Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A lot in a name.

Whenever some one refers to India as Hindustan it irritates me and leaves a bitter aftertaste that drags on till other events in the normal course of the day submerge and dissolve this irritant.

This nomenclature ascribed to our country gives  an communal colouring  to the people inhabiting this ancient and sacred land .It compartmentalises the long and glorious history and traditions of this country into two rigid halves ,one,  that of before and the other, after the series of  invasions in medieval India.

And when this name emanates from persons in position of leadership it appears to be derogatory of the religion and way of life practised by a vast section of this country betraying a deep complex either of superiority or inferiority  as per the political shade of thinking ,may be.

The former emanates from a sense of denial as it is and harking back to political glory that in reality is no longer its, and the pathetic as well as calculated attempts to assuage those in minority that Hindu'stan' , Paki'stan' , and Afghani'stan' are all one and the same. All siblings squabbling over ancestral property!

To the latter shade , it is the outcome of the repeated brainwashing  of the series of beatings taken from invaders who were with a aggressive view of life and unquestionable faith in the efficacy of that view that made them treat others that is to say here at Bharatvarsh , not subscibing to such strong and stubborn beliefs, as inherently weak and  therefore disgusting  ,.The long rule of such thinking spanning several centuries till Independence a few decades back ,has created this collective Stockholm syndrome.

Thankfully the current generation of youth do not carry this depressing baggage of those dark ages.

Bharat is what I'd like to call India. And when i savour that name i see the brilliance of the light of a thousand suns flooding and smell the gentle fragrance of sandal paste and see hundreds of caparisoned elephants shaking their heads playfully,and  experience the satisfying feeling of wholesomeness on  seeing grains falling down as  gushing glittering pieces of gold from the sieve of farmers and feel the spontaneous energy of flocks of birds as they take of on a flight and circle overhead and am virtually transported to the sanctum of a ancient temple that is suffused with the delicate garland of pearly light of oil lamps and inhale to every fibre of my being the aroma of  ground  and powdered turmeric and kumkum.


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