Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Caged parrot?

I am writing this with a feeling of dejavu since it was exactly an year to date May 9 th 2012 [it could have been exactly on 8 th itself if i was not prevented from publishing the post in all probability by the caged parrot] that i blogged about the misuse of cbi  by politicians at the height of the merciless cloak and dagger inquisition, innovated to suit modern times that i  was subject to for a considerable period of time.

i called cbi as, see =C ,know=be=B , nod=aye = I.The honourable and wise judges of the supreme court have described them in the similar vein but in more poetic manner, today .

It is my very humble submission that the lordships have been a bit too magnanimous in romantising the premier orgns nature by equating them with the docility and pleasant allure of parrots with their adorable lisping and mimicking .It would be apt and rather more fitting to describe them as  trained falcons let loose on and off to chase, corner and close on the prey with a shrill cry of exultation  ,to feed the insatiable and  powerful appetite of their political masters.

How ever the honourable judges of the supreme court have my sympathies .I have been there before[still am] and know how it feels to be shortchanged by politicos and co in  a cavalier  manner ,actively abetted by their pets--caged parrot /trained falcons in warding off the threat to their power,and i am only a very ordinary citizen an unknown Indian whilst the judges of SC sit on top of one of the most powerful  and independant arms of the trinity of state power as is envisaged by our constitution viz --judiciary.


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