Monday, August 19, 2013

'Hindu nationalist' an matter of conjunction.

Was watching the debate on 'Nationalism' by the usual intellectuals on TV[ndtv] late last night.

As usual each one presented their exalted high sounding views that was simply beyond my comprehension which is limited to viewing Nationalism as a feeling of oneness of all the people living within  or have the memory of living within well defined boundaries[ie after indep] with common culture, common aspirations, common urge to preserve and defend it against external aggression , common pride,common economic angst's,common vexations and irritations and common problems.
A famous lyricist and poet [javed] said pretty much the same though in a very contrived and complicated manner and took exception to modi using the term 'Hindu nationalist' to define himself ,as against a more acceptable sentence like 'Hindu and nationalist' since the former connoted ultra nationalism based on religion specially from one coming from a organisation which is viewed as such, courtsey msms .The precedent of using this conjunction 'and' was set by the current westernised cm of J&k in a emotional speech several years back ,defining himself --his religion[islam] and his commitment to this country and therefore such a phrase is naturally more acceptable to elite secularists.

Without disparaging Modi's linguistic abilities,vernacular or otherwise ,more so the former,or sound patronising, it is my observation and view that since he did not have the luxury of studying in oxford , Cambridge and so on nor in institutions that would teach the nuances of grammar ,he may not ,unlike those born with a silver spoon and sophisticated tongue , know the art of  tossing around words in English nor the mine field  of its hazardous interpretations, as those well versed in it know and do not hesitate to deploy their mastery over their vocabulary to nit pick and score one up on their rivals.`

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