Saturday, July 20, 2013

Greetings to the sun.

The gulmohar tree that was spreading out tall and wide had effectively eclipsed  the happenings in the wide blue broad sky visible beyond my window .Since its felling recently the space beyond became ,glaringly visible.
Today  early in the morning around 5 am i chanced to see the first rays of the sun ,that was yet to rise ,as a thin silver ribbon ,tying a thick curtain of slate blue clouds .Down below the street was deserted .Nothing stirred .Neither human nor animal.
To get a better view of this daily celestial event that goes mainly unnoticed by me and  others as well ,  living in concrete jungles,i went up to the terrace  get a better view .
The thin ribbon of silver slowly turned brick red and spread on the eastern sky staining it rapidly in translucent red, as it expanded , stirring some very indefinable primeval feelings and inexlicable awe .That of the transistory nature of all life and that which awaits all, beyond the invisible but tangible border that has to be crossed one day or the other.

Though nothing stirred in the street below, the sky was throbbing with the excitement peculiar only to life., that of the leisurely but powerful flapping of wings of eagles in companionable twosomes , coasting seemingly casually.
It amazed me that these birds of prey were the first to greet and salute the dawn breaking through the night.Poetry's always refer to koels or the beautiful swans as the first amongst the birds to greet the sun .On reflection it makes sense that eagles who rely on their keen eyesight to swoop and snatch their preys down much,much below ,ought and are up there first,to greet the light that will illumine and line their lives.Their dependence on the sun is verily much more than the other birds.

Have the ancients of this country observed this deep devotion and obvious gratitude to the eternal celestial brilliant orb by the eagles as i do now and felicitated it with according it the sacred honour of being the vehicle of Vishnu--sarveswara   ?

Then came the parrots screeching in ecstasy with the sheer joy of living after a night of peaceful slumber .Their round green faces smiling in contentment ,deepening the natural rosy rouge of their beaks.

By now the slate blue clouds were licked by tongues of orange flames as the sun rose as a huge disc like a distant delicious cotton candy attractive and inviting one to savour its flavour and disappeared soon behind clouds that blushed in pleasing pink.

The presence of the sun in all its splendour triggered the whirling of a huge flock of pigeons that waltzed gracefully  first in clock wise circles and next in anti clock wise direction in a frenetic pace ,till such time, few minutes thence, becoming utterly exhausted as to make them drop down to their perches .A raven from a wall cawed and a koel sang from a tree top signalling  the end  of the ritual put up by the only life forms in this earth --birds that greet the dawn and rising sun with uninhibited joy and unparalleled gratitude.

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