Sunday, May 19, 2013

Cooling effect.

The rapidly rising sun dispersing its summer special scalding rays ,to peak at noon was muted though giving indication of its fury it would display as the day progressed , was tempered by early morning breeze that gently touched the leaves of the arasamaram/peepul and absorbed its sacredness and early morning dewy freshness and spread it all around with unselfish magnanimity as i sit and write this observation on the recent happenings , the mellifluous and clear diction of the Tn  CM in the floor of the assembly that wafted over the  percinits  [ and tv] with a cool fragrance.

There is nothing half hearted in the Cm's initiative in ploughing back the offerings of devotees coupled with some assistance from the state-maybe, in refurbishing 1000's of temples across the state .
This coupled with enormous welfare measures for all and in particular to women recognises the fact that spiritual needs of the populace is as much important as the material well being.

The development schemes given in the ads in papers finds itself relegated to a small corner, a drizzle , eclipsed by the heavy down pour of welfare schemes.
Yet it is there and that matters greatly to the energetic and ever growing tsunami of youth population waiting impatiently and restlessly to carve out a future for themselves .
These job opportunities would hopefully gain momentum in succeeding seasons and come down as a heavy down pour. 

written on 17.5 13  6.30 am in a note book and blogged on 20 th May.


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