Thursday, August 15, 2013

Wish and hope.

A draft of chilly wind brushed my shoulders reviving the freshening of the senses , an comforting earthly feeling as isat on the terrace that had a clear view of the tirumala temple and the exact place where Srinivasar is enshrined , meditating and reciting slokas in praise of the supreme being.early in the morning.

The chirping of a tiny bird in all probabiliy one f that flock of birds that had danced in crazy exhilaration ,in perfectly synchronised circles yesterday evening over the place[just outside the temple] where the processional deity of Srinivasa and his consorts were lodged ,on a gently swaying swing in a mandap lit by one thousand oil lamps , in step with the acomppaniment of vedic chantsand bhakthi songs , like as if on a signal unmindful of the huge congregation of devotees ,reminding me of the belief of Sri vaishnavas once again that the deity of the sacred 7 hills is visited by nitya suris everyday to pay their obeisance to their master in deified form, the eternal blissful lord of the universe ,from their usual residence at vaikuntum where they are said to be for ever at service of Narayana, free from all earthly contamination's , mainly the insurmountable lure of the senses .The bells chiming at the temple and the gently re assuring rustle of the leaves of nearby arasamaram --sacred fig tree as the wind bounced off each one of them , the multitude  echos of which, synchronised to form the symphony ,brought an element of peace  and calmed the hankerings  and the restlessness wrought in their relentless pursuit.What a moment! Is this the definition of spiritualism?Were those few seconds an small trailer to the breath taking breadth of eternal calm that awaits one?  

As i looked at the  vimanum glistening in golden splendour, it seemed to be radiating very silently but very emphatically the essence of gita.That the moment i was luxuriating in was due to my senses .How can this be spiritual? The gentle touch of the cool breeze and the sweet chirping of that tiny bird were all pleasurable 'feelings ' even if it is a unique oasis in the arid desert of life.The one who is enshrined there is beyond the senses , its dualities and as gita tells us has transcended it and is therefore always unperturbed and free and thereby holds the hope for each one of us to acquire , if not the same at least ,near about equanimity.

Easily said than done Very, very few can reach such a state.

Were those birds flying in exhilaration and in gratitude over srinivasar 's image  yesterday evening such souls, the mukhta's ,who are said to have the power to assume any form and shape as they will as per srivaishnavaites faith? 
It is my fond hope that they were the mukhtas ,with a wishful thinking that one  in that sacred flock is also the one who had brightened my life and lightened its burdens and has successfully overthrown the shackles of this worldly life and has gone beyond pain and pleasure and has become absorbed in that infinite and eternal bliss .
A mother's fond hope.--------14.8.13     8 am 

photo.Srinvasa temple at tirumalai 

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