Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Neo religion.

The curious phrase' Neo religion' and religious tourism keeps popping out of .on and off from a set of journo's, activists. articles etc,in a derogatory manner at the surge of masses , well fitted as well as  the ill fitted ,to temples of ancient fame all over Bharat.And it is increasingly seen as being one of the main causes of the recurring land slides in the recent rains at uttarakhand.That mother earth is unable to bear the burden of religious tourists trampling all over her in the quest of instant moksham!
These neo pseudo orthodox Brahmin's/manuwadis are behaving exactly in the manner in which a set of high caste  rich and  powerful classes behaved just a century back.That of shutting out the lower castes from their very private worship of gods common to all Hindu's, in pristine surroundings.
Now that the floodgates [temple gates] have been opened to all along with the easy availability of cheap modes of transportation ,it is natural that lakhs  are making up for the centuries of repression in great haste and break neck speed .Equally it would be unfair to blame them of being bereft of the knowledge that families who have been making these pilgrimages for centuries  such pilgrimages have,that these pilgrimages  were always considered to be fraught with dangers so much so that it was undertaken only by those  who had fulfilled all their responsibilities to their families and had prepared themselves for the ultimate.The sight of an tender 8 month old baby in a young couples arms  at kedarnath reveals the extent of the easy accessibility of this pilgrim centre without the corresponding awareness of the perils that await one in these high reaches of the Himalayas that have been  greatly and stealthily accentuated of late. 

Every one high or low wants a few drops of the elixir of instant salvation.What is wrong in this quest? The Hindu faith and belief.This is not a neo religious belief but a very very ancient belief and form of worship.This is the equality several social reformers agitated for in the past century .Its fruits are being seen now.

What is wrong is that the authorities in certain areas are still stuck in the past and are blind to new turn of events viz  increasing population  coupled with reasonable economic advancement and the un inhibited unleashing of the suppressed spiritual--religious fervour which has let loose what some scornfully term religious tourists all over bharat.

And why pray ,if ngo's from all over the world were given a free hand in  helping the victims of tsunami  in Tnadu and other places so much heat is being generated at offers of help [ be it may even be political]from within the country and is turned away disdainfully when every extra helping hand counts and all sorts of resources need to be pooled urgently in order to rescue and rehabilitate the hapless victims of the Himalayan tsunami ?.  

At which point of time did uttarakand detach or cede from India? Can some one shed light on this 'neo phenominon'?

PS.If anything that i have written hurts any of the survivors in any way i am sorry for the same.I blogged this  purely with the intention of  hoping to galvanise  help for all those caught unawares in the treacherous hilly terrain.


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