Saturday, April 20, 2013

The debate on secularism......comment

The debate on what constitutes secularism has taken an earnest turn with journo's doing a lot of frank introspection , touching on topics that have been so far a taboo due to decades long fears of snapping the avowedly  slender thread of communal balance ,that has been so very punctiously cultivated over several decades by the media.
Politicians do not care  . It is only the so called conscience keepers writing saccharine coated articles ,who refuse to delve deeper and face that which actually ,is.It is generally what ought to be.

This is a comment of a journo's article in first post regarding his views on secularism .
Found most of his views , broadly agreeable but some points kept needling and  me hence this post and one in particular viz that of slicing off 20 % of population that of SC and st from that of Hindu population to arrive at his point that it is not 80 but 0nly 50 %!.

Isn't the author perpetuating the same atrocity of our ancestors by keeping that segment of population [those who did not convert]away from  the undeniable main civilisation and religion of this land that is accused of [rightly] keeping them away as outcasts,for long?I thought we had moved on and that freedom fighters , social reformers and the constitution saw to that , such dehumanising differences do not, cannot and shouldn't exist.

And why is it proclaimed that Tamilnadu is also out of bounds of Hinduism owing to the domination of dravidianism?Such atheistic, anti brahminical and pseudo secular views are those of few ,in politics and not amongst the populace.Though antipathy to  Brahmins has percolated widely ,anti Brahmanism is not equal to anti or non Hinduism.Yet paradoxically a Brahmin's services are still in demand from the lowliest to the highest--monetary as well as caste wise .And every street has a temple of Amman[shakthi] or Ganesh or Hanuman under the sacred fig tree-arasamaram and the deities taken care of ,by  priests---both brahmin and non brahmins, with sincere devotion.

At his conclusion his convoluted reasoning for the efficacy of secularism ,a warning of sort to right wing is sure to create insecurity and strengthen the urge to consolidate.



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