Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The hanging ....from my diary....21.11.12.

Kasab was hanged today at 7.30.AM, quietly!Sri Pranab took the decision on 8 th nov according to ndtv.
Something made me check my writings and my diary .On 7th Nov  i had written in my diary that youngsters are still furious at the carnage in Bombay on 2008.

Did my observation hasten Congress to decide swiftly on the matter of Kasab's execution?

Oh i feel sick. My stomach is churning and i want to vomit.

Later in the evening ,on going through articles in Niti on the net regarding the sequence of dates leading to this final end i felt relieved to know that the decision was taken on 5 th Nov .But my relief was short lived .On checking my blogs found a piece written in all innocence about 'religion' on 2nd Nov that can also be suggestive for those scrutinising it for nefarious political gains .Nausea took over me once again.

Have to console myself that i didn't  decide only observed.It could be  co incidental or could also be a trigger to take a decision on this 'sticky issue' by the  Congress  from its[the minority loving party]point of view.

I wish it was   only purely co incidental .May be in my teens my blood would have boiled at the outrage to our country as it does in my son's and in his age group ,but with so many decades behind me and my own tragedy my intense emotions have mellowed.

I feel much better after writing this though i know it is being scanned skimmed and scooted by shameless politico's and journo's.

More importantly what is more scary and nauseating is that my observations , if at all was a trigger to act, has so much political weight,that ruthless politicians coolly capitalise!

Dirty Kasab has shed a lot of blood but i do not want his blood or any one's blood on my hands.This is what is troubling me.



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