Friday, April 12, 2013

Heavy dose.

All of a sudden the unmentionable ,unseeable and unhearable's visage and views were plastered all over the TV channels,whose cutting, sniping and ostracising tactics are honed to such perfection that it would put the Reid technique and khap panchayats to shame.

This was  a heavy dose .The exhausting exposure of the rustic on the turf of the unbreachable cosy club of sophisticates does raise one's eyebrows and furrows one's forehead seeking the lurking motives behind this sudden dawn of enlightenment.
The tough gent's views on governance supported by his deep thoughts put into action expressed in a simple and humorous way was  that a govt should be like a good parent , providing all amenities and security to a child but allow it to grow freely as per its abilities and inclinations .Neither, indifferent nor overbearing, patronising and domineering .A voluntary relinquishment of control to facilitate the development of individual's personality to its hilt viz--self reliance,self respect and confidence .A liberal outlook.

Had a good laugh at the question posed to the govt whether tigers were secular and lions communal so as the latter was  to be in receving end of a miserly tight fist.

However comparing the lethargic serpentine movement of the files in offices to chardham pilgrimages is in variance to the strong hindutva image woven around his persona. That derisive comparison is typical of pseudo secular's.
In a odd congruence, whether a politician is a pseudo secular or pseudo Hindu it is Hindu beliefs that come in handy to make and score points in jocular fashion in public platforms and despite themselves the audience laps it up!.
When i wrote about 'pappu' i had to suffer the stench of a dead rat that all of a sudden found it fit to expire in the unreachable depths of my washing machine, for 2 whole days, the mechanics elusive and unavailable. A show of 'power'ful disapproval.

Subsequently when i had a good laugh at the net name 'feku' ,received  blistering looks   in the house for daring to do so at the  doer backed by statistics.

I was made to realise that i was no longer young and eager to strike out  with hero's to look up to and  worship ,but old and fit only to analyse and weigh.


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