarnishing that organisation as conservative did that.
My understanding of rss was that it was an orgns promoting Hindu cause and wouldn't hesitate to retaliate in kind if provoked .Apart from that an fanatic and extremist image was  fed by papers that made me wary of them .

But  when on the eve of Ayodya verdict the much feared supposedly communal tension fuelling orgn's head came on TV requesting all to treat the impending decision ,which ever way it goes with equanimity was in total anti thesis of the image of a fanatic violent insti and leadership conjured up consistently by journo's and political leaders which i had accepted as gospel/vedic truth and it was unbelievable when the leader showed that he wasn't for stoking fires but for calming fears.Sri Mohan bhagwat went up greatly in my estimation.then and there .
Second isn't pledging one's body for medical purposes contrary to conservative Hindu or for that matter any religious belief?M. Bhagwat has done that precisely and has asked other members and followers to do so.I read it in Again this came as a shocker to me .I wouldn't do it neither would any conservative or even ordinary Hindu would . so this is another hole in the broad sweeping of people and orgns's as conservative by those  without actually interviewing them with a open mind and refusing to let go of views of opinion makers of distant past.

written on 21.9.13. 1.30 pm



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