Monday, August 12, 2013


Having the side effects of truth salts.nausea,body pain.water tasting bitter and smelling dirty my blurting out that Andra's shouldn't block t pati but go to telengana to agitate ,since i have planned the  annual visit to tpati the day next, when i felt emotional after the shradha of f-i-l remembering my son, to loud lamentations by the cook reg situation in t pati has any bearing on par tomorrow  ? refer to CIA manual on the application of' truth drugs in interrogation'w  available in the net  . specially the part that deals with salt that can be mixed with food ,hypnosis and emotions to elicit info--remember that KGB and co live and use the floor immediately over mine.
                                                 KGB and splitist ruling ppt's at the centre layoff your dirty tricks .Instead of picking my brains--[intellectual, political genius, big picturist,natural opponent but amiable  --all crap  tittles cold bloodedly crafted to make me appear as an emperor /empress with new clothes , there is simply nothing left in my intellect with this repeated  deceitful process conducted purely for political  and msn's[ only ,the pets] gains,making me parrot that which is needed and most of which[whilst some of which is natural ,is suitably twisted ,edited and interpreted as per exigencies]  is  pre planned and pre imposed to impress and depress the gullible ,there is simply nothing altruistic about it]Go find another fresher  for this game i have become quite an old hand and quite fused out.senile creeps and superstitious freaks ,and bleeding heart exploitative sadists just get lost. Isn't there any one to take hold of   these rakshas and show them the dharmic path?.      Rama! 11.8.13  4.30pm.


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