Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tingle in telengana tangle.

Electoral benefits were not reaped by the application of my written anecdotal narration by waiving the loans of weavers up there[UP] .What is the guarantee that it would do so now by supplanting this blatantly Hindu oracles verbal rants against sibling theorists with reg to Pak and letting Maoists run freely [ diatribe induced artificially in perfect stealth but with techniques altered after my exposure of people's cooker,so unable to figure it,except for the aroma bit and combat it  with the connivance of a seriesof mournful events ,so very handy to those skilled -kgb and co, in exploiting my misery to their  -ppts and co ,advantage that failed in the earlier attempt .to be precise on 26 th July but was spot on ,on the D day --30 .7.13 which could have persuaded the sceptics and the superstitious to snap up a decision and clinch the bifurcation deal hastened by the threat of the imminent arrival of the only combatant looming large--modi to the state soon] would do so now down here [AP]?

Further the undying obsession [attraction cum aversion  which = eccentricity of sorts] of the prince/princess [queen if you please] and some courtiers ,with the peculiarities[of which i am not ashamed of, like as if every one around is a saint,god knows how many skeletons will tumble out of each and every one's cupboards,whether one is a  ordinary or an extraordinary citizen if they were all examined constantly with a magnifying glass as is being done with i refuse to be blackmailed by this moral policing .It is for those who are deriving constant  titillation from watching me covertly who have to be on guard for not getting obsessively addicted to it and me ]   of a pauperess [me --comparatively] has simply no parallels in history [only in fiction] is astonishing as well as queer , indigestible and exhausting.Why me ? out of 1.2 billions?

There is a sloka in Gita in the 10 th chapter describing the divine glories ,which is quite peculiar since it runs contrary to all that which is regarded as good and sublime qualities one normally associates with the supreme being --
Dyutam chalayatam asmi----36
meaning---'I am the dicing of the deceitful'.

Here is my take' Is it the fire's fault that moths are attracted to it'?

If this piece of writing after an virtually sleep less night after that rant last after noon  is the result of careful manipulation to show me as appallingly delusional to all those right wingers influenced by my writings ,then there is also an apt sloka once again from the Gita  from the same chapter justifying the deafening silence all around me with this regard

it is as folows ---Maunam caivasmi guhyam

meaning:  'I am the silence in the arts of secrecy '.

I suppose it is  Sri Krishna the supreme being who is also perceived in certain extraordinary deviance's and stealth as that sloka makes clear has the power as of now to untangle me from this sticky web.

It could also be two in one.

Who would have thought just a couple of years back that my very personal life would get so entangled in the public life of top politicians of this country? From being a mere onlooker i have been caught in the middle of the clash /tug of war of the titans[sg and co vs modi and co] and in the process am being squeezed dry .At times the pressure is so much that i simply want to crawl to safety under my cot and stay put there. .How can that be ? Life has to go on .Rama! One day or the other i 'll be freed /rescued from this ensnarement  ,till such time i have to look out for myself,so for the moment I'll indulge in retail therapy----a bout of shopping to regain myself and restore my tissues.
written on 31.7.13   8 am wednesday


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