Saturday, April 6, 2013

A maiden repartee on MSm.

It was a verbose presentation by the charming prince at a tid for tat competitiveness for the  race  for the chalice of poison or the kumbh of  amrit for the service of the motherland as per one's look out in a fledgling [ compared to UK that is nearly 800 yearsold!] and  evolving democracy.

I am rubbing my hands in gleeful anticipation of some more of such presentations and debates in the future.It is bound to get hotter and therefore more interesting to armchair analysts and  inspiring  to youngsters.

It at first seemed like garble but a patient hearing of what RG was trying to convey one could make out that what lay close to his heart was participatory democracy,like that advocated by Anna and co .Nothing wrong only that it was odd that being the 2 nd most powerful person in this country for a decade or so  that he should be wringing his hands in utter helplessness to put his ideas into action .

The speech was at one instant  was  politically divisive with the harping on the special care that need to be extended to minorities, dalits and others.Aren't thay part and parcel of what makes this country whole enjoying equal rights and duties?

The drama regarding China was enjoyable.The veiled reference to Kalki avtar in the usual uppity pseudo secular manner could have been given the slip.

PS. the  shameless oligarchs have already  read and digested this as i wrote it at 7 pm on 5.4.13 as and when it was distilled and chisiled out of me by employing the dirtiest tricks possible with help of technology, manpower, wealth and merciless onslaught of brain washing techniques on me ,family and arm twisting of others connected to me  .this is for others if they are allowed to read and not a part of the hallowed coterie.[ and we call this democracy? joke]


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