Sunday, October 21, 2012


I skirted around a group of youngsters to have a closer look at  the old woman  curled up in the walk way ,as it had grown dark, more quickly than is the normal owing to  clouds massed heavily over the skies that opens at intervals to let out its needle like sharp , the acupuncture variety, that is  at the same time soothing and  piercing , shafts, on and of f in heavy instalments , that had me as well as several others to crowd for shelter under the only cover available , in the park, a plastic dome.over a strip of the footpath.

The woman pulled her cheap cotton saree to cover her exposed toes that made me wonder at my fate at her age.Would i be ignored and abandoned as most old people are like this in a foot path or would it be in a comfortable bed?The latter, if at all ,is most likely .,what  ever be the nature of the surface to hold a tired and spent body , the abandonment is the same.One being public and the other private.

It was precisely at this moment my  purse must have been picked.I didn't know it then , only after i trudged down the slippery roads warding off blinding headlights of vehicles and successfully reached my flat and.
fishing into the bag for the keys to be let in i came a cropper [ to use youngsters slang]

The 3 hours, till mister  who doesn't carry a mobile came home with his key had to be whiled away . Neighbours are plenty,but their houses are as cramped as mine,so preferred the open spaces of the terrace.

So long, since i was with the elements for so long!The huge clouds came together and parted away on and off exposing bright stars and constelllations and then eclipsing them in heavy deluge.

What a speck i am and this speck is being picked upon by other specks to keep this heck of a speck in check!

My resentment gradually  turned to contentment .My discomfiture was giving cheap thrills to some one, let it be.In the process i got  better of the bargain ,to view the majesty of the monsoons in all its raw splendour out there in the open. 


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