Friday, August 16, 2013

comment on- In search of modern hindu

This is a comment on that part [this doesnt mean that i agree with the other parts,only i haven't the patience and time to rebut them]of an article by a flamboyant anchoress who of her own admission is a 'practising hindu' [just what does that mean?]about what Hinduism says about family and on her angst about patriarchal attitudes entrenched in the religion especially with regard to non admission of women in sabarimala.

Hinduism stresses on the continuation of the basic unit of society---'family' by laying down the injunction that rituals that distinguishes this religion, which are to be performed by a householder in every stage of his life requires his wife to be at his side at all times , in fact initiate the hommam--havan  by lighting the sacrificial fire.Without her a Hindu cannot perform the rituals  .This emphasis show the importance of marriage.Further the funeral pyre can be lit only by a son .These two very basic requirements[enough for our purposes] apart from several others is clear proof of the high status accorded to 'Family' in Hinduism.

On the gender issue --.if highly educated women pursuing highly taxing professions that takes them on public sphere , deftly correct their slipping pallu in full public glare at regular intervals [instead of pinning it and forgetting it] thus drawing attention with similar regularity to their femininity ,sending subliminal message to panelists, viewers, voters etc that ' though i am equally or even more qualified than you men to talk on matters that is usually your domain , pardon me if i exceed the Lakshman rekha , by voicing them with conviction so please  don't show your ire over this as you would do with a man , you see after all i am a woman and i hurt there'.
The message is 'I recognise this to be male dominated society and i willingly submit to this concept'.Thus seeking concessions on basis of gender and not as a person or a individual .

Her in lies the answer to non admission of women in certain male bastions.Then less said about ordinary uneducated, economically dependant women's rights by such half hearted apologetic torch bearers of women's rights the better.

17.8.13   10 am.saturday.


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