Tuesday, June 11, 2013

An letter to Sri Advaniji.

As i write this the sun has risen as a dazzling jewel from the coral coloured early morning reddened eastern sky and is spreading its eons old life giving /assuring light and warmth  through the narrow gap in nearby sacre4d fig tree , the myriad leaves of which have spread in exuberant multitudes, are quietly soaking in this early morning radiance to further sanctity its age old sacredness and refresh it for the long day ahead.
Two black and white puppies are bounding around playfully with the total abandonment of the very young and the innocent .How care free and joyful is their life!

This is a frank and open letter to you dear sir, Sri Advaniji , prompted by your decision to quit so very many posts that were yours due to your long and hard slogging in the political arena  and thus  causing a lot of consternation in your sorry our party and unconcealed glee in the opposite party viz -Congress.

Frankly sir, for long you were to me like any other leader of other parties ,not of congress in origin, like Jyothibasu, somnath chatterjee, MGR , and social leaders like vinobabave and mohan bhagwat , and host of others to be venerated and not to be hero worshipped.
The only leader i ever worshipped by putting her on a pedestal was Smt Indira Gandhi. And that was way back in my teens, especially during the Bangla desh war.
sir i am from a family that is familiar only with congress and its  history and culture.My comfort level was in that circle.Every other current leaders ruling India as well as several star journo's have descended from my grand father's --M,A.Ayyengar.'s colleagues and friends who have all fought shoulder to shoulder in the freedom movement.And my fathers total commitment to communism as was  practised in india [he was communist party card holder] had made me wary of Janasangh that was often described disparagingly as a communal orgsn by him.
But as my wings grew and came of my own i realised the following--
1.That the Congress to which my grand dad belonged is o longer the same. In its quest to stay in power it has overtly pandered to minority denominations at the cost of National security --like in Assam

2. Whilst Congress leaders of yore stood for ideals which they were ready to uphold sacrificing self for dharmic advancement of the country and its institutions , of late for past few decades many of them are bent on sacrificing the nation for their own advancement and agendas..
3.Where as Sri Vajpayee of jansangh [ so a dreaded communalist in my eyes brain washed by commi thinking for most part of my life] /BJP epitomised the concept of Dharma that most rulers of ancient India adhered to when he relinquished his pm post without a second thought just because his majority in the house was short by a single vote! I wonder whether Congress at the same period would have let power slip by.Their actions for the past decade and more has shown that they would never what ever the cost may be.And that sickens me.

4. The principle idealogy of BJP party   which is nothing but your own baby, your brain child, are the principles that every normal right thinking Indian would subscribe to . And i find myself doing so , very naturally.

Since this a frank letter let me get to the bottom of it.I was shattered when i learnt in a indirect manner that you a highly respected person was the cause behind my very strange inqusition/interrogation, to find out about my views and force me into the political mainstream .All that you had to do was merely to ask me to do so.[if by any chance i Am wrong in my deductions regarding your role ,forgive me]

It made me boil with rage and humiliation and disbelief,How could a person espousing the cause of Hindu's treat a Hindu woman so shabbily?
It made me wonder often times whether the Congress tricked you into this making use of your insecurity borne of advancing age.
The congress tried after you left hard to woo me.But how could i go against my ideology? So i stuck on to my non partisan stand which i decided to end when it resulted in the death of innocent people ,by joining your party on 8.6.13.Hence this letter.

Dear sir what i am going to say will be highly unpalatable and bitter to you .To all those outside your party you are a man of very advanced years[even though i personally am in awe of your energy levels that far outbeats me though i am 30 year younger than you].However the young and the restless in India want some one with vigour, enthusiasm at par with theirs to lead them .To them Sri Modi who exudes strength and is full of confidence and has a very clean image is the leader who they are looking upto to give them jobs as well as peace security. The other alternative -Rahul  evokes only protective feelings amongst women and impatience and derision amongst the youth.

sir Modi may or may not win.I have no idea about electoral calculus but since your  sorry our party had decided that he is the best bet and sir if you could swallow the ignomy you feel the way i have swallowed mine and carry on with the tide , maybe just maybe the power that you always wanted to put your and bjp's  ideals to work  would be in your grasp in near future. In all probability a mere hand breath away.

I can gather from the fact in the manner which all the top leaders  are flocking to your house ,shocked by your decision to quit that you are held in very very high esteem within the party  .Due to age factor [ though you may like sri ramanuja live upto 120 year s, full of vigour] and churning's in the polity, society and economyand the country teeming with  with swathes of youngsters you could be perceived as one who is not upto the rigours of governance how ever spiritually, emotionally and psychologically your august presence is very essential for the continuity and the fructufiaction of the ideals on which you formed the party.

By moving away you could play neatly into the smirking hands of Congress who would love this rift and would play it to its hilt to its advantage.

For the sake of the country you love so much  dear sir take up the responsibilities you have relinquished in a sudden move , and also   save me from the curses of an elderly and sincere man's hurt feelings [yours] as i enter your party.

Thanking you ,
   from a recently joined member of bjp


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