Thursday, June 20, 2013

Embrace the trees.

Hello ppt's, experts in skimming out politically advantageous cream and butter from the churning's of my rare ,sour and dour moods obtained from a combination in a little part ,of my natural disposition and in main parts from the constant prodding by foul means[drugs --truth serum +suggestions+ultra sounds that could quite scarr my psyche irreparably so that it may ' compel 'me (now ,now donot read an unnecessary political inner meaning to my letting out my spleen) to sit in dharna outside your and media houses posh doorsteps and shouting slogans[according to your sane selves --raving and rantings] against your gross interference into my rights and liberties to my hearts content much to your embarrassment], how come you unable to decipher in the true sense the irony of the real event of the Chipko leader's [poor soul ,the one in forefront of planting and protecting trees] ghareoed by  a deluge of soil,mud and flood waters hurtled freely ,without any hindrance ie not much trees and roots to fix it, at his house in uttarakand?

Are your decoding abilities confined only to politics?

It is a dejavu moment for me.There seem to be quite few these days.
Nearly 2 1/2  years back i was also stuck like all those 1000's stranded now at uttarakand,at Devaprayag,owing to landslides caused by heavy downpour , on our way to Badrinath and returned half way hoping to make in on another year.

The only difference is that natutre wasn't that furious and the ecology had not yet snapped the thin thread it was already hanging from and the causalities were much less.
Hope that in future pilgrimages to the two most sacred sites to Hindus -both saivaites and vaishnavaites -kedarnath and badrinath, DevBhoomi will stand steady, firm and lofty [not crumbling and loose] and bear their burden.

If minds that become hyper active and excessively alert to hidden perceptions in my run of the mill talks and writings ,has blanked out in decoding what i am saying ,it is this-- restore the sensitive ecology with whatever it takes and plant trees. More and more trees so that the sacred soil does not run off causing disaster but embraces Devbhoomi. 


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