Saturday, March 23, 2013

An letter to upholdetrs of Democratic Republic of India.

To politicians and journalists of democratic  republic of  India
                            Why are the hidden cameras and bugs still in my house? Under what law and Act? How dare you all authorise some one to peep into my bedroom . living and bathroom whilst i undress , bathe in my house or even elsewhere [hotels ] or peer over what i write and dispatch it immediately to politicos and journos?Why should all the electrical and Internet  connections of my house be tampered with and put under the total control  of the pale face who ever he is, living right on top of my flat?  If this is not KGB brain washing tactics and squashing of individuals identity then what is it  ?It started purportedly as a treatment but was actually two in one an harsh interrogation done slyly and shadily and scare me off .If intentions to cure me was really honest and the only aim  then why wasn't my immediate family approached? Are my husband and son and all others in my family a bunch of  nuts too?If so where is the court order?Show it. If hearts bled for the future neta it could have been as simple as admitting me in a clinic and cured  me  of what ever i am supposed to be suffering from ,in matter of few days  flat with right medicines instead of all this rigmoral.The very nature of this highly' humane' intervention ' done clandestinely and is continuing as such smacks of a well concealed conspiracy in furtherence of  pshychological exploitation and control to the benifit of politicians and media.

If i am such an  ace political  expert then how come no politician approached me directly to ascertain my views or that of my family's on the matter?Are all politicians and journalists such fools to fear my so called affliction or is it a whole hearted [by all the beneficiaries concerned ]a pogrom to make  a fool out of me and present me as such?Even if all trust the diagnosis the 'fear , contempt and distrust' one  naturally feels for a mentally ill person  is sure to be there making me as  'unreliable and inconsistent'[the 2 characteristics which i do not deny myself] , an liability,as i was regarded  from the start of all this as even when i am pronounced  sane as and when  the so called 'expert' deems fit.. So why continue with this charade ? The only explanation is that it is purely  an exploitation , an mining into my mental resources , capitalising on my imagination freely  at the expense or connivance of the state or maybe a recompense , an re reimbursement for the forcible, unethical and illegal 'treatment'.Another shady scam.

  Or if i am incurable extremist ,an ideologue inspiring or pandering the communal right,a threat to the nation then jail me openly or wash your hands off me [as per the political perspective ] instead of all this non stop ,continuing, childish hide and seek games .


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